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Best company for Locomotives

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Best company for Locomotives
Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, January 5, 2003 5:39 PM
This is probably a really newbie type question
but here goes:
What do you all consider to be the best company for manufacturing N-scale locomotives?
Also, I've been hearing about Protos? (is that a line of locos from Life-Like?)

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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, January 5, 2003 8:00 PM
I'm HO, but Kato-Atlas-(Lifelike-Proto series) rank very high in diesel.
Bachmann does not enjoy a high rating.
When you have a specific model in mind, post first.

This hobby also has a few lemons.
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, January 5, 2003 8:36 PM
In my opinion, Kato makes the best N scale locomotives. The detail on the ones I own is absolutely outstanding, the lettering and paint jobs are extremely crisp, and perhaps best of all, they run incredibly smooth. Sure, they do cost a bit more than others, but it's worth it. Kato mostly makes diesel locomotives, and a few high-speed Japanese electric locomotives. The only (so far as I know) steam engine Kato makes is called a mikado, and they have superb detail and running qualities as well. Hope all this helps!
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, January 5, 2003 8:38 PM
In my opinion, Kato makes the best N scale locomotives. The detail on the ones I own is absolutely outstanding, the lettering and paint jobs are extremely crisp, and perhaps best of all, they run incredibly smooth. Sure, they do cost a bit more than others, but it's worth it. Kato mostly makes diesel locomotives, and a few high-speed Japanese electric locomotives. The only (so far as I know) steam engine Kato makes is called a mikado, and they have superb detail and running qualities as well. Oh, and by the way, "protos" (they're actually called Proto 2000) are also a very good choice, and generally somewhat cheaper than Kato models. It's a line manufactured by a company called Life-Like. In terms of detail and operation, they pretty well measure up with the Katos. Hope all this helps!
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Posted by BRAKIE on Sunday, January 5, 2003 8:43 PM
Your best bet is the Atlas,Kato and the following Life like units,SW1200,GP18 and GP20. There may be others in their line of locomotives.

I am getting back into N scale from HO,I own 6 Atlas GP7s and the Life Likes SW1200 (2) and 4 GP20s.These are very smooth runners.I test ran The GP 18 and feel that it is a smooth runner also.



Summerset Ry.

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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, January 5, 2003 8:52 PM
Atlas B23-7's are the best engines I've ever come across--superb detail and the best runners.
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, January 5, 2003 11:44 PM
I agree with others that Kato and Atlas are the best. Life Like is right up there, but what holds it back for me a bit is so far they haven't come DCC ready (plug and play).

By the way, the latest buzz is that Kato is coming out with a new Steamer (not my thing) and I saw a couple of pics of it, so you might want to research that one out.

The new LL 2-8-8-2 is a hot, hot, hot engine; everyone is loving it. If there were a Canadian prototype I would buy it. The Bachman Consolidation is also a hot number, but make sure you run it before you buy it, a few have some running problems. If it runs well in the shop, you won't have problems with it.

I just blanked out... oh yeah... Model Power just released a Pacific...but stay away from this for the next six months. There has been a few running problems and I know there have been many sent back to the manufacture to be fixed. I feel bad for Model Power on this one as I think their heart and head were in the right place (didn't want to produce a junker) but they still ran into some problems.

But rarely do you go wrong if you buy a Kato or Atlas.
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, January 6, 2003 5:51 PM
Glad to hear you are getting into N scale. I model in both N and HO and I can tell you that N is by far the funnest. Most people are correct with their assesment of Atlas and Kato. Both top notch. The newer Life-Like stuff is good also. Basicly, stay away from the stuff with truck mounted couplers (except the older Atlas or Kato). That is a sure sign of a cheap product that you will have problems with in N scale. At last count I have 84 locomotives on my empire, almost all Atlas or Kato. I scraped the other ones cause they just don't cut it.
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, January 6, 2003 7:34 PM
Thanks to everyone for all the great advice.

Can you expand on what you mean by truck mounted couplers? What are the other kind of couplers? Meaning, where are they mounted?

What kind of MFG warranty do Atlas and Kato offer on their locomotives?

Thanks again!
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Posted by MAbruce on Tuesday, January 7, 2003 7:02 AM
Just to add to Larry's Life Like list is the SD7. I own one of these and a LL GP20. The GP20 is superior, but the SD7 runs a very close second.

I understand that you can't go wrong with either Atlas or Kato. I have not invested in them yet, mostly because of my limited MRR budget. Life Like has so far given me the most for my money.
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, January 7, 2003 5:38 PM
Hello Kevin,
Truck mounted couplers used to be the way we in n scale coupled the cars to the locomotive. The newer, better, locomotives have the couplers on the end of the frame (the pilot), like a real locomotive. Again, welcome aboard and I know you will just enjoy n scale. I sure do.


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