I would like to see HO scale (and N scale for the N scalers) Santa Fe Hi Level cars that are up to par with the BLI Zephyr cars. I have heard twice now through the internet grape vine that BLI may already be working on this, but we all know how the rumors go.
I would also like to see a run of all the Santa Fe business cars in plastic, especially the Topeka, Atchison, and the 400 series division superintendent shortys (although I have the Topeka in brass and have a reservation for one of the Coach Yard division superintendent cars).
steamage wrote:A modernized version of the old John Allen hot box decector car to flash red LED when couppled to hard. Auto reset in 10 seconds. An adjustment to the amount of shock to trigger the red LED to go on. Or I will have to build one.
I'd take one of those in N scale. You could make it a flat that you add whatever top fits your era so that one flat could be a wood boxcar, a modern boxcar, a waffleside or whatever.
Since it appears that the "What loco would you like to see?" thread was so popular, I thought I'd do a follow up thread.
This is open to freight, passenger, MOW, anything but a loco.
So, what rolling stock would you most like to see? Please mention the scale.
Since I model N scale, I'd like to see some wood sided passenger cars that are longer that the MDC 50'ers. Some 78' footers would be great! Something like this...................
There are some Model Power and RR heaviweights available, but they're all metal sided versions, and the conversion is a pain.