Ryan BoudreauxThe Piedmont Division Modeling The Southern Railway, Norfolk & Western & Norfolk Southern in HO during the merger eraCajun Chef Ryan
Colorado Front Range Railroad: http://www.coloradofrontrangerr.com/
Don't mind me, I was working on my benchwork and then the kid went down for a nap so I'd thought I'd dig up this old thread and post something. I remember always asking for a trainset for Christmas but never did get one. I also remember when I was really young I was at an Aunt's house and going up this metal spiral staircase led to a room with a train set. I remember nothing more about it other than it wasn't hooked up and how bad I wanted to play with it. Well 2 years ago we bought a house with a basement and I may now finally get that trainset I've always wanted!
My Dad always setup his Lionel trains around the Christmas tree each Christmas from when I was about 4 years old, but the following Xmas season, my Grandfather who worked for Sear and Roebuck (remember when it was called Sears and Roebuck ?).Anyway Grandpa ran the hardware and roofing dept in the Fort wayne Indiana store, and took me to work with him one Saturday(December 1956) since I was staying with Grandpa and Grandma that weekend.There was HUGE Lionel layout setup in the main display windows, and Grandpa took over to see it, and let me stay with the guy who was running the trains. I remember that there were about 3 or 4 ttrains all running at once!!! I was on cloud nine! One orr two were steam engines and they had smoke coming out of the smokestacks!There were all kinds of Lionel accessories and building setup with these trains. I was there until lunch time until Grandpa and I went home for lunch, and I stayed with Grandma while Granpa went back to work. My Grandpa passed away the following April.
When I was 10 years old (1961), my folks got me an HO trainset through Sears, and I still have it.It was a NYC diesel, and Dad later bought me a small Lionel steamer swtcher engine.My Grandma later added to it for one of my birhdays, and bought me some track, and a couple of HO rolling stock, one was the rocket launcher caar, and a gondola car with some crates that set inside of it.It was red in color, and the crates were a light tan in color.I've been hooked evwer since and got serious about building a layout last fall.I've been collecting HO rolling stock, kits, etc, for the last ten years, with an eventual layout in mind.My dad also worked as a brakeman on the Pennsy out of Ft wayne Indiana and I remeber going down to the "Baker Street Station when I was maybe 5 to 6 years old, and we'd wait for Dad's train to come in, and watch off in the distance for the big plume of smoke from the steam engine, and listen for the steam whistle, then it would roll into the station!6 years ago, my dad passed away, and I now have his Lionel trains.They are vintage about 1935.A Commodore Vanderbilt steam loco and and another 2-4-2 steam engine.A set of freight cars and a set of passenger cars.They all still work.
Working on the "Pennsy"
in HO
Old thread or not, it's worth sharing...
Me? 1945, Christmas - age 3 1/2. We're visiting my grandparent's house in Jackson Tenn, and on Christmas morning, I found, spread out all over the dining room, a huge set of pre-war Marklin #1 gauge electric trains. Freight, passenger, steam, diesel, all German prototype, with lights, and everything.. Buildings, switches, accessories galore. All salvaged from the ruins of WWII Germany by my father. I didn't eat anything all day. By mid-morning I could run everything myself. Hardly looked at any other presents. The "bug" bit hard and deep, and hasn't let go since. Incidentally, I still have those trains, and they still run.
Gary M. Collins gmcrailgNOSPAM@gmail.com
"Common Sense, Ain't!" -- G. M. Collins
My father has been a model railroader since the '50s. I used to watch him scratchbuild structures, often based on photographs an measurements he took in the field, mostly in Pennsylvania, but some in New England.
I gotmy first HO trainset at age 7 or 8 (I forgot which ) for my birthday. It was a Bachmann freight set with a Sante Fe warbonnet F, a yellow Chessie boxcar, a blue Rock Island hopper, perhaps another car (?), and a Sante Fe wide-vision caboose.
My father built me a layout based on Bob Hayden's Yule Central (it's a 4x6 in one of Kalmbach's project books). I ended up learning my own scenery and structure building on that layout.
The rest is history!
Modeling the Rio Grande Southern First District circa 1938-1946 in HOn3.
Bob Berger, C.O.O. N-ovation & Northwestern R.R. My patio layout....SEE IT HERE
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