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This is really silly

  • Hello everybody,

    this really hit home.  In the magazine "Branchline" which deals with mostly CP Rail information there were two interesting articles.  The reason it hits home is that this is where I first saw my very first North American freight train, from the cab of a tractor working the back fields of my parents farm as a young boy.

    The CP branch from Brampton to Owen Sound Ontario was shortend to only 38 km 13 years ago.  This branch line is now in a slow revival stage while it is showing that the existing branch line is starting to produce a profit.  The city of Owen Sound would like to have its rail service back now after they removed the track and build on the right of way in some places.  I sure hope that this is an example to all the other politicians that it is always bad to remove railroad tracks.  Just look at Europe as an example, they build and we tear down.  If only we could have all our branch lines back.


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  • I remember being involved on a commission for the city of Richfield MN (south of Minneapolis) back in the seventies - early eighties. Every so often somebody would hear a rumor that the railroad that ran thru town (Minneapolis Northfield and Southern) was "going out of business" and they started making all these proposals and plans about how to use the right of way - like using eminent domain to get it for a "rails to trails" bike trail.

    It wouldn't work - bike/hiking trails from old rail lines work when the railroad and car traffic are separated by bridges (rail goes over road or vice versa) but this would have had 5 grade crossings, at least two of them across busy streets, in 12 blocks. Dunce [D)]

    Anyway, I tried to explain to them that the rail line wasn't going to be shut down, that perhaps (as did happen) another railroad might buy the line, but it wasn't going to be abandoned. Tpday it's gone thru several owners, but is still being used by Progressive Rail!!

  • A branchline is useless without customers.  Now the perfect solution would be to railbank it, that way it is actively used (preserving the corridor) while being ready for the day (that will most likely never come) when rails are once again needed.

    I always have to tip my hat to the rails-trails group.  There is a gang that for lack of a better term "has their stuff together".  They are organized and can get people moving.  Sure a rail line being sold can be sold to another rail company, but the rail-trails groups are always at the ready.  If only rail presrvation groups could take some lessons from them...

    It's been fun.  But it isn't much fun anymore.   Signing off for now. 


    The opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of my employer, any other railroad, company, or person.t fun any

  • Rails to trails should be renamed rails to trails forever.  The EJ&E downsized the line from Joliet east to one track after almost 100 years of service.  Now that CN wants to redoubletrack it and buy it you would think armageddon was occuring.  In New Lenox Illinois the railroad runs through virtually nothing but farm fields and the village is stirring up the residents with fear mongering and total distortions.  Higher cancer rates from diesel exhaust.  Parked trains over crossings so you will die if you have an emergency.  It is unbelievable.  Very few areas want the rails back once they are gone.  Are there any rails to trails that have gone trails to rails?