It does bother me some that it makes another project for the RR I'd rather not do. I've been an Nscaler for a long time. Many A1G cars came with only one car number. For some roads, you'd have to wait years for MTL to produce another car in that number series. I give credit to Atlas for producing their locos for as many roads as they do. Prices for items get too high or too scarce if they don't make enough of a hot seller.
Matching the car color & number font gets to be a chore. It would be easier if you could make your own carnumbers with white letters. Not many use yellow. I don't want to spend $500 for an Alps printer just to do car numbers. Prices for items become too high or
The problem gets worse as you try to get a proto car fleet for a fallen flag minority road. Then you don't need so many ATSF or UP units.
I have a lot of engines with the same number but in different paint schemes:
Silver and Orange
New Image
-------------WP LIVES
I tried to sell my two cents worth, but no one would give me a plug nickel for it.
I don't have a leg to stand on.
fec153 wrote: Out of 400 plus cars, only a dozen are duplicates.
Out of 400 plus cars, only a dozen are duplicates.
That is impressive. So far we have avoided duplicates, but as time goes on we will probably change numbers if necessary.
Anything is possible if you do not know what you are talking about.
Tho not a nit-picker, I loathe duplicate numbers. Out of 400 plus cars, only a dozen are duplicates. My { H.O.} Ortners, FEC, are the only ones I purposely bought with dupes.
Tracklayer wrote: Paul3 wrote: Yep, it bugs the heck out of me. I have over 250 cars on my layout, and none of them have the same reporting mark and number.When I see it, like the one time I saw a 50 car NYC Pacemaker freight with all the same car number, it just destroys any sense of realism anyone is trying to create. Sure, the public doesn't care, but then the public wouldn't care if you ran a 200ton derrick at 120mph with the boom facing forward, either. And they love wrecks almost as much as they love speed.Paul A. Cutler III************Weather Or No Go New Haven************I'm glad you brought this up. I had someone recently make the comment that the speed I run my trains at is boring, and asked me if they went any faster than that. I replied - These are trains, you're wanting slot cars...Tracklayer
Paul3 wrote: Yep, it bugs the heck out of me. I have over 250 cars on my layout, and none of them have the same reporting mark and number.When I see it, like the one time I saw a 50 car NYC Pacemaker freight with all the same car number, it just destroys any sense of realism anyone is trying to create. Sure, the public doesn't care, but then the public wouldn't care if you ran a 200ton derrick at 120mph with the boom facing forward, either. And they love wrecks almost as much as they love speed.Paul A. Cutler III************Weather Or No Go New Haven************
Yep, it bugs the heck out of me. I have over 250 cars on my layout, and none of them have the same reporting mark and number.
When I see it, like the one time I saw a 50 car NYC Pacemaker freight with all the same car number, it just destroys any sense of realism anyone is trying to create. Sure, the public doesn't care, but then the public wouldn't care if you ran a 200ton derrick at 120mph with the boom facing forward, either. And they love wrecks almost as much as they love speed.
Paul A. Cutler III************Weather Or No Go New Haven************
I'm glad you brought this up. I had someone recently make the comment that the speed I run my trains at is boring, and asked me if they went any faster than that. I replied - These are trains, you're wanting slot cars...
Once I get the Duplex out with the passenger cars, it will run. They wont have any chance to look-see too closely.
I am not terribly bothered by duplicate car numbers, as I can disguise them fairly easily, by spacing them apart, or using them in different trains, depending on the circumstances. I do not use a car card system, though, so this may skew my opinion slightly.
I do, however, appreciate manufacturers that offer packages of multiple cars of a particular type that do carry different numbers on each car. I've purchased several sets of Athearn reefers and coal hoppers packaged in this manner. They come in a six pack and have different numbers on each car. I like this idea for two reasons. First, the numbers are different, so I don't have to put any special emphasis on the order in which I run them. Second, this method of packaging seems much more economical to me. I can build up my rolling stock collection more affordably (and more rapidly) by purchasing these six packs than by making purchases of individual cars.
I would encourage other manufacturers to offer similar packaging for their products. I know there were a few manufacturers named in this thread that are doing things like that, or at least having numerous numbers available for each model. I know Walthers/Proto offer two different numbers for each of many of their models, but this is far too few choices, especially for those who use a car card system.
if your into operating different numbers help, but I may have unit coal trains so same numbers wont bugger me there.
depends how you wanna operate.
Our club's model layout is under initial construction. Since a card-order and/or switch-list method of car routing is anticipated, we are planning to permit no duplicate car numbers for any one prototype owner (cars would be identified by owner and number). Since the layout could end up with 1,000 cars (both individually and club owned) on it at one time, I expect a lot of renumbering. Same for locomotives.
Mark Pierce
mlehman wrote: Gosh, I didn't know anyone even paid attention to those little, bitty numbers in N scale... :>)Nah, just kidding.N usually has a bit fewer choices available. I've noticed that Micro-Trains generally releases cars in single numbers, while in HO its cousin Kadee puts out pairs of differently numbered cars. More typical are releases from Red Caboose and Intermountain, which will put out 6 or 12 different road numbers of the same car in each run. If you want to represent certain prototypes, you have to accept some of that at times, no matter what scale you model in. Otherwise it's difficult to get a representative fleet of rolling stock assembled.Your strategy sounds a lot like my own. For boxcars and other types generally handled as single cars, I stick to distinctive road numbers. I do have 12 Athearn hoppers that have duplicated numbers, two sets of the same six numbers. With traffic like coal being generally handled as cuts of cars, if not outright unit trains, it bothers me less to have duped numbers. And it's virtually unnoticeable to visitors.
Gosh, I didn't know anyone even paid attention to those little, bitty numbers in N scale...
Nah, just kidding.
N usually has a bit fewer choices available. I've noticed that Micro-Trains generally releases cars in single numbers, while in HO its cousin Kadee puts out pairs of differently numbered cars. More typical are releases from Red Caboose and Intermountain, which will put out 6 or 12 different road numbers of the same car in each run. If you want to represent certain prototypes, you have to accept some of that at times, no matter what scale you model in. Otherwise it's difficult to get a representative fleet of rolling stock assembled.
Your strategy sounds a lot like my own. For boxcars and other types generally handled as single cars, I stick to distinctive road numbers. I do have 12 Athearn hoppers that have duplicated numbers, two sets of the same six numbers. With traffic like coal being generally handled as cuts of cars, if not outright unit trains, it bothers me less to have duped numbers. And it's virtually unnoticeable to visitors.
My thought exactly. But ya it shouldn't be that funny. Sorry.
But I guess for those that are really wanting different numbers they can go and change them. Otherwise I will buy the car with different numbers, but then If I want more of the cars, I will buy more of the same numbers. So it doesn't bother me on freight cars. On passenger cars I am a little more on the different number side.
Happy railroading
If switching the same # cars is a concern, you can keep a few coupled together and run them / switch them in and out of your industries as a block, as space permits. This works especially well with coal cars.
It bothers me yes.
That is why I pulled some orders of Woodland Scenics Dry Transfers and adjusted my rolling stock purchases around different car number availibility.
Half tempted to duplicate some more athearn coal hoppers in the B&O that I know are availible right now and replace the numbers on each car simply because Athearn does NOT make enough numbers availible RTR.
Paul3 wrote: Sure, the public doesn't care, but then the public wouldn't care if you ran a 200ton derrick at 120mph with the boom facing forward, either. And they love wrecks almost as much as they love speed.Paul A. Cutler III************Weather Or No Go New Haven************
Sure, the public doesn't care, but then the public wouldn't care if you ran a 200ton derrick at 120mph with the boom facing forward, either. And they love wrecks almost as much as they love speed.
That's too funny.
Yes. Even in N scale.
No two cars on my layout have the same road number.
Modeling the Rio Grande Southern First District circa 1938-1946 in HOn3.
It does not bother me but I like the response of nit pickers amd rivet counters. At least it fulfills their needs.
If you ever fall over in public, pick yourself up and say “sorry it’s been a while since I inhabited a body.” And just walk away.