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Trackside with Erik and Mike, Vol. 11: July 12, 2004

  • photo 1 is under-exposed
  • A hard choice but I voted for number 2 because I found no. 1 to be a little too underexposed. Also I like the swayback effect which shows up better in no. 2 and which tells me something about the terrain over which the train is operating.
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by gannbb1

    Sorry guys, I didn't vote. You can do better than this. While the photo is a pretty good railfan photo, there is only one photo. Looks like a pro photog bracketing his shots.

    For you younger guys that means taking the same shot two or three times with the exposure varied a couple of stops. gannbb1

    No, there are two photos taken by two different people (Mike and myself) at the same time. That's the fascinating thing about this column (to me, anyway)... Mike and I, using the same camera with very similar lenses, can come back with such varied results. That's the beauty of photography, I guess.

    Would you rather see two completely different photos used for the voting? We're always open to suggestions.

    Erik Bergstrom
  • I liked picture number 2. Seeing that train working uphill would have made it a great day to be "chasing" trains.

  • Would you rather see two completely different photos used for the voting? We're always open to suggestions.


    That depends on what exactly you guys are looking for in the voting. If you are looking to see who operates the camera better, then I would go with two photos that are about the same, much like this week. If you are looking to see who is the better photographer then I would go with completely different pics.

    BTW: I voted for number 2, never been a big fan of dark photos.
  • I agree with some the other viewers that #1 had better detail but with some dark gloominess.[banghead]

    Went with #2 looked brighter.
    "There is nothing in life that compares with running a locomotive at 80-plus mph with the windows open, the traction motors screaming, the air horns fighting the rush of incoming air to make any sound at all, automobiles on adjacent highways trying and failing to catch up with you, and the unmistakable presence of raw power. You ride with fear in the pit of your stomach knowing you do not really have control of this beast." - D.C. Battle [Trains 10/2002 issue, p74.]
  • I liked the darker image on #1, it gives a heavier look to the load, but the composition in #2 was better, so it gets the nod. You also get a heavier look in #2 as the cars seem to "sag" under the weight.
  • Pic #1 while a bit dark on the front of the engine is better composed with the freight car on the left edge. When I first looked at pic #2 my eyes were right away drawn to the emptiness of the left side of the pic. Pic #2 has too much of the distracting bushes and grass on the right side. Pic #1 also is positiioned so the train looks big and powerfull while pic #2 lacks that strength in the feeling you get looking at the train.

    Scott Brown
    Atlantic Coast S Gaugers
    Washington & Old Dominion Division
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by Bergie

    QUOTE: Originally posted by gannbb1

    Sorry guys, I didn't vote. You can do better than this. While the photo is a pretty good railfan photo, there is only one photo. Looks like a pro photog bracketing his shots.

    For you younger guys that means taking the same shot two or three times with the exposure varied a couple of stops. gannbb1

    No, there are two photos taken by two different people (Mike and myself) at the same time. That's the fascinating thing about this column (to me, anyway)... Mike and I, using the same camera with very similar lenses, can come back with such varied results. That's the beauty of photography, I guess.

    Would you rather see two completely different photos used for the voting? We're always open to suggestions.

  • QUOTE: Originally posted by Bergie

    QUOTE: Originally posted by gannbb1

    Sorry guys, I didn't vote. You can do better than this. While the photo is a pretty good railfan photo, there is only one photo. Looks like a pro photog bracketing his shots.

    For you younger guys that means taking the same shot two or three times with the exposure varied a couple of stops. gannbb1

    No, there are two photos taken by two different people (Mike and myself) at the same time. That's the fascinating thing about this column (to me, anyway)... Mike and I, using the same camera with very similar lenses, can come back with such varied results. That's the beauty of photography, I guess.

    Would you rather see two completely different photos used for the voting? We're always open to suggestions.


    My comment about being the SAME pix means the two shots are so similar they COLULD be one photog's bracketed shots. They were so similar the main difference is exposure preference (as in most of the comments).

    No! Each of you shoot what you see and feel at the moment. Hang it out and we will let you know! Your pix and the members' comments help all of us be better railfans and better photogs.

    BTW My biggest complaint is I'm not out there with you!
  • I voted for #2 because it shows good depth of field, and shows the grade and gives a picture of a working train instead of just a good train picture.