AntonioFP45 wrote: Carl,As always great info regarding the complexities involving onboard sound, especially when it comes to editing horn and whistle sounds.In my humble opinion , overall, the sound is a great improvement over the previous BLI SD40-2. The horn sounds like a Nathan K3La. I like the prime mover as well as on the startup I can hear the turbocharger drive gear engaging.
As always great info regarding the complexities involving onboard sound, especially when it comes to editing horn and whistle sounds.
In my humble opinion , overall, the sound is a great improvement over the previous BLI SD40-2. The horn sounds like a Nathan K3La.
I like the prime mover as well as on the startup I can hear the turbocharger drive gear engaging.
Sorry,after listening to that sound clip for the 5 straight times I must draw the same conclusion..No 645E3 sound there.Doesn't even come close.
Summerset Ry.
"Stay Alert, Don't get hurt Safety First!"
I'm agreeing with Antonio on this one. The sounds seem crisp and clean hopefully there is a good amount of volume adjustment available.
"I like my Pullman Standards & Budds in Stainless Steel flavors, thank you!"
As soon as I find some time I will post video.
csmith9474 wrote: Is it just me, or does that horn sound a little funky?
Is it just me, or does that horn sound a little funky?
Yes, it does. Some of the horns from ESU are like this; there are usually three audio files that create the horn; the beginning and end files are usually real horn samples with little or no alteration (sometimes the reverb is real); the middle is usually either a very small (.1 second or smaller!) sample or a synthetic fascimile that is looped ; the reason is if the "loop" sample is not symetric in tone, amplitude and modulation, you will hear a wow or warbling effect when you 'lay on the horn' - long blasts. Actually, prototype horns have a slight warble when blasted for more than a few seconds.
Carl in Florida - - - - - - - - - - We need an HO Amtrak SDP40F and GE U36B oh wait- We GOT THEM!
skerber wrote: The sound sounds great to me--I wish I knew how to post video and sound, then I would. If someone can give me some pointers on how to, I will.Steve
The sound sounds great to me--I wish I knew how to post video and sound, then I would. If someone can give me some pointers on how to, I will.
I hope that didn't come off wrong about the sound. It doesn't sound bad, just off. I don't have much room to be too particular about sound. I am the same guy that doesn't mind the MRC sound in the Genesis units. That may change once I finally get my Lok Sound equipped PAs from PCM.
Steve, try uploading a video/sound clip to
It's free, and then you can post a link to that page on here.
Congrats on the new engine!
Smitty, a fellow club member had a couple of them at last nights meeting. The recording you heard on their website is exactly what I heard coming from his engines.
I listened to the sound wav and the horn is strange, at least in the recording. Sometimes, the actual unit is different. If you listen carefully at a unit going by, you will hear echo sounds off of building and bridges, which changes the sound of the horn.
The web page below is a hint if you are installing a decoder with more than two functions.
Looks like a nice unit, but I dislike the startup and shutdown all of the time.
The BlueLine sounds have been posted today for the new EMD SD40-2:
I was looking for people the past month that have bought a BlueLine SD40-2..
Could you please give me some pictures or possibly a video of it's sound.
All I have to say--wow! Its nice!
I really enjoy the sound--I have a DC layout. I did purchase the DC master, boy that was real easy to install! Overall, I am very impressed!
If you can get one, get one.