QUOTE: Originally posted by Stevert QUOTE: Originally posted by chateauricher The "gee-whiz" numbers I refered to came not from the marketing hype the manufacturers put out; but from the comparison chart prepared and published by Model Railroader Magazine's December 2005 issue. Not to knock MR, but where do you think they got many, if not all of the numbers they put in their comparison chart? Do you really think they kept adding throttle plates and more throttles until they hit 99 and the PA said, "No more!", and then penciled "99" into their chart?
QUOTE: Originally posted by chateauricher The "gee-whiz" numbers I refered to came not from the marketing hype the manufacturers put out; but from the comparison chart prepared and published by Model Railroader Magazine's December 2005 issue.
QUOTE: QUOTE: Originally posted by chateauricher Until someone can provide a better way to compare and contrast system in an objective manner, what other choices do we have ??? Look again at what I wrote before: QUOTE: Originally posted by Stevert 2) Haven't you read any of the other threads/posts on this subject? The ones where all that marketing hype and those "gee whiz" numbers are completely debunked?
QUOTE: Originally posted by chateauricher Until someone can provide a better way to compare and contrast system in an objective manner, what other choices do we have ???
QUOTE: Originally posted by Stevert 2) Haven't you read any of the other threads/posts on this subject? The ones where all that marketing hype and those "gee whiz" numbers are completely debunked?
QUOTE: QUOTE: Originally posted by chateauricher While I cannot speak for others, I, for one, have read almost every thread on this forum that dealt with DCC. The information provided is very often conflicting. Getting an objective evaluation from anyone is virtually impossible. This is where your critical thinking has to come into play. I don't know that anyone was handed a sheet with that objective evaluation. At least I wasn't, so I had to study all the offerings I could, I had to weed out fact from fiction, and I had to make a choice about what system I thought was best.
QUOTE: Originally posted by chateauricher While I cannot speak for others, I, for one, have read almost every thread on this forum that dealt with DCC. The information provided is very often conflicting. Getting an objective evaluation from anyone is virtually impossible.
QUOTE: QUOTE: Originally posted by chateauricher So, where do we DCC newbies turn when we want objective and understandable information about the different systems ? See above.
QUOTE: Originally posted by chateauricher So, where do we DCC newbies turn when we want objective and understandable information about the different systems ?
QUOTE: Originally posted by chateauricherQUOTE: Sometimes we have limitations -- budget, space, etc -- that mean we are forced to consider the less expensive systems out there, even if it means sacrificing what you consider essential. Personally, I don't have $200+ US to spend on a DCC system -- I'm lucky to find $100 US (even then, I'll probably need a couple months to pay off the credit card). Then you need to state up front that price is a consideration, and that you are absolutely limited to whatever.
QUOTE: Sometimes we have limitations -- budget, space, etc -- that mean we are forced to consider the less expensive systems out there, even if it means sacrificing what you consider essential. Personally, I don't have $200+ US to spend on a DCC system -- I'm lucky to find $100 US (even then, I'll probably need a couple months to pay off the credit card).
QUOTE: QUOTE: Originally posted by chateauricher QUOTE: Originally posted by Stevert Even no space for a computer in the layout room can be a "benefit" if you ever decide to use a dispatcher during operating sessions, because you will be forced to locate the dispatcher in a remote location. My layout room is less than 60 square feet -- about 8½ft by 7 ft -- so I have no room to put a computer in there, let alone a 2nd operator. What fun it is to have a computerized dispatcher located in another room (or another town) ? On a "real" railroad, the dispatchers aren't sitting out next to the tracks, they're in an office that may be hundreds or thousands of miles away. Many, many model railroaders emulate this by locating their dispatcher away from the immediate layout area. I've seen them located in adjacent rooms, hallways, closets, under stairways, and even under the layout itself on more than one occasion. Aparently it's at least some fun, or they wouldn't be doing it.
QUOTE: Originally posted by chateauricher QUOTE: Originally posted by Stevert Even no space for a computer in the layout room can be a "benefit" if you ever decide to use a dispatcher during operating sessions, because you will be forced to locate the dispatcher in a remote location. My layout room is less than 60 square feet -- about 8½ft by 7 ft -- so I have no room to put a computer in there, let alone a 2nd operator. What fun it is to have a computerized dispatcher located in another room (or another town) ?
QUOTE: Originally posted by Stevert Even no space for a computer in the layout room can be a "benefit" if you ever decide to use a dispatcher during operating sessions, because you will be forced to locate the dispatcher in a remote location.
QUOTE: QUOTE: Originally posted by chateauricher I understand how useful a computer interface can be; but I just cannot afford to have one (financially or in square-footage), so it is a sacrifice I am willing to make. Keep in mind that dispatching isn't the only reason to use a computer with DCC. As I have mentioned before, decoder programming is much, much easier with a computer. Signalling is another possibility. Neither of those uses require another operator, or even the computer, in the layout room itself. See Joe Fugate's comments (Posted: 11 Jan 2006, 13:59:17) regarding DCC/computer interfaces.
QUOTE: Originally posted by chateauricher I understand how useful a computer interface can be; but I just cannot afford to have one (financially or in square-footage), so it is a sacrifice I am willing to make.
QUOTE: QUOTE: Originally posted by chateauricher Besides, I'd have to buy a new computer since the one I have can barely handle what little I ask of it now. So add to the cost of a Digitrax system the cost of a new computer (at least $600 CDN), and you're approaching the $800-1000 mark. I don't know about you, but, search as I might, I just can't find that kind of coin in the couch pillows. A new computer is hardly needed. The computing (horsepower) needs are actually very slight. From what I've seen and heard, most dedicated layout computers are second-hand doorstops that were destined for a landfill. Mine certainly falls into that category.
QUOTE: Originally posted by chateauricher Besides, I'd have to buy a new computer since the one I have can barely handle what little I ask of it now. So add to the cost of a Digitrax system the cost of a new computer (at least $600 CDN), and you're approaching the $800-1000 mark. I don't know about you, but, search as I might, I just can't find that kind of coin in the couch pillows.
QUOTE: QUOTE: Originally posted by chateauricher So, I ask those of you who are more experienced with DCC to please refrain from making condescending comments or personal insults when we "novices" ask for help in choosing a DCC system. Don't always assume we haven't done any previous research either. As I said above, we don't always feel it necessary to discuss all our other criteria and (personal) situations which may dictate/limit what options we have. We're just trying to make the best of our situation. While many of us dream of owning a private Leer jet; most of us are lucky if we can afford to fly coach once a year. I can understand where you're coming from here, but you have to consider the "other side" as well. I don't know how many of these Brand X vs. Brand Y threads there are in these forums, and the same questions, same inaccuracies, and same "gee whiz" numbers almost always show up in each one of them. It gets to be a real bummer seeing the same fud over and over again.
QUOTE: Originally posted by chateauricher So, I ask those of you who are more experienced with DCC to please refrain from making condescending comments or personal insults when we "novices" ask for help in choosing a DCC system. Don't always assume we haven't done any previous research either. As I said above, we don't always feel it necessary to discuss all our other criteria and (personal) situations which may dictate/limit what options we have. We're just trying to make the best of our situation. While many of us dream of owning a private Leer jet; most of us are lucky if we can afford to fly coach once a year.