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Why search the internet

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Why search the internet
Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, May 11, 2003 11:41 AM
Becasue it is there, why else would it be a function of the world if it wasn't worth the time. Investigation is not hard, it is time con- suming. Type, click and view, that is all one has to do, not like the trip to the local libray in the good old days to do reseach. Once you have exhausted all the info from the internet, then it is time to pick your fellow modelers brains. I have over a million bookmarks on everything from model rairoading to commercial railroading. It is fun to spend a evening to search for the things model magazines do not carry in there advertising section. At 54 years of age, I have worked on railroads, bulld layouts and have kept up with modern technologies in the field... It is a learning process for all that have the desire to model and be creative, it is an any age hobby not limited to ones self expression. It is the fun of trading information with those that seek it and can benefit from it. Whether you buy ready made, kitbash or scatch build, you will find that the resources are out there on the Internet.


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