And just to prove that I am not just "all talk" I am announcing the formation of Railroad Modelers Against Graffiti. If you would like to help, send me an email. If you send me an email espousing the virtues of Graffiti, it will be delete.
"And the sons of Pullman porters and the sons of engineers ride their father's magic carpet made of steel..."
lollollol hey whatever floats all of your boats, all i can say is i like that people decerate the trains with colorful art, i wish some of you could see that to. if anyone has graffitti on there model trains take a picture and post it on here.
Milwhiawatha wrote: OK heres my 2 cents1. Everyone has a right to their opinion2. Graphitti is illegal but its here get over it.3. It is art if you really look at it but no it shouldnt be a trains.4. look at 1 and 2.5. Its part of everyday life. You cant change it so why complain.
OK heres my 2 cents
1. Everyone has a right to their opinion
2. Graphitti is illegal but its here get over it.
3. It is art if you really look at it but no it shouldnt be a trains.
4. look at 1 and 2.
5. Its part of everyday life. You cant change it so why complain.
That's why when I saw 2 taggers tagging freight cars I called the Police..Last time I saw those pukes they was cuff and stuff in the back of a Police car.
Summerset Ry.
"Stay Alert, Don't get hurt Safety First!"
RAVE wrote:i like graffiti on my model train set, and i like it more modern and realeistic
If you are after realism why do you refer to it as a "train set"
that is what it is
8500HPGASTURBINE wrote: Rave, You should have let the origional question go, telling us you Graffiti cars is opening a can of worms here. I have seen a few topics like this get out of hand. I love the look of a HO car with Graffiti on it, it makes it look real IMO. In fact 70% of the stuff I have has it. And some of it is BIG. I wouldn't think of buying a car off of Ebay unless it had some on it. I have hundreds of photo's of real cars with Graffiti. 95% of the time I see gang logo's, swearing, or just someones name. I don't see the art in that. Am I for it, YES on MRR cars, NO in real life. Somehow I feel that the $$$ for that car having to get repainted comes out of my pocket in one way or another.
Rave, You should have let the origional question go, telling us you Graffiti cars is opening a can of worms here. I have seen a few topics like this get out of hand. I love the look of a HO car with Graffiti on it, it makes it look real IMO. In fact 70% of the stuff I have has it. And some of it is BIG. I wouldn't think of buying a car off of Ebay unless it had some on it. I have hundreds of photo's of real cars with Graffiti. 95% of the time I see gang logo's, swearing, or just someones name. I don't see the art in that. Am I for it, YES on MRR cars, NO in real life. Somehow I feel that the $$$ for that car having to get repainted comes out of my pocket in one way or another.
do you have any pictures of your cars?
RAVE wrote:i like graffiti on my model train set, and i like it more modern and realeistic not make it look like it is straight out of the box. i see trains everyday and there has never been one without a TAG.
So your excuse is that it is alright to deface other people's property because a lot of other people do it. How incredibly lame. It is snot nosed losers like you who would probably be the first to sue the railroad if you got injured while trespassing on their property to perform your criminal acts. How incredibly arrogant that you somehow got the idea that you have some sort of right to deface property that does not belong to you. Here's hoping you get caught sooner rather than later. I'm sure your new cellmate, Bubba, will be glad to see you.
BRAKIE wrote: Milwhiawatha wrote: OK heres my 2 cents1. Everyone has a right to their opinion2. Graphitti is illegal but its here get over it.3. It is art if you really look at it but no it shouldnt be a trains.4. look at 1 and 2.5. Its part of everyday life. You cant change it so why complain. That's why when I saw 2 taggers tagging freight cars I called the Police..Last time I saw those pukes they was cuff and stuff in the back of a Police car.
Good job, Brakie. Too bad more people don't get involved like that instead of looking the other way. I would consider it a civic duty to do exactly what you did and I would take great pleasure in helping see that these lowlifes got busted. Vandals are bottom of the barrel.
Graffiti is perfect for covering duplicate reporting marks on rolling stock...you can buy several of the same car and not have to worry...
Metro Red Line wrote: Graffiti is perfect for covering duplicate reporting marks on rolling stock...you can buy several of the same car and not have to worry...
yah, i just realized that usually i buy seperate cars and that gets to be a pain in the ***
You're a great scale model tagger!!!
nice, put here are some pointers
1. nEVER put your graffiti on the engine
2 put the graffiti at the bottom of the train not med way
over all i love what you have done the 2nd 3rd and 6th pics are the best, i like your weathoring
oh well i did not realize that but from all of the auto carriers i have seen the tags are at the bottom where on the Decals it cuts off to a straight line that is where it ends, almost like these ones.....
NYC(old car)at the feed mill tagged.
Any of you sticklers for "historical accuracy" who model the first half of the last century plan on modeling a Klan rally?
After all, it happened! Its part of history! Whats that you say? You pick and choose which parts of reality you choose to portray on your model world?
So do we all!
RAVE wrote:what are you talking about?
Simple, you claim you model graffiti because it is part of the modern world in which we live. Well, the KKK was part of the world of the 1920's. The picture I provided was from a Klan Parade in DC in 1925 that drew about 100,000 Klansmen from across the country.
And yet, if someone were to model such a scene on their layout I think it would be safe to say that they would be pretty much universally condemned. And yet, their layout would be historically "accurate".
Does it mean that they are racist? Nope, it just means, like you with your portrayal of graffiti, they are striving for accuracy.
My point is, that if we can selectively "forget" about the Klan rallies of the 20s, we can (and I think should) ignore the vandalism of private property that is called "graffiti".
By the way, for what its worth, I don't think you ever "tagged" anything. I think you are just a wannabe!
Will all the "holier than thou"s of the thread stop crowding the soapbox? So RAVE did some bad deeds in childhood. We all know you all did too. Funny how the older one gets the better behaved one was as a kid with yes sir, no sir, said all your prayers to every religion in existance, and I bet you ate all your vegetables too. And of course there's that old chestnut about having to walk 10 miles to school uphill both ways in the snow. Give it a damn rest. I'm sure all of us have plenty of skeletons in our closets too and if you don't it's because you're lying or suffer from selective amnesia.
Anyway back on topic, I don't condone graffiti in real life but I model it on my freight cars too because let's face it whether we like it or not it's there and it is very much a part of modern railroading and yes some of the graffiti is racist too including swastikas along with gang tags. We need something for the HO scale police to do other than hang out in the donut shop.
MrKLUKE wrote: As a side note, I think George's logic ranks up there with Rave's spelling. I wish there was a "vomit smiley face" I could use. Jeff (MrKLUKE)
As a side note, I think George's logic ranks up there with Rave's spelling. I wish there was a "vomit smiley face" I could use.
Jeff (MrKLUKE)
Lets see. I compared two historically accurate, yet objectionable, items that could be included in a person's layout, but I feel shouldn't be - at least not by thinking modelers.
What part of that didn't you get?
I prefer my layout to be graffiti free.
As someone else pointed out here. Graffiti is only art as long as it is done to somebody else. I think if you woke up in the morning and found your house or your car or anything else you owned had been "tagged" during the night, you'd have a very different view of "art" of Graffiti. I also think it is irresponsible for any company to promote this illegal activity.
And "Smokin Joe" wasn't graffity? And "I love ..." wasn't graffity? What Kids do today isn't much different then what people did 20, 50, 100 years ago. I don't like the "in the face" way they do things today, but, it's not any different. But then, my parents didn't like Led Zeppelin or Pink Floyd, and how archiac are they now?
Tagging is wrong, he'll one day learn that. That's why we have laws regarding minors. But in regards to modeling, he's being protypicle.
I'm not condoning what he's done in the past, and I think in the two threads he might have seen other peoples opinion on it it, but historical accuracy is historical accuracy. I have "Smokin' Joe" on a number of BN hoppers, thought I've never tagged. I'd suck at it any way
I'm waiting to catch someone tagging my train. We won't bother calling the cops, we'll just take care of it the old fashioned way.
There shouldn't be any taboos when it comes to history. Only by remembering it and keeping the memory alive can we appreciate the horror of it. Modelling a Klan rally? Pah, I'll do one better.
I'd model the trains to Auschwitz.
dirtyd79 wrote: So RAVE did some bad deeds in childhood. We all know you all did too.
Did you?
RAVE wrote:you know what also sucks people who cant shut the hell up and apperciate ART...
Hey, RAVE, why don't you post your address here so people who work in my company can come put spray-painted "art" on your house and car? That would be all right, wouldn't it?