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chase, maryland train crash

  • to all train fans. i believe all of you remember or have heard about the 1987 Conrail Amtrak crash in Maryland that killed 16 people. After extensive searching, i have found up close and personal pictures of the wreckage. if anyone would like to know how to access them, just message me back.
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  •      I remember that wreak because it happened on m,y birthday   The articlen the next issue of trains just after the wreak were amazing    I was able to watch on CSPAN the hearings and remember the testamony that Rickey Gates said about drug abuse on the railroads   Larry
    larry ackerman
  • No thank you. Once is enough.

    You can upload them to photobucket or whatever for free. It will be easier than trying to upload one at a time to each person who wants to email.


  •  Part 1  Part 2

    Sad tragedy that affected us as a nation.  I worked for a transit system at that time.  Shortly after this wreck, mandatory random-drug testing became the norm.  But unlike so many people that were crying about "personal rights" I am glad that it did.  It wasn't just the railroad industry.  Substance abuse was occuring with airline crews as well. 



    "I like my Pullman Standards & Budds in Stainless Steel flavors, thank you!"


  • Am doing a presentation on wrecks for local NRHS chapter and would like to use some of your pix. Are they still available?


  • Welcome WFBSmotrain,  Welcome aboard!

    You may or may not get a reply from AEM-7 as he has not posted anything in over 3 1/2 years.  There are plenty of photos available online of the Chase Maryland (sometimes referred to as "Gunpow Maryland train crash").  Just use your Google and Yahoo search engines as I've seen plenty of photos relating to the the wreck.


    "I like my Pullman Standards & Budds in Stainless Steel flavors, thank you!"


  • NO WAY was it a small wreck. Electrics going at over 100mph, and freight diesels going at 60 on the same track in front of the electrics. The ultimate combination for a tragic disaster.

    The Lehigh Valley Railroad, the Route of the Black Diamond Express, John Wilkes and Maple Leaf.

    -Jake, modeling the Barclay, Towanda & Susquehanna.