Building the Rock Ridge Railroad with the slowest construction crew west of the Pecos.
QUOTE: Originally posted by SpaceMouse 4.5 x 8 foot HO.
QUOTE: Originally posted by cwclark My layout is 23' x 25' and you got that right!..pretty expensive! is a picture album of my layout in case you are interested...i'm still in the "plywood central" stage, but working as fast as i can to build it...i started it in March of 2004 ...chuck
Adam Thompson Model Railroading is fun!
"Being misunderstood is the fate of all true geniuses"
QUOTE: Originally posted by AggroJones 11' x 11' in an 11' x 9' bedroom. Almost "complete" 1 year from the starting date.
I'm back!
Follow the progress:
QUOTE: Originally posted by tooltech My layout is 2ft x 12ft point to point with a interchange, yard and 5 industries and a card system. There are manual ground throws for the turnouts, 30 blocks and a power pak that I added a deadman's switch. Size of a layout does not matter if designed for alot movements. I have in and out bounds to the interchange, breakkdowns and shuttling to and from the yard and out to the industries. I plan to expand my layout and have industries where I can bring in a varity of cars.
Tom View my layout photos! One can NEVER have too many Articulateds!
QUOTE: Originally posted by twhite My garage is 24'x24' and the layout is 24x17'.
QUOTE: Originally posted by AggroJones BIGGER is BETTER only to the point where you can still build and maintain the layout with the number of people you expect to be involved with it. In my case, one. THAT mean the MAXIMUM sized layout I could be comfortable with WOULD be 20' x 20'. But I don't have to worry about a layout too large for me. I don't even have that option.
QUOTE: Originally posted by grande man Bigboy, that one should take the prize. Is that in your home? That's going to be quite a railroad. I hope you have some faithful help though.
Cascade Green Forever ! GET RICH QUICK !! Count your Blessings.
Brought to you by the letters C.P.R. as well as D&H!
K1a - all the way
Remember its your railroad
Track to the BRVRR Website:
QUOTE: Originally posted by steveblackledge I have an 18' x 9' in my brick garage, it's on two levels around the walls with a 3.25% grade between the two. i have gone with using building flats against the wall's to give the illusion of depth, i hope it all works out
QUOTE: Originally posted by oleirish CHIP:I'am watching you like a hawk,looking good,[:P]Quick question:how did you go from the flat top up your grade with out a bump?[^]OH !! buy the way if I send you my address can just ship that layout to me[:-,] [oX)]OLE'IRISH[oX)]