rayw46 wrote:Art, nice work but that quarry would give would give Jimmy Stewart vertigo (May the younger crowd pardon the obscure reference).
LOL hey, I am 29 and I am laughing so hard, the rest of my office mates think I am insane lol.
Dave Loman
My site: The Rusty Spike
"It's a penny for your thoughts, but you have to put your 2 cents in.... hey, someone's making a penny!"
This is the original Atlas turntable (9-inch track length) and the original Atlas motor. The Atlas deck bridge is a few dollars, as were the trucks I used for the bogies. It's also an Atlas roundhouse, since the parts fit together pretty well. The Atlas turntable indexes at 15 degrees.
It still indexes very well. There are some alignment issues I haven't worked out yet. The hard part is making sure the bridge rails are exactly above the original deck rails. I have a slight sideways offset at this point, which I may straighten out by bending the rail ends just a bit, or I may remove the top of the bridge, cut down the alignment pins a bit, and put it back on. The roundhouse is slightly out of position, too, I think, but now that the scenery is down I can square that away and fasten it firmly, too.
I think you could build this out with a longer bridge if you wanted to. My layout is small, and I wouldn't have the space for a larger bridge myself. The Atlas roundhouse is also small, and its stalls are sized for the engines that will fit on the bridge.
The motor is now hidden completely beneath the shed, which I cut down a bit.
I'm planning to put up a photo-essay on this project over the next couple of weeks.
It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse.
MisterBeasley wrote: OK, the camera came back from vacation, so I'll take a last shot for the weekend. First, my Atlas deck turntable and roundhouse, as it looked last December:And now, the almost-completed project:The same turntable is down under there somewhere, under the pit floor. The pit floor and pit rail are on a styrene false-floor, which does not rotate with the deck.
OK, the camera came back from vacation, so I'll take a last shot for the weekend. First, my Atlas deck turntable and roundhouse, as it looked last December:
And now, the almost-completed project:
The same turntable is down under there somewhere, under the pit floor. The pit floor and pit rail are on a styrene false-floor, which does not rotate with the deck.
MrB- about how much did that amazing transformation cost? FOr example I can get the Walthers manual (12+") TT for $30 from wholesaletrains.com(they are local to me). Budget is important to me, but I do need the length. The looks of yours and theirs do not compare!!!
ALso, the Atlas indexes well for the original part- but how well does it index after the extention?? I think you added a different motor...is that cuz theirs just would not work in any way shape or form??
Thank You and Have A HAppy 4th!!!
-G .
Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.
HO and N Scale.
After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.
CSXFan wrote:Atomic,It's just regular plywood from Lowes. I'm a little disappointed about how strong it is, even when it’s cemented to the foam board. There is noticeable sagging and warping where the ply has to span more than 10". Next time I will use at least 3/8" ply or bigger. The entire sub-bed rests on a series of 1x3s strung between 1x4s spaced about 12" apart. Here's a pic. [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i289/jdykstra11/DSCN1486.jpg[/IMG
It's just regular plywood from Lowes. I'm a little disappointed about how strong it is, even when it’s cemented to the foam board. There is noticeable sagging and warping where the ply has to span more than 10". Next time I will use at least 3/8" ply or bigger. The entire sub-bed rests on a series of 1x3s strung between 1x4s spaced about 12" apart. Here's a pic.
thats exactly what i wanted to know. :) thank you.
MisterBeasley wrote: The same turntable is down under there somewhere, under the pit floor. The pit floor and pit rail are on a styrene false-floor, which does not rotate with the deck.
MrB - That turntable is awsome!
George In Midcoast Maine, 'bout halfway up the Rockland branch
CSXFan wrote:Atomic, It's just regular plywood from Lowes. I'm a little disappointed about how strong it is, even when it’s cemented to the foam board. There is noticeable sagging and warping where the ply has to span more than 10". Next time I will use at least 3/8" ply or bigger. The entire sub-bed rests on a series of 1x3s strung between 1x4s spaced about 12" apart. Here's a pic.
1. Use at least 1/2" ply
2. Don't buy the cheap stuff - it's yellow pine that is hard on blades, hard to nail into, and warps like crazy - as you found out.
3. buy Doug fir AC grade - it may cost more up front - but quality is a lot cheaper in the long run!!
davidmbedard wrote: WCFan, much, much better.David B
WCFan, much, much better.
David B
Why thanks you. All I did was put the camera on full sharpness, then Macro, turned off the flash and put the camera on a Tri pod.
My Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/JR7582 My Flickr Photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/wcfan/
MisterBeasley wrote:OK, the camera came back from vacation, so I'll take a last shot for the weekend. First, my Atlas deck turntable and roundhouse, as it looked last December:And now, the almost-completed project:The same turntable is down under there somewhere, under the pit floor. The pit floor and pit rail are on a styrene false-floor, which does not rotate with the deck.
An awesome transformation! I may try a similar trick to get a shorter turntable for Elkins on my layout.
Route of the Alpha Jets www.wmrywesternlines.net
CSXFan wrote: Atomic wrote: CSXFan wrote: Tough crowd....After three months of nothing I finally got something done on the layout. I test fitted the second level of foam for the branch line and the staging yard. [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i289/jdykstra11/DSCN1820.jpg[/IMG[IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i289/jdykstra11/DSCN1821.jpg[/IMGMy shipment from Fast Tracks also came in. I only ordered 2 pointform jigs to aid in building the turnouts, mostly because they were 1/3 the cost of the assembly kit. I tried to build a turnout today and I now wish I would have gotten the whole kit. I can't seem to get the track gauge correct at the switch points. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to practice. [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i289/jdykstra11/DSCN1822.jpg[IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i289/jdykstra11/DSCN1824.jpg neat. :)i see your sub-bed is foam. is it just 2" foam or is there an underlayment? The sub-bed for the lower level is 3/4" foam over 1/4" plywood. The upper level I added this weekend is only 2" foam added on top of the existing sub-bed.
Atomic wrote: CSXFan wrote: Tough crowd....After three months of nothing I finally got something done on the layout. I test fitted the second level of foam for the branch line and the staging yard. [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i289/jdykstra11/DSCN1820.jpg[/IMG[IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i289/jdykstra11/DSCN1821.jpg[/IMGMy shipment from Fast Tracks also came in. I only ordered 2 pointform jigs to aid in building the turnouts, mostly because they were 1/3 the cost of the assembly kit. I tried to build a turnout today and I now wish I would have gotten the whole kit. I can't seem to get the track gauge correct at the switch points. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to practice. [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i289/jdykstra11/DSCN1822.jpg[IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i289/jdykstra11/DSCN1824.jpg neat. :)i see your sub-bed is foam. is it just 2" foam or is there an underlayment?
CSXFan wrote: Tough crowd....After three months of nothing I finally got something done on the layout. I test fitted the second level of foam for the branch line and the staging yard. [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i289/jdykstra11/DSCN1820.jpg[/IMG[IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i289/jdykstra11/DSCN1821.jpg[/IMGMy shipment from Fast Tracks also came in. I only ordered 2 pointform jigs to aid in building the turnouts, mostly because they were 1/3 the cost of the assembly kit. I tried to build a turnout today and I now wish I would have gotten the whole kit. I can't seem to get the track gauge correct at the switch points. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to practice. [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i289/jdykstra11/DSCN1822.jpg[IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i289/jdykstra11/DSCN1824.jpg
Tough crowd....
After three months of nothing I finally got something done on the layout. I test fitted the second level of foam for the branch line and the staging yard.
My shipment from Fast Tracks also came in. I only ordered 2 pointform jigs to aid in building the turnouts, mostly because they were 1/3 the cost of the assembly kit. I tried to build a turnout today and I now wish I would have gotten the whole kit. I can't seem to get the track gauge correct at the switch points. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to practice.
neat. :)
i see your sub-bed is foam. is it just 2" foam or is there an underlayment?
The sub-bed for the lower level is 3/4" foam over 1/4" plywood. The upper level I added this weekend is only 2" foam added on top of the existing sub-bed.
is it regular 1/4 ply or is it hardwood? also, how strong is it once its laminated to the foam?
WCFan-Shine that light on it. I guess you can read the reporting marks.
(You could tell them who that kind member was)
Davidmbedard, Rayw46, with your wonderful "Help", I actually got some clear pictures. A kind forum memeber told me how to fix it.(i.e loather) Now is this better? Here's a before and after picture. Even though the lighting is terriable I think I got it down. I could not get a clear picture of the speed regulator because it's REALLY small, and it's a Dark color.
BTW: P&LE RR, looks GRAET! I always love looking at your photos of you layout.
I have a better picture of the gondola if you would like to see.
just one photo this week... finished up the KCS boxcar, and started to add some foliage to the foreground
Here's a couple I took a while ago. Just doing some railfanning around the layout...
45T-2 wrote: Sorry I'm running late guys. Another display of fine work from everyone this weekend.For some reason, I got a LOT done on the home layout this weekend. (Took care o' business at the club too, LOL) 1. Here's the Blair line billboard I put together and installed. I love the 'modern touch".2. I also added an extension off the front edge of my layout. Adds great scenic and operational interest. Gonna be a great scene.3. Same addition, different angle. Still need to paint fascia (like to keep a clean look, even during construction) Maybe next weekend.4. Picked up some junk at Radio Shack and installed rear-end protection on one of my SP cabooses. Came together better than expected, little solder, little filing, and under $10! Gives a perfect "glow", with room light up or down. Got lots of other stuff done too (Kadee installs, replace x-ing flasher circuit, organized/cleaned workbench-trainroom, etc) And I mowed and weeded the front yard too! And I started this AFTER I finished work on Sat! I felt like superman, though I'll probably crash like a brick next weekend. LOLSee ya'll later. Rich
Sorry I'm running late guys. Another display of fine work from everyone this weekend.
For some reason, I got a LOT done on the home layout this weekend. (Took care o' business at the club too, LOL)
1. Here's the Blair line billboard I put together and installed. I love the 'modern touch".
2. I also added an extension off the front edge of my layout. Adds great scenic and operational interest. Gonna be a great scene.
3. Same addition, different angle. Still need to paint fascia (like to keep a clean look, even during construction) Maybe next weekend.
4. Picked up some junk at Radio Shack and installed rear-end protection on one of my SP cabooses. Came together better than expected, little solder, little filing, and under $10! Gives a perfect "glow", with room light up or down.
Got lots of other stuff done too (Kadee installs, replace x-ing flasher circuit, organized/cleaned workbench-trainroom, etc) And I mowed and weeded the front yard too! And I started this AFTER I finished work on Sat! I felt like superman, though I'll probably crash like a brick next weekend. LOL
See ya'll later.
Rich, Your layout and extension look great! Is that the Walthers crossing signal? How do you like it? I had read somewher that the N.J. International sets were closer to scale, but I've never seen either set in person. The crossing signals in your pictures look very nice, I just curious if you or anyone else has seen both versions and which one looked best.
Todd Templeton
I don't have enough scenery on my layout yet for good photos, but here's a shot I took of my Bachmann Spectrum 2-4-0 with an Atlanta and West Point caboose I built from a kit. The windows in the caboose are made of developed Kodak film.
Smoke wrote:I took some pictures of my SD70MAC on my diorama that I am working on. I also included a picture of my in progress boxcar.Enjoy!!!-Smoke
I took some pictures of my SD70MAC on my diorama that I am working on. I also included a picture of my in progress boxcar.
Lookin good Smoke. I was thinking about getting the camera and taking a few pics of my new RS11 (Southern of course!) on my layout, but the SD70 steals the show.
Nice Photos. Not as nice, but progress after a months layoff (making a living gets in the way of fun again). J.R.
Excellent photos this week.
I've spent the last week and a bit converting a brass oil burning steamer into a coal burning 0-6-0 for the Belt Railway of Chicago.
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SpaceMouse wrote: Sometimes you just gotta stop talking about it.
Sometimes you just gotta stop talking about it.
All right. Did you disassemble some dumbells there? So you are back in the saddle?
Anything is possible if you do not know what you are talking about.
MB, Crandell,
Bout Frickin Time, uh?
Building the Rock Ridge Railroad with the slowest construction crew west of the Pecos.
The journey of one thousand ties begins with the first spike.