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Working for UP

  • Hey I just got hired for train service and I leave for school July 6th. I will be working out of Seattle. I am just curious what to expect. I hear alot of diferent stories from different areas and I want to know what its like in Seattle?
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  •  nwsilversurfer wrote:
    Hey I just got hired for train service and I leave for school July 6th. I will be working out of Seattle. I am just curious what to expect. I hear alot of diferent stories from different areas and I want to know what its like in Seattle?

    Some words of wisdom..

    1) Sit down, shut up in the classroom. You've got two ears and only one mouth. Listen twice as much as you speak.

    2) Don't make it known that you're a "railfan" or "buffy". Just don't. Buffy's are the biggest PITA on this job when they want to "railfan" instead of work.

    3) Don't try to "impress" anyone with your knowledge of what XYZ locomotive is and what type of engine it has in it. They won't care. You're there to learn the job, not to oggle the equipment.

    4) It doesn't matter what you've heard or read in magazines, or what you've learned about other railroads. You're there to learn the UP way, and you're on a "Need to Know" basis. You only "Need to Know" what they teach you.


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