Won't go into details but the 4020 is going back to LHS. I am either buying a PCM with sound or a Trix's with sound. I can get either one for about the same amout. Fine details of the engine is not what i am looking for. My eye sight is pretty much shoot, broke off have the E-bolts on my E'6's before I knew they where there.
Pulling power and lack of decoder problem is what I am looking for.
Lacking a Big Boy Again Cuda Ken
I hate Rust
I own a PCM version, and I LOVE it. So I will try not to be bias to PCM.
First up: The cost.... PCM is $599 @ Trix is 649.95 @ tonystrains.com
Decoder: Both have ESU LokSound on board but sound slightly different. The PCM has a fast ringing bell and the Trix has a more standard timing to it. PCM also has the incorect whisle. BUT, this can be fixed.
Control: Both engines show speed at the first throttle setting (1/128). The winner is Trix, going at a steady 0.9 MPH, vs. 1.4 for the PCM. The atheran slowest speed, for comparison is 6.2 MPH.(Programming can reduce the low speed for the Athearn but this raises other issues with chuff synchronization.)
Both have all wheel pick up.(16)
Darker paint on PCM's smokebox.
I personally think the pilot looks better on the PCM
The whisle is not painted silver on the PCM.
More variations of the BB offered by PCM
White classification lights on PCM version.
Lastly, the PCM has blackend side rods, whereas, the Trix has silver siderods.
In a "tug-o-war" style traction test, the "test" continued until friction had warmed the drivers to a point at which the basic weight took over and the PCM dragged the Trix down the test track. (PCM is 4 lbs. vs. Trix's 3.5 lbs.)
Keep yo current BB and put in some wider curves. At least 24".
"Being misunderstood is the fate of all true geniuses"
Drop the BB and buy the Trix Mikado...until you get larger radii curves.
Time...It marches on...without ever turning around to see if anyone is even keeping in step.
cudaken wrote:PCM with sound or a Trix's with sound.
However, he does go in and modify/replace the factory speakers. He demonstrated a stock unit vs his modification - dramatic difference.
Gandy Dancer wrote: cudaken wrote:PCM with sound or a Trix's with sound. I don't own either and never will, but as fate would have it I was at my friends UP layout just last weekend and he happened to be talking about this very issue. He has several of both. To sumarize a quite long conversation, he said he would be purchasing the PCM from this point forward due to the fine detail. However, he does go in and modify/replace the factory speakers. He demonstrated a stock unit vs his modification - dramatic difference.
It would be nice to tell us what he did for speakers.
I received today my PCM big boy and i test on the track.I have layed down track only for staging yard where i have some realy tight curves 18" radious.I did not have any problem even to a 2.5% grade with 20" radious.
Railroad wrote:It would be nice to tell us what he did for speakers.
Please get off the 18" turns kick!!! The Big Boy I am taking back DOES NOT DERAIL ON THE 18" TURNS BUT THE 26" AND "32 TURNS! It track's rock solid on the 18"!
Now that I got that off my chest if it where the 18" turns where the problem I would replaces them.
Main this is pulling power and then lack of decoder problems. I have not head back from the Trix sell so more than likely PCM.
Cuda Ken