Scott - Dispatcher, Norfolk Southern
QUOTE: Originally posted by TrainFreak409 You use railroad horn signals while you drive. [:D] Start driving - Two long beeps Back up - three short beeps Cross an intersection - long, long, short, long I'll be playing with these when I get my airhorns installed. They don't do much good in the trunk of my car.[V]
QUOTE: Originally posted by canazar skip lunch two days in a row so you can justify spending the money on a new box car kit. I took the term starving modeler to a whole new level Last year when things were tight money wise for me, I figured out that if I skipped 2 days worth of lunch a week, I could get a train car kit with no extra hit on the wallet. [:o)] Well one day, I let it slip about my theroy on saveing money and getting the car kit (BB or Roundhouse sorta thing) Well, my fiancee got so mad at me[V], not cause I spent money on a train car, but I was skipping lunch. She thought back to the last few months of the all kits I had bought and she went through the roof. If I came home with a new car, i had to swear I had a good lunch. If things were really tight she give me an allowance to get a one. Yes, I know, she is a keeper. [:D]
Brought to you by the letters C.P.R. as well as D&H!
K1a - all the way
See pictures of the Clinton-Golden Valley RR
QUOTE: Originally posted by jimhubbard the coffee at the Local Hobby Shop tastes better than the Guiness at the local Irish Pub.
Trains stop at train stations, Subways stop at subway stations, On my desk I have a work station.
QUOTE: 1.Keeping in mind im 13, When you ride your bike a a couple miles everyday just hoping too see a guilford come rushing by but always dissapointed by the MBTA.
QUOTE: Originally posted by mustanggt You know u are a railroad addict when........ ......... you keep rusty spikes you find on the local bike trail
QUOTE: Originally posted by TrainFreak409 I have a bunch of railroad spikes. As well as washers, and everything else. I even have a foot long length of railhead.[:D] Hey Matt Zimmerman, my first words were "Choo Choo."[:D]