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Trackside with Erik and Mike Vol. 2 - February 16, 2004

  • I like nbr one...

    but nbr 2 have nice sky ....

  • Photo #2 (the quick way to spell "number") shows a bright blue sky in lieu of a grayish cast, "doomsie" dead of winter type of sky. The bright blue feels like spring is near, even in Wis. With the compressed telephot of #1, it looks like the grain car is pushing the engine into the lens. In #2, it is appearant that the diesel has a long, narrowing load behind it that doesn't merely go around the corner out of sight, but disappears into oblivia (where ever that is) by its massive length and narrowing perspective. I have always found "wider" lenses give more canvas for expression.

    By the way, I voted for #2, duh.
    Doug Miller
    Q.Whincey & Sons Lines
  • Both are good shots, I favor #1 more for the composition than anything. Looks a little blurry but timing was good. Number 2 had beautiful color also. Keep up the interesting stories. Although, I'm a little envious of you being able to leave work to go take train pics.
  • Great shots both of them! I Iiked #1 a little better because it looked like it was really putting the power to it coming through the curve. Thanks Doug
  • I voted for number 1 because it is the more dramatic shot.
    If you're having fun, you're doing it the right way.
  • Picture 2 stands out for two reasons. First, I personally like seeing the effect from the super-elevation of the curve. Second, the dark train on the lighter background makes it stand out more than the other, which becomes lost in the dark trees.