Woodland Scenics sells 1'x2' foam boards in various thicknesses as a part of their Subterrain Lightweight Train Layout System. I was wondering if this is the same kind of foam as the extruded blue or pink insulation foam that many use for layouts and scenery. The blue/pink ones are rather difficult to find around these parts.
Thank you in advance.
The WS foam board is styrofoam bead board similar to that in packing materials and styrofoam cups, but perhaps a bit better quality. Go to http://www.woodlandscenics.com/ and from the menu on the left side of the screen, click on Foam System / Foam Products / Foam Sheets or / Profile Boards
George In Midcoast Maine, 'bout halfway up the Rockland branch
Hyun wrote:Here, I'll answer my own question. IF their foam boards--the ones that come in 1x2' size in various thickness--are made of the same material as their risers and inclines, then they are not made of the extruded foam, but rather, the same kind of styrofoam that electronic goods are packaged in (expanded foam?). I just got yesterday the risers and that's what I've found.
Yup, exactly the same as the risers.