I've often been asked where I spend most of my time building structures. Believe it or not, my favorite work bench is the kitchen table! In the past, I've tried setting up a my own workbench, but somehow seem to end up back on the kitchen table. Thank goodness my wife has lots of patience! I do however, clean up after each work session. In addition, I enjoy being in the same room as her, and usually spark up good conversation:)
So where do you guys do your best work?
Have Fun.... Bob.
I'd use a workbench if I could fit one in my dorm room (i'm in college)...
Since I can't kick out my roommate, I'm stuck with clearing the keyboard & mouse off my desk and using that. It would REALLY help me out if I could keep things out (would really help alleviate the "OK, now where'd I put the <tool> this time?" moments...)
Builder of Bowser steam! Railimages Site
Kinda depends on the project. Some I do on an unfinished area of the layout. Kits I generally do on a 2' x 2' plywood board on the coffee table in front of the TV. When I've had enough for the evening, the board/project goes back into storage under (ok, usually ON) the layout. My workbench is in the woodworking side of the basement and is generally reserved for less delicate endeavours.
My preferred "sanitary" room for erecting the things that must go together well is the dining room. I place newspaper down for a shield, and do all cutting and filing on a thick slab of MDF.
My workbench is far to messy for doing anything more than replacing couplers and other minor repairs.
Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running BearSpace Mouse for president!15 year veteran fire fighterCollector of Apple //e'sRunning Bear EnterprisesHistory Channel Club life member.beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
I have a old student desk..I have to keep things tidy and work on one project at a time..That makes it nice because I get things done.
Summerset Ry.
"Stay Alert, Don't get hurt Safety First!"
I use an old computer desk, just the bottom that I put casters on , so it can roll under my layout.
Outside the train room is a bench with my lathe and drill press, (also my tv, dvd player , vcr, computer and most of my storage.)
Jerry SP FOREVER http://photobucket.com/albums/f317/GAPPLEG/
ONE??? Are you kidding. I have several. After the original one became too cluttered to be useful, I made another one out of two sawhorses and a surplus countertop. When that became overflowing, I used whatever vacant piece of bare benchwork to work on. Here is one of the pics I just posted on Weekend Photo Fun:
Think that section of benchwork hasn't seen some heavy duty as a workbench?
Not just one workbench...I have 4!!
I have an old computer desk , slightly modified with a small fluorescent cabinet light in it, a large metal office desk, a corner computer desk, [salvaged from the junk pile and slightly modified] and a drafting table.
All that workspace comes in handy for large projects and I have several organizer bins for all those small parts and pieces. I use the drafting table as my airbrush table because I can tilt it, I have an old lazy susan on it so I can rotate the work 360' without touching it.
Of course I'm lucky because I have a 1800 sq. foot basement to work with so space isn't a concern.
I have a student desk in the family room, a roll top in the basement, and a table under the layout - also in the basement. I work wherever it's convienent depending on the task at hand.
I enjoyed hearing in your posting that you like the kitchen table because it's near the family. It reminds me why I like my workbench in our family room upstairs. My wife's sewing table is nearby as is our computer. Also, the dog loves the space under the desk (it's her "wolf den") and the dog has a bed under my layout. When my wife, dog and I are upstairs, it's great to be all together working on our hobbies or on the computer.
That reminds me....why have I been wanting to buy another house with a huge basement for my new layout when my wife will then be upstairs doing her sewing and who knows where the dog will be. She would have to divide her time between the basement layout room and the sewing room upstairs. Maybe we should stay put.
Simon Modelling CB&Q and Wabash See my slowly evolving layout on my picturetrail site http://www.picturetrail.com/simontrains and our videos at http://www.youtube.com/user/MrCrispybake?feature=mhum
soumodeler wrote:I have a nice table made out of an old solid wood door that I use as a workbench. I have all my stuff right there. And now it's actually clean! At one point there was 7 projects going at once on there, all in the same pile! I finally got it all straightened out and in a box for each kit.
Solid wood door!!!! Smashing idea!!! I have a couple left over from my home renovations.
Thanks!, work bench idea solved, CHEAP!
Brought to you by the letters C.P.R. as well as D&H!
K1a - all the way
Workbench? Yep. It's an old square piano with the harp removed. A church I worked at many years ago was going to have it taken to the dump. I saved them the cost of having it hauled away. It weighs several hundred pounds. My sons and I had a lot of fun getting it down cellar.... It will probably stay with the house when I'm gone.
Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO
We'll get there sooner or later!
Building the Rock Ridge Railroad with the slowest construction crew west of the Pecos.
For small stuff, I use this one:
For large stuff, I use this one:
I also use a cut down solid wood door set on two file cabinets.
Just as important part is the test track and test transformer