"I like my Pullman Standards & Budds in Stainless Steel flavors, thank you!"
QUOTE: Originally posted by AntonioFP45 So, don't worry there are plenty of railroad companies around.
QUOTE: Originally posted by Darth Santa Fe What does CSX stand for? (I think I repeated myself just now[:0])
QUOTE: Originally posted by dave9999 Darth, Sorry to disagree... The CSX website states that the X stands for "and all others". Please see the link below. Dave http://csx.com/?fuseaction=help.faqs&cat=1051&cat_n=General#faq__10324
QUOTE: Originally posted by UPLOCOFAN "CSX standing for Chessie, Seaboard, and many times more." from the website: http://csx.history.railfan.net/menuhistory.html
QUOTE: Originally posted by dave9999 QUOTE: Originally posted by Darth Santa Fe What does CSX stand for? (I think I repeated myself just now[:0]) This has been asked many times on this forum, and everytime people get it wrong. This is a link to the OFFICIAL CSX website and gives the real meaning of the CSX name. Dave http://csx.com/?fuseaction=help.faqs&cat=1051&cat_n=General#faq__10324
QUOTE: Originally posted by AntonioFP45 You see, one thing that is often overlooked by many of us is that there are over 400 regional and shortline railroads in the U.S alone! Many of them were chunks that were sold off by the big railroads like the Santa Fe, CSX, etc. The traffic levels were not high enough for the big roads to justify the high maintenance costs, but still enough that a smaller company could take over the lines and continue to provide service to customers. Some of these companies are less than 10 miles in length, while others cover over 100 miles. Often times, as a sales incentive, the Class 1 railroads agree to continue to forward and interchange freight cars with the new shortline.
QUOTE: Originally posted by george745 Ok I love CSX so I always have to answer this question. Like Antoniofp45 and others have said what the CSX website says. Though I found this article on Trains.com- http://www.trains.com/content/dynamic/articles/000/000/002/997majiu.asp It says that it was C for Chessie and S for Seaboard but the articles says that x was just placeholder for court filings. Who's theory is right? I don't know. if the Trains.com article is correct then I can see how CSX could change the story to make it look better then a third random letter. Remember that it doesn't say that the meaning of the word is and doesn't say it's the story behind it but rather it was worded in presesnt tense. Andrew
QUOTE: Originally posted by 06archerd C@#k sucker Express!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
QUOTE: Originally posted by csxguy QUOTE: Originally posted by 06archerd **** sucker Express!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOA!!!!!!!!!![:0][:0][:0][:0][:0][:0][:0][:0][:0][:0] Thats an interesting variation!
QUOTE: Originally posted by 06archerd **** sucker Express!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
QUOTE: Originally posted by AntonioFP45 C = Chessie System S = Seaboard System X = Multiplied many times more I MISS MY SEABOARD COAST LINE!! Very friendly crews, cab rides, U-Boats, GP7s, and SD45s. Man, those were the days!
QUOTE: Originally posted by Paul3 CSX stands for lousy trackwork (besides the Amtrak wrecks they cause, I recently witnessed a rail gap that I could stick my thumb in that also had both joint bars broken clean through on a secondary line) and incompetant car routings (a friend of mine works for a shortline that keeps getting cars they sent out full back to them still full). What? Oh, you wanted to know what the letters stand for? Um, sorry... [:D] Paul A. Cutler III ***************** Weather Or No Go New Haven *****************
QUOTE: Originally posted by Darth Santa Fe QUOTE: Originally posted by Paul3 CSX stands for lousy trackwork (besides the Amtrak wrecks they cause, I recently witnessed a rail gap that I could stick my thumb in that also had both joint bars broken clean through on a secondary line) and incompetant car routings (a friend of mine works for a shortline that keeps getting cars they sent out full back to them still full). What? Oh, you wanted to know what the letters stand for? Um, sorry... [:D] Paul A. Cutler III ***************** Weather Or No Go New Haven ***************** Maybe the track is "Made in China".[:D]
QUOTE: Originally posted by Paul3 CSX stands for lousy trackwork (besides the Amtrak wrecks they cause, I recently witnessed a rail gap that I could stick my thumb in that also had both joint bars broken clean through on a secondary line) and incompetant car routings (a friend of mine works for a shortline that keeps getting cars they sent out full back to them still full).