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ebay auctioners are getting aggressive - "fxylady10" on ebay for example

  • I have been away from buying on ebay for some time now and just got back into looking seriously again last couple of weeks.  Has anyone else noticed that at least one of the ebayers auctioning off toy trains using a lady in the auction pictures?   How many ebayers have gone to this approach?   I am yet undecided on the whole idea and wondered if what others thought?   It looks like she is auctioning off some good items.  

    the person i have seen doing this lately is "fxylady10" on ebay

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  • This pops up from time to time, I would be careful. Marketing their product forsale is what I see.
  • Most of the stuff is not a private seller, its an online store.

    Quite cleaver to me from a marketing p.o.v., certainly grabs your eye, but its still a gimmick, and I would be very carefull about opening anything like that do to the recent scam there:

    BE VERY VERY WARY if you see any naked women in the teaser pics, DO NOT OPEN THE LINK UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE

    This was going on for a while and it apparently was a spam/virus/phish scheme that would blow up you computer with all sorts of unwanted computerpoop. Dont know just how much of it Ebay has managed to block, but still be wary thats its out there.

       Have fun with your trains