Just to clarify some things, is this the reason you'd like the cats to stay off your layout?
(video clip)
Yeah, this is a prime example of why no cat can be trusted around trains.
I love the expression of the furry monster at the end. *Sniff sniff* This doesn't smell like a mouse?
Daddy, what are you doing with that bucket of water? SPLASH!!!! Mrrrowww! Mrrrowww! This is wet and cold! Why daddy why? ;-)
CSXFan wrote:Just to clarify some things, is this the reason you'd like the cats to stay off your layout? (video clip)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CotPv39CAKA
stumpiesgrump wrote:keeping cats off anything is as simple as laying out strips of clear packing tape - sticky side up. -stev
Tried it, didn't work. My cat likes the tape. He chews on it and bats it around. I use a rain stick that I got at South of the Border. He is pretty scared of that.
we have 5 cats and my layout is in a spare bedroom. I had one incident in which the cat that is least likely to climb and the least graceful of the 5 got onto my layout and knocked several cars to the floor. The cats dont have access to the room unless I am in it. One cat insists in being in the train room with me. I solved any issues with her getting on the layout or work table by putting a blanket in the top shelf of a rolling cart that I use to store supplies. Now she will jump into the cart and sleep and not be a bother to me or the layout. My biggest issue though is cat hair getting into the wheels of my rolling stock and locos.
Well it looks like it could do the job. Do you swing it single handed or with a two handed grip? I'd go with the two handed.
CATter up. He swings! <crack> IT'S A HIT!!! And the furry little monster's up, up and away! The cat just keeps on going! Out of the train room! It's a home run! And the model railroaders go wild! ;-)
ajelms wrote: stumpiesgrump wrote:keeping cats off anything is as simple as laying out strips of clear packing tape - sticky side up. -stevTried it, didn't work. My cat likes the tape. He chews on it and bats it around. I use a rain stick that I got at South of the Border. He is pretty scared of that. http://www.heritageethnicmusic.com/site/607029/page/276836
This is an easy one guys. Simply run scale electric lines on all of your model "telephone" poles and charge them with 220 volt current when your not in the room!
Just kidding, I rather like cats really, their good when their fried!
Old Boskey is no more, we found him yesterday in his box. It was a good 14 years though.
Joe Daddy
Reality...an interesting concept with no successful applications, that should always be accompanied by a "Do not try this at home" warning.
Hundreds of years from now, it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove...But the world may be different because I did something so bafflingly crazy that my ruins become a tourist attraction.
"Oooh...ahhhh...that's how this all starts...but then there's running...and screaming..."
Our cats enter the basement only when I am there. They have learned to keep off the layout and know they are allowed on chairs, stools, storage boxes, one of the work benches, and the window sills. They also know to jump from stool to stool to earn a treat.
But cats' presence in the room, even off the layout, can produce mysterious pick-up problems in locos that pick up current through bearings instead of wipers. (Like Athearn.) We know enough to remove collected lint from wipers but it took me a long time to discover that a fine cat hair winds in a spiral between an axle and its bearing, insulating that axle from the truck frame!