Time...It marches on...without ever turning around to see if anyone is even keeping in step.
Modeling the Reading Railroad in the 1950's
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Joe Fugate Modeling the 1980s SP Siskiyou Line in southern Oregon
QUOTE: Originally posted by jfugate Three amps is about right for a minimal DCC system. One amp, sorry to say, is a real "one horse" system, and is *way* underpowered for more than a glorified test track.
Dave H. Painted side goes up. My website :
Simon Modelling CB&Q and Wabash See my slowly evolving layout on my picturetrail site and our videos at
QUOTE: Originally posted by dehusman Maybe its the word "starter"? If you want ALL the features they you should buy a system with ALL the features. Dave H.
QUOTE: Originally posted by simon1966 The point being that this was accomplished in small steps, none of which broke the bank. I would never have purchased this all at once, so a starter set that grew, fitted my needs perfectly.
QUOTE: Originally posted by CARRfan I was leaning towards the MRC prodigy advance, which is still a possiblity. But then my understanding is I'd never be able to program it with my laptop.
QUOTE: Originally posted by CARRfan ereimer, I'm in the exact same boat. I'd like to have all of the upgradability options, but want to start with a walkaround throttle - teathered is fine, in fact prefered (no batteries to change, I believe). I wi***he Zephyr came with a walkaround throttle instead of the "base station" type throttle. The upgradability is very attractive. Very smart of them. I was leaning towards the MRC prodigy advance, which is still a possiblity. But then my understanding is I'd never be able to program it with my laptop.
QUOTE: Originally posted by gbailey Gee Joe - I wonder how I've been programming my decoders for the last couple of years without knowing Binary and Hexadecimals - or having a computer interface !!! But really - you make it seem FAR more difficult than it really is !!!!
QUOTE: Originally posted by simon1966 $64 bucks gets you a UT4 throttle that can plug right into the Zephyr and give you walk around. $15 gets you panels you can place around the layout. I find the Zephyr itself to be a great throttle to have by my yard, which also contains my programming track.
Keep it between the Rails
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QUOTE: Originally posted by cjcrescent Joe; I have an old Toshiba laptop, running windows 95 at 60mhz with 32mB of memory that runs JMRI just fine. Granted it is slow ...