Brought to you by the letters C.P.R. as well as D&H!
K1a - all the way
QUOTE: Originally posted by rambo1 Watching children touch the layouts or rollingstock at club shows with the parents watching and not saying nothing.I open my mouth!..........
QUOTE: Originally posted by elias Oh and Kids shows need to stop showing trains as little steam engines that go choo-choo and get with the present.
QUOTE: Originally posted by globnik Micro-Trains couplers. Ingenious in their design, but obviously designed by an individual or team of sado-masochists whose primary goal is to aid phrmaceutical companies in boosting their blood pressure medication sales. All you need is a Micro-trains coupler 'kit', adult size fingers, middle-aged or older eyesight, and nerves not made of steel, and you can see what hell must be like anytime you're up to it. Oh, and that so called spring loaded assembly jig is nothing more than a launcher for the various sub-atomic sized parts. Guaranteed to turn 'fun' into a cuss word inventing session (my wife can attest to this, her saying: 'It doesn't sound like you're having fun down there!?!?!?')
Have fun with your trains
QUOTE: Originally posted by ACL Fan People who get angry at "rivet counters" are my pet peeve. If the objective of the hobby is to re-create a world in miniature, don't be angry with me if I try to do exactly that.
QUOTE: Originally posted by Jetrock I'm 34 years old and I play with my darned trains. I don't shove 'em around the track going "choo-choo", but if I spend twelve hours painstakingly detailing a model or nailing down track or debugging my wiring or trying to fix that infuriating spot on the layout that always causes a derailment, I'm doing it because it's FUN, and if it's FUN then I'm PLAYING. Becoming a skilled musician takes years of practice and patience, but when a skilled musician takes to the stage, regardless of how skilled or respected or how much he or she is being paid, they're PLAYING their instrument. So if Jimi Hendix could play guitar, I can play TRAINS!
"Being misunderstood is the fate of all true geniuses"