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QUOTE: Originally posted by davekelly The big announcement? According to a friend that is a mole at Mike's place, MTH's K-4 is not an HO model. It is a OH, or 1/86.9 scale model. This scale will be much more widely accepted than HO and a patent is pending. ....
Joe Fugate Modeling the 1980s SP Siskiyou Line in southern Oregon
QUOTE: Originally posted by jnichols AntonioFP45, The QSI lawsuit from MTH's perspective is a counter suit ... ... MTH was simply indicating they had been issued several patents, and the letter was a way to avoid future patent infringement litigation ... As to your thoughts about the NMRA, and the fact that MTH has bowed out of participation ... is the NMRA always right? Now onto the big one, DCS is proprietary and DCC is not ... you don't think Digitrax or Lenz is proprietary? The one place where this logic is blurred is in the decoders, but even there are discrepancies and problems, especially with programming ... Yes and no, and this is where I find all this talk about open platforms as misleading and underinvestigated. You made mention of the BLI website ... MTH patents do not have anything to do with BEMF. This is a motor control technology that has been used for years, and certainly was not developed by Mike or his team at MTH. What was in question was the scale speed in 1 mph increments ... Now I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea here, I love DCC and think it's very cool. I have had several different systems, and liked them all for different reasons, and enjoy my Super Chief everyday. But I also have DCS, and feel that from a system (not communications platform) standpoint, DCS is better thought out and better implemented.... [;)]
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QUOTE: ....especially when people belittle a competitive product or attack the organization responsible for it with very little information of their own.......
QUOTE: Originally posted by jnichols bangert1, There is no solid information available right now that I am aware of, only rumor and speculation. My guess is that over the next several months more information concerning the DCS/HO situation will be revealed to us. But I feel confident in saying that a DCC interface from MTH is highly probable, and the Proto3 chip working with DCC has already been discussed in great detail both on the MTH website and elsewhere. Beyond that, it's anyone's guess!
QUOTE: While there has been much talk about how friendly all of the DCC players have been to one another because DCC is an open platform, this couldn't be farthest from the truth. As an example, do you guys honestly think Lenz and Digitrax sit around a table and share ideas with one another? This is not happening I can assure you.
QUOTE: Remember that DCS is not only a command control system, but also a communications platform. While MTH devoloped it and currently they are the only ones using it, who knows what will happen as time goes on. I have heard many insider rumors about MTH licensing the DCS system to other manufacturers. If this happens you will see much broader appeal to the system, and it's many advantages over the current crop of DCC systems will be easier to understand.
QUOTE: Besides, as I understand it, not only will the MTH locomotives operate on a DCC system (albiet with limitations due to the control architecture), but MTH fully intends on developing a DCC interface for use with the DCS system in order to control anyones DCC products. When that day arrives, the old Super Chief will quickly find it's way on the old auction block...
QUOTE: Originally posted by jnichols Me thinks there is some confusion regarding DCC and DCS. Here are my thoughts... Besides, as I understand it, not only will the MTH locomotives operate on a DCC system (albiet with limitations due to the control architecture), but MTH fully intends on developing a DCC interface for use with the DCS system in order to control anyones DCC products. When that day arrives, the old Super Chief will quickly find it's way on the old auction block... [;)]
QUOTE: As a proprietary standard, it is destined to remain a niche player, just like the Mac. While, like the Mac, it may have some improvements over the open standard DCC just as the Mac is in many ways a better designed system than the PC ... that still doesn't change the fact that open standards tend to rule.