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Favorite Diesel Engine Sound

  • My personal favorite is the F40PH. The engine of that one is very unique sounding, like a jet, and reminds me of busy locations, since they are used in those places.
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  • An Alco 539 engine in an EL S2 kicking cars at Hammond Yard. The whine of the turbocharger after the throttle was closed is unforgettable.
    The daily commute is part of everyday life but I get two rides a day out of it. Paul

  • Dear Sirs,

    Altho' definitely NOT Modern. The Turbo on the Older Alco-GE 539s Kicking Cars was a True Sound Of Railroading. This Down-Spiralling Trill was usually followed by a Big CRASH as the Kicked Cars Coupled to Standing Cars down the Yard. Another Nocturnal Sound of the Past. Lovely!

    The various Builders had different Style Air Horns Blatting or Baaahing all over Town, with the odd Steam Whistle thrown in from the remaining Steam Engines all expressing their Respective Thoughts before Train Radio.

    There are several good Sites on the Internet of recordings of Various Air Horns and Alco Switcher Turbos. Turn Up the Sound, Close Your Eyes, and go back Forty Years.

    Any Modern Big GE Sounds Great at Full Throttle and less than Three Miles an Hour. The Wheel Screech is not good for the Track.
  • Remember standing on the overpass in Vancouver that went to the CPR piers and listening to the MLW S-2 switchers as they kicked cars around along the Vancouver waterfront. Certainly miss those sounds today.

  • Dear Sir,

    Yes, the Piers at Vancouver WERE Loaded with the MLW S4s, some of which had Factory MU. and operated everywhere as Sets in Transfer Service.

    Before the S4s, the CP Baldwins CP 7065-75 Lived there too, and were preferred by Yard Crews as Snappier than the MLWs which were no Slouches, either.

    The Road Baldwins CP 8000-12 Could be found Switching in Transfer on the Main Land when going to and from Vancouver Island for Major Shopping at Ogden Shops, Calgary.

    Alco/MLW Switchers with the OLD Turbo still sounded Great! Better than the Baldwins.

    Alco S2s on Blunt Trucks should be elevated to 'Honorary Steam Locomotive' Status like the Alco-GE PA Diesel was by David P. Morgan of Trains.

    A fast Cab Ride on a Blunt-Equipped S Widened Rght Out on Jointed Rail was as good as Steam!
  • I love the sound of hearing those Dash 9's thundering through town. I think that is an awesome sound and could sit by the tracks for hours just listening to them and all the other locomotives that pass through.


    "Something hidden, Go and find it. Go and look behind the ranges, Something lost behind the ranges. Lost and waiting for you. Go." The Explorers - Rudyard Kipling

  • My chose is SD70MAC but I don't know what sound like because I come from nz
    I like sound nz locmotive is DXR and DFT too

    Anybody know what sound like SD70MAC ?
  • My choice is the SD40-2. Theres nothing like hearing them on Hore Shoe curve pushing a train in helper service.
  • I chose the EMD SD70MAC because the SD70MAC has a great sound!
    I love the SD70MAC.
  • I think a F40 sounds the best
  • I love the sound of a set of SD45s climbing the Tehachapis![:D]
    Ride Amtrak. Cats Rule, Dogs Drool.
  • I'll take three or five SD40 t-2's climbing up the front range to tunnel 1 on the Moffat Line
  • U-Boats throttling up on the MRL 3rd sub, eastbound out of Missoula MT through Hellgate Canyon is something I really miss.
  • GP38's- non-turboed 16-cyl 645.
  • First generation EMDs with the 567 engine had rythmic rumble that David P. Morgan called a "chant." It was one of the most seductive sounds in all railroading. Alco FAs and FBs had a distinctive whistle, probably from the supercharger, that accompanied the deep voiced rattle of the prime mover. And don't forget the melodious five chime air horns you can hear today. Listening to a train working it's way across town is almost like being at a concert.