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Good sources for "recent" history of various lines.

  • Does anyone know a few good online resources to learn the "recent" history of various railroad companies? I'm aiming on modeling some time between 1970 and the present and been having trouble finding information on Southern, CSX, and Burlington Northern. No idea on who owns, is owned or merged with what other companies. (except for BNSF) Also was was hoping to get a good idea on what type of industries they might have serviced too. Figure if I'm gonna do this, it might as well be done correctly.

    Thank you for any help that you offer.
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  • This is why it is vital to obtain the magazines from the era you are modeling. I am astonished at the information that can be obtained from old Trains issues showing newest equipment and when stuff was phased out, Trackage changes, etc. It is also important to know what all the prescessor railroads were to understand why certain lines were retained and certain abandoned. I've gotten rid of all my modeling magazines but I am very pleased I retained all the old issues of Trains at this point.
  • Thank you. Looks like I'll be hitting ebay for some back issues.