Tried this the second time and is a tad better. I used extreamly thin washes over its off white base, seems to show the hilights of a rocky surface better. This is the same method of coloring Geodestic scenery and is a very quick tecnique I will file flat a lot of talus rocks then glue in place as well as shrubs and about thirty pine trees.
Dont look at the right side as its comming off, never do scenery without ones first cup of coffee LOL.
This picture is the white area of the first one, note the thin wash of hunter green, will plant grass in those areas, apply rocks (filed flat to look earth bound) weeds and brush.
O well so much for my popcorn method, its very close to my pictures of the Frather River Canyon around the west Pulga area.
I will perfect this latter as my wife if very sick and will ba away for a bit....John