How many of you will be sneaking away from family and friends today to check in on the forum(s) of choice to see what's going on?
I won't be back until at least this evening as we have to go out of town for the day. If I were home,I would be checking in every so often for the latest updates on who got what.
Life is simple - eat, drink, play with trains!
Go Big Red!
PA&ERR "If you think you are doing something stupid, you're probably right!"
This will probably be my one of my last post for the day.
Merry Christmas
I'm checking in. Probably will do so periodically during day. This is only forum I will check today.
Merry Christmas to all. Stay safe.
I'll be here periodically in the morning, but going over to friends for the afternoon.
Yikes! Just saw we're under a tornado watch until 1:00 PM. Goodness.
Mike Tennent
Yes, I'll be browsing the forums a lot!
I'm working at the fire station today so some of the firefighters with kids could have the day off. As nothing much is happening on this special day, ( JC!) I'll be checking in often until the radio starts squawking. Somebody's bound to get a paper cut on their wrapping paper!
I hope the rest of you have a great day, no matter where you are!
The Cedar Branch & Western--The Hillbilly Line!
Merry Christmas.
I'm here. My daughter got an MP3 player and is gone to the world. My son got a personal DVD player and he's in Disney Land. My wife is cooking (I put the bird in the oven and I'm set) and my mother-in-law is sleeping off her chocolate binge.
I'll be here way too much.
Building the Rock Ridge Railroad with the slowest construction crew west of the Pecos.
From the far, far reaches of the wild, wild west I am: rtpoteet
Oh I'll be here. Most of Christmas Day is usually pretty boring and anticlimatic; Most of the family, church, festive activities for me are actually done on Christmas Eve. I'm a musician and I played/sang at two churches last night, got to accompany a Children's Choir and later sang a solo verse to a gospel version of "Silent Night."
Though we're just about to get to the presents right about now.
But I'll enjoy the day as much as I can. Christmas Day everything's quiet and peaceful here in the city, no traffic, how beautiful!
I will be here today as all other days.
The forums are my current way of following Model Railroading as I am in limbo, my layout is in Wisconsin and I am living in Nebraska as I wait to close on a home here and then move the layout.
This makes this Christmas kind of a blue one, however I do have the family and some new friends here that are making the holidays very good for me.
This make me realize what the troops are going through, probably a lot worse off than I am!
I would like to wish all a safe and Happy Holiday.
I sure will.
R. T. POTEET wrote:P & LE RR:My snuggle was looking over my shoulder while I was reading this post; she said "The EAGLES? Who are the EAGLES??" When the sun sets on the City of Brotherly Love this eve their will, I fear, be much "weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth.Me? Well, I am a Raiders' fan ............ but I wear a sack over my head to conceal my identity!!!
looks like santa brought everyone in philly a christmas present with the eagles win!!!
Am here. Doing this.
R.T. - My sympathy to your lady. There is much weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth tonight, but not in Philadelphia.
Got to talk to just about everybody on both sides of the Pacific today. Happily, my extended family and closest friends are all doing well. Here's hoping the same can be said for everyone here.
Have a happy holiday season, and to all a good night.
Chuck (modeling Central Japan in September, 1964)