Freelanced 30' Flatcar - 3D printed. A simple, easy to make model to test the 3D genre for its ability to reproduce detail at small sizes. The model is 4 pieces - Top, middle ring, underfloor and frame. The trucks are 3 piece and are actually functional as sprungs trucks. The model was designed to "snap" together trapping the weight inside. Since this is a flatcar, screw lengths must be kept to a minimum. Parts you see not printed are Walthers 33" metal wheels/plastic axle, Kadee #5's (complete box), Kadee #637 truck springs and modified Athearn car weight. The whole car took 2hrs to print and 30 seconds to assemble. All that's left is detail work, paint and letter. Ingrediants used to make this: Win7 PC driving Anet8 3D printer via USB, Sketch Up to draw it, Simplify 3D to slice it. Medium used: RepCo 1.75mm ABS "White". Specifics: .40 brass tip w/Teflon throat, 220c tip temp/90c bed temp (no decrease per height printed), no fan on part. Tip: "Aqua Net" Hair Spray on bed does wonders to keep your corners from lifting! Tradeoff: be prepared to pry part off bed after printing.