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Trackside with Erik and Mike Vol. 1

  • QUOTE: Originally posted by mikeyuhas

    QUOTE: Originally posted by jgilber0

    Enough about the trains. Both shots looked good. Now, can we get some better looking hosts? You're scaring the kids. No more photos of Mike, please.

    Funny, jgilber0, that's exactly what my kids said when they saw these. I do agree with you -- next time, I'll submit a photo of Bergie. But don't be surprised if he puts the kibosh on it -- Bergie can be sensitive about these things. (Someone told me he hired a hair stylist for his photo shoot.)

    Erik and Mike --

    Maybe we can get the *** Eye Fab 5 to come out and give both of you a makeover before you post any more pictures of each other. I can see it now -- musty old "Railfan" and "Railroad" magazines flying out of windows at your homes, Mike getting a well-needed shave, and fashionable coats and boots for both of you. You'll be the sharpest pair ever seen trackside. Looking forward to that episode...

    After that, I bet those CN crews will really be waving.
  • I voted for #2 because of the scenery to the left which I feel added a lot to the photo. I am still using a Minolta SLR film camera and want to go digital, but don't know what to buy. Maybe I'll take a look at the Canon Rebel.
    "Good job" to both of you. Keep 'em coming.
  • For all you guys looking to go digital, check out Digital Photography Review .com at It's a website devoted completely to digital photography. On it you will find detailed reviews of cameras, and a lot of forums containing techniques and tips for the digital photographer.

    Coming out in another few weeks is a brand-new Nikon digital SLR called the D-70. It is an excellent digicam, even more capable than the Canon. It will retail, body only, for around $1000. It will take interchangable lenses, just like the Canon Digital Rebel. They just posted a new review of the Nikon D70 on that site today, and they also have a review of the Canon Digital Rebel.

    As a reply to the guy looking for info on adaptors from Pentax K-mount to Canon, I don't think that those exist, unless you are using the old adaptall type lenses. Instead, you might want to check out the Pentax *ist Digital body. Unfortunately, it's fairly expensive compared to the Canon.

    Also realize that for many folks, switching to a digital body will entail buying new lenses, especially if you favor wide angle compositions. Most consumer digital bodies have a 1.3x to 1.5x lens magnification factor, meaning that your 28mm lens on your film body will act something like a 40mm lens on your new digital body. So your old lenses may or may not be relevant as you consider the purchase of a new digital body.
  • photo 2 centered and more to scale of photo. both are good pixs, beauty is in the eye of the beholder though.
  • Initially photo one caught my eye, but on looking closer at both pictures, I decided I preferred photo 2. Better composition and I like the inclusion of more train and trackside features.

    Andy. Tunbridge Wells. UK.
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by jgilber0

    QUOTE: Originally posted by mikeyuhas

    QUOTE: Originally posted by jgilber0

    Enough about the trains. Both shots looked good. Now, can we get some better looking hosts? You're scaring the kids. No more photos of Mike, please.

    Funny, jgilber0, that's exactly what my kids said when they saw these. I do agree with you -- next time, I'll submit a photo of Bergie. But don't be surprised if he puts the kibosh on it -- Bergie can be sensitive about these things. (Someone told me he hired a hair stylist for his photo shoot.)

    Erik and Mike --

    Maybe we can get the *** Eye Fab 5 to come out and give both of you a makeover before you post any more pictures of each other. I can see it now -- musty old "Railfan" and "Railroad" magazines flying out of windows at your homes, Mike getting a well-needed shave, and fashionable coats and boots for both of you. You'll be the sharpest pair ever seen trackside. Looking forward to that episode...

    After that, I bet those CN crews will really be waving.

    Mike, this guy is on a roll! He'd get User of the Month except that doesn't exist. [:o)]
    Erik Bergstrom
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by dadstoys

    I voted for #2 because of the scenery to the left which I feel added a lot to the photo. I am still using a Minolta SLR film camera and want to go digital, but don't know what to buy. Maybe I'll take a look at the Canon Rebel.
    "Good job" to both of you. Keep 'em coming.

    Hi "Dad,"

    My Canon Digital Rebel is replacing my Minolta X700 that I've been using since 1992 (and my father for several years prior to that). It's a great camera, but I like the flexibility of taking pictures of whatever I want to, with no remorse for wasting film. Also, prior to the trains rolling through, I can prepar by taking several test shots in different settings. I find the one I like, delete the test shots, and sit and wait some more for the trains to start rolling through.

    Let me know if you need any X700 equipment. [:)]

    Erik Bergstrom
  • I like how in photo 2, the train seems to be more insignificant in a world of white.
    I like the feature. I too have been taking photos of trains using a digital camera but with mixed results. I could use some tips on how to set up a camera for quick shots.
  • I vote for number 2 because the tree on the left side of the pix "frames" the picture. A little cropping across the top and/or bottom would even make this picture better in my opinion even though the aspect ratio would make the picture quite wide compared to the height.

  • Liked both photos, but opted for #2 cause it caught my eye just a bit more with its scenery inclusion.

    Scenery looks odd, whats the white stuff, don't see that here in Toowoomba, Queensland, 'Down under'.


  • It was really hard to choose between # 1 and # 2. But I came up with some criteria that finally made the choice #2. I liked the more head on angle of the shot of #2. Also the photog appeared to be more lower in relation to the train. This reminded me of when I was 7 and taking my first railfan shots with a 35mm camera. I took one of a N&W J from the platform in Roanoke VA. I guess that the camera being only 4' off the ground makes the train look more powerful. As such is #2.
  • Both photos are fantastic, I prefer to the second photo which shows more of surrounding area such as the snow blowing from the side of the locomotive. Both photographers should be commended for their persistance in bitter cold to get the great shots....
  • I agree with unkbil as to why #2 is the shot of choice. I was taught, for the most part that you try to frame your shot with a reference to existing landscape. Both were good for a winter scene. Having switched and conducted for the Frisco in and around St. Louis, getting frostbite on my exposed face and wind cutting right through your jumper and gloves, ......................DO NOT MISS THE COLD. Oh its nice to be in sunny southern California.
  • These are some of my own digital photos I've taken. Are they up-to-par guys?
    Rember, photos are Copyrighted. Enjoy!
    Click on the photo for a larger version.

    Kirkwood, MO - UP hotspot, and Amtrak station
    (The station is the oldest railroad structure west of the Mississippi that is still used in everyday service.)

    New Photo - A UP empty unit coal train, led by 2 AC4400CW's flies down the 1% ruling grade of Kirkwood Hill

    New Photo - Amtrak train 304, the "Ann Rutlage", from Kansas City, MO slows to stop at the Kirkwood station.

    Dupo, IL - UP intermodal/hump yard

    New Photo - A UP train with a NS unit on the point passes through Dupo yard.

    - A general merchandise train led by a UP SD60 with a fresh crew, heads out of Dupo yard.

    - An intermodal train led by a CN SD40-2 enters Dupo yard.

    - The same SD60 as before waiting for her crew as a unit coal train with a SD9043MAC passes by.

    - Longer shot of the general merchandise train.

    Madison, IL - T.R.R.A. yard and shops

    - An ex. SP, T.R.R.A. SD40 in glistening new red paint, stis outside the shops at Madison yard.

    Union Pacific Challenger #3985 -- St. Louis, MO

    Alton, IL Wig-wags (one of the last operating in the St. Louis area)

    New Photo
  • I like both pictures but # 2 with the trees is what I liked the best. I try to get my trains between something when shooting them. I use a Minolta SLR 35 mm camera and like it fine. I am toying with a digital and have looked at the Minolta line of these and found one I can afford. Just have not done anything as yet.
    Really like this new series and hope to learn more about digital cameras.
    Thank you for the new series. Read every week.