good start! and you are farther along than I am actually. If you all want to see my layout just take a sheet of 4 x 8 ply and look at it.... I cant run trains yet I dont even have all the ply layed out yet. Kobi you have trains grass buildings track with a passing siding all on your way to a great railroad.
A Veteran, whether active duty, retired, national guard, or reserve, is someone who, at one point in his or her life, wrote a blank check made payable to "The United States of America" for an amount of "up to and including my life."
See how much nicer folks treat you when you tell the truth. Keep it up!
Your almost back up to zero on your post count.
Loathar is absolutely right Kobi......there's no need to try and out-do everyone else or lie about what you have, as you can see there are folks who have just a bare piece of wood waiting for a railroad to be born.
If you continue to stick with the truth and ask sensible questions you will learn much here, and that good start you made will turn into something really nice.
Good Luck.
Tee hee
I put a loop of track on my benchwork tonight so I could run my son's Thomas with Anabell and Clarabell around for him. He loved it, and sat on the bench and watched Thomas go round and round for about 1/2 hour before I took him off to bed. He is 16 months old and has more of a layout than I do right now :) But it is all good.
Chuck most ppl will see through a lie quickly and come to dislike you even if the lie is not causing any one hurt or grief. Trust me on this I know. I decided to change my ways almost 20 years ago and I still run into people that will not trust me that knew me way back when I was a kid. I was a kid when I would tell lies and now that I am an adult with my own kids I still have my sister, parents and other family that does not take everything I say as the truth. As of the last 20 years I cant say that I have not lied but I can prolly count those times on my hands and have fingers left over. I tell the truth no matter what, even if the person that is asking me a question where the truth is not what they will want to hear I still tell the truth. Tho in situations like that I will ask them if they really want me to answer that question. If they say yes then I do if they say no then I just keep quiet.
Keep up the good work on the layout and keep us posted on your progress.
Here are some mor pictures. I enjoy being on this board because i am respected...and it feels good to be liked thanks everyone!
These are my three steam locomotives
my next project is getting trees and ez track, then my layout will be done
Keep up the good work and someday you'll be able to post shots like these. Some are from my current layout and others are from my last layout.
Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running BearSpace Mouse for president!15 year veteran fire fighterCollector of Apple //e'sRunning Bear EnterprisesHistory Channel Club life member.beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
please tell me that isn't a union pacific engine rusting on your layout. but anyway igot a union pacific 4-8-4 today.
I have a question,what is the best way to turn off a ez comand it doesn't have a pwer button and pulling the plug out the wall hile it is on doesn't seem right.
here is some more pictures.
I think i am going to put in more buildings
unionpacificchuck wrote: please tell me that isn't a union pacific engine rusting on your layout. but anyway igot a union pacific 4-8-4 today. I have a question,what is the best way to turn off a ez comand it doesn't have a pwer button and pulling the plug out the wall hile it is on doesn't seem right.
If you're looking to make roads I think you can do better than duct tape. These N scale roads on my layout were made with .020" Evergreen styrene, painted to match either concrete slab or alsphalt construction.
Styrene isn't very expensive and making roads with it give you a nice introduction to it. You may find later you'll want to work with it more.
I bonded it to the layout using Liquid Nails for Projects. Be careful, because many contact cements may melt the styrene.
Modeling the Rio Grande Southern First District circa 1938-1946 in HOn3.
unionpacificchuck wrote: my next project is getting trees and ez track, then my layout will be done
Since you're new to model railroading you don't understand about layouts........they are never, even the most elaborate,well thought out layouts are always being updated, upgraded and tweaked.
Once you get farther into the hobby you'll find that theres always room to improve and you'll want something bigger and more sturdy. Thats where the advice offered on this forum will be invaluable.
Good luck on your endeavors and keep telling the truth.
Here are couple more
I'm guessing that the Santa Fe unit is either a GP35 or GP38. The closest I could find in the archive is 3460 (GP35) and 3510 (GP38).
unionpacificchuck wrote:o yeah yesterday on AIM my cuz was messing with you i swear on my 4-8-4 that wasn't me who called you .........wel you know what he said.
unionpacificchuck wrote: Here are couple more