Hello People,
My name is Gary Farmer and I am the author of this humble effort at telling the story of the Wreck of the Sunset Limited in 1993.
I have read some of your responses, and I can see that there are a number of unanswered questions.
I will try to answer as best I can your questions, but to be frank, some of the allusions to the Ricky Gates affair left me sad and hurt.
NO DRUGS, NO OPERATING RULES FAILURES (by either party), just a very sad and amazing set of circumstances leading to a tragic loss of life.
I will monitor this forum and try to set the record straight.
Regards to all, and God Bless.
Gary Farmer ("sunset" to you guys on this forum)
many thanks for your support and your kind words. I feel that I know you from some crew base in my past. If this is true, I would love to here from you again, as it has been a long time since I have heard from my friends in California and New Orleans. I am currently living in Long, Beach Mississippi, 228-697-4055, glfcoastbiz@yahoo.com, and would like to here from any of the wonderful people that I used to run with in the Coast Starlight, SanJuaqins, and the Reno Trains out of Oakland. Just writing this letter, has brought back a flood of memories of my good friends out west.
Thank you for your blessings, these are what make men strong.