If I spent my time watching TV, I would not have a layout.
Who cares what entertainers, news media, or couch potatoes think of our great hobby?
I enjoy model railroading, regardless.
Iceman_c27 wrote: Has anyone seen the episode of Desperate Housewives where one of thir new neighbors is a model railroader in large scale? They accidentally walked into his house to drop a cake off and accidentally followed the train down to his basement and found a wall full of photos of little boys! I mean, I thought been compare to a murderer is bad and now been stereotyped to a petaphile?!I just don't understand...
Has anyone seen the episode of Desperate Housewives where one of thir new neighbors is a model railroader in large scale? They accidentally walked into his house to drop a cake off and accidentally followed the train down to his basement and found a wall full of photos of little boys! I mean, I thought been compare to a murderer is bad and now been stereotyped to a petaphile?!
I just don't understand...
I don't watch this show, but it doesn't sound all that different than a recent CSI episode that featured a model railroader as a serial killer suspect.
This subject (how TV or Hollywood portrays model railroading) comes up once in a while and there is the usual litany of "who cares - it's only TV" or "That's why TV is stupid", etc.
So why should we care that producers, directors, and writers in the media often seem to have a very poor opinion of our hobby? What does it matter when our hobby often seems to be used as a device to underscore the eccentric nature of a deviant character?
Because like it or not, the fact is that millions of people tune into TV shows or go to movies every week which allows a vocal minority to perpetuate a negative stereotype to the mainstream. Not everyone may be dumb enough to buy into these stereotypes, but way too many do. If you doubt this, then perhaps you can explain why millions tune into inane shows like ‘Desperate Housewives' to make them top rated shows? It's scary!
So when we dismiss this as yet another stupid TV show that got it all wrong, are we just burying our heads in the sands of denial?
jsoderq wrote:Also you need to learn how to spell pedaphile please.
It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse.
And that, ladies and gentlebeings, is why I don't watch TV. At any given time there is a bad light thrown upon some ethnic group or type of person on TV in the name of entertainment and for a story line. I am Italian, should I be offended by the Sopranos? No, it's only TV and it's not real.
I am a large scale garden railroader; do I feel that episode was directed at me? No, I don't care what stupid thing is on TV, I just turn it off, go out to the garden and run my trains.
The Dixie D Short Line "Lux Lucet In Tenebris Nihil Igitur Mors Est Ad Nos 2001"