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Trackside with Erik and Mike Vol. 8: May 17, 2004

  • In our new online feature, Trackside with Erik and Mike, staff members Erik Bergstrom and Mike Yuhas go trackside and share with you their results, as well as what they’ve learned. In each installment, we’ll include let our users vote on who got the best shot. Read this week’s installment.
    Erik Bergstrom
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  • Should be a fourth selection, I'm not fond of any of them, just not the right angle for a good photo [:p]

    1's good, just to much on the front. 2's got the almost right angle, just a bit far away. 3 is just stright on.

    So I guess i'd say 2, but not going to vote, since there's no 4th selection [:p]

  • I'm voting for picture 1 this week..... picture 2 doesn't have much color, and I like the position of the train better in 1 than 3.
  • Number one. Even an SD90 can look coy and cute comming around from behind a bush hiding its little hoppers like a hen. I'm in a cute coy mode tonight.
    #3 is similar, but too "in your face" for the storytime effect I would make to my sons about #1.
    #2, well, it is just too exposed. Not technically, that way it fine. Just nothing on it, around it or about it. Too exposed. Hardley any leaves on the shrubbery.

    Thanks for the entertainment fella's.
  • Photo 2. You can see more of the train.
  • I voted no.3. Didn't likethe position in 2. A good headon shot met my fancy today.
  • Number 1. Has it over my second choice No 3 for saturation, composition and telling the story of railroading. Liked the exhaust effect.

    No 3 is a compelling photo with the inyourface shot. Better color and perhaps the loco not in dead center would have improved the shot.

    No 2 just too plain. Standard composition not interesting.

    You gotta find a way to take interesting railfan shots of something other than standard loco 3/4 head end shots with telephoto lens.

  • Number 1 was good, But I liked number 2 better as it shows number of power units in the consist, with power being important.
  • I voted for #2 as the lighting was brighter and it showed more of the engine and some train.
  • I voted for number 3. The head on shot is ominous and seems to reflect power and a sense of "GET OUT OF MY WAY".
  • I was tossed up between 1 and 2 but ended up voting for #2 as it showed exhaust and in general, what type of freight was being moved.

    If you have move then two shots, what's the possibility of having a rating system (which one you liked the best, and the worst? For me this week, #2 the best, #3 the worst.

    Bill (ww)
  • II voted for #2 it showed more of what a rr fan looks for ,such as engine and cars.charlie 4 Akron Oh.
  • I went for #2 just because the angle really makes the curveature of the line apparent.
  • I went with Photo 1 because of the better profile of the engine and the way the green of the bush next to the track reacts beter with the color of the engine than in number 2.

  • Hey guys,
    had to go with # 1, I seem to like those head-on banking curve shots. Anyway, here is my most recent shot for y'all, enjoy!

    Oh, and Erik, I never got a response from the TRAINS photo editor, could you yell at him for me please? [;)]