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  • No not you.  So if the railroads still ran real passenger service on which train and which railroad would you like to have Thanksgiving dinner?  Mine would be the afternoon Congressional on the PRR.
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  • Thats easy! Make mine on the NP North Coast Limited please, and can you please pass that Idaho bake potato smothered with butter and sour cream!
    When the men get together its always done right! J. Daddy
  • Any road besides Amtrak, thank you very much.
    -Michael It's baaaacccckkkk!!!!!!
  • ah yes. and a "gobble" to you too.
    -Michael It's baaaacccckkkk!!!!!!
  • I would like to have my Thanksgiving din din Dinner [dinner] on C&O's George Washington. I also wouldn't mind having din din on the American Oreient (sp) Express. Big Smile [:D] 

    LORD HELP US ALL TO BE ORIGINAL AND NOT CRISPY!!! please? Sarah J.M. Warner conductor CSX
  • i'd get some pizza at little caesars and eat in on the CNW 400 to Chicago! oh and in a sightseer car! Big Smile [:D]

    Your friendly neighborhood CNW fan.

  • The Amboye, Kelso & Pacific.
  • Well...

    I'd take the food from the diner and go to the nearest dome on The Canadian, if they'd let me because of Christmas. Of course, we'd be going over Kicking Horse at the time... 

    Go here for my rail shots!

    Building the CPR Kootenay division in N scale, blog here:

  • A friend of mine just rode Amtrak on Thanksgiving out to Chicago.  He said they had a full meal with all the trimmings and said it was delicious.