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I STILL haven't been to a good hobby shop.

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Posted by simon1966 on Sunday, May 8, 2005 10:06 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by Adelie

Which one did you go to, Chip?

Towards Baltimore (in Laurel) is Peach Creek Shops, and in Baltimore is MB Klein. Peach Creek is good, and I have not yet been to MB Klein (but will be).

Well by chance I am hopping on a plane to DC tomorrow for a meeting in the afternoon and then heading up to Columbia, MD for a meeting Tuesday morning. Hotel booked in Jessup and pleased to see that I am only going to be a few miles from Peach Creek, so hopefully can find an hour after my meeting on the way back to DC. Thanks for posting Adelie

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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, May 8, 2005 10:36 PM
The closest shop to me is about a 45 minute drive if traffic's good. It's not a bad shop as far as the stock goes, but the owner has no personality, no sense of humor and has a smart mouth. Not only that, but he's a very disorganized individual to say the least. If you put something on layaway, it ends up getting buried under tons of other people's stuff and he can't find it when the day comes to pick it up...
I'll continue to do business at this particular shop as I will several others in my area, but like SpaceMouse said, I haven't found a perfect one yet.

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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, May 9, 2005 1:07 AM
Chip, I will Ditto CARRfan's mention of "The Original Whistle Stop" in Pasadena, CA and Allied Model Trains in Culver City, CA. Both have a huge selection of nearly anything train related. There is also the Train Shack in Burbank, CA and The Roundhouse in North Hollywood, CA which both sell only items related to model railroading.
The sad part about all this is that there used to be a lot of other shops around that have since closed their doors over the last 20 to 25 years: the ones I miss are the Train Station in Burbank, the California Train Depot in Van Nuys, and a couple of other hobby shops that basically just don't carry trains anymore due to a shift in people's interests.
If you ever do make it to Southern California, at least there are still quite a few shops to visit around the Los Angeles basin, many of which I have not yet been to.
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Posted by dinwitty on Monday, May 9, 2005 3:13 PM
Most of the nearby shops a few years ago were well stocked, but today its straggling.
I think there are competeing hobby interests and stuff going on.
But like the traction enthusiasts who have extremely little to go on, the rule is "SCROUNGE" as noted by Vane Jones messages scattered in his mag, Traction and Models.
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, May 9, 2005 3:52 PM
jdavid93225 you pretty much covered my list of hobby stores. By the way the "roundhouse" in N hollywood has a monthly raffle where first prize is $75.00
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Posted by Jetrock on Monday, May 9, 2005 4:00 PM
If SpaceMouse comes out to Sacramento we have *got* to have a meetup! Maybe some hobbyshop runs followed by a railfan session at Roseville Yard or downtown, or a trip to the CSRM so SpaceMouse can see some of those 1870's-1890's engines up close and personal!
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Posted by Jetrock on Monday, May 9, 2005 4:05 PM
Oh yeah, for SpaceMouse's other travels: Whenever I visit a new city I do a Yahoo Yellow Pages search for hobby shops in the area--as well as a perusal of the latest issue of Model Railroader for their hobby-shop listings. Any shop that appears in both the Y! search and MR is probably a must-see, and the rest I gauge based on name ("Golden Spike Railroad Emporium" good, "Scrapbook & Cross-Stitch Paradise" bad) and proximity to wherever I will be visiting.
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Posted by SpaceMouse on Monday, May 9, 2005 4:19 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by Jetrock

If SpaceMouse comes out to Sacramento we have *got* to have a meetup! Maybe some hobbyshop runs followed by a railfan session at Roseville Yard or downtown, or a trip to the CSRM so SpaceMouse can see some of those 1870's-1890's engines up close and personal!

My son and I are supposed to go to Trinidad for a week in late July/Early August. I'm not sure if I'm going in to SF or where, but I'll see if we can work it out.


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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, May 9, 2005 5:34 PM
I guess I've just been lucky. Several GOOD LHS abound here in greater Kansas City, thank goodness. But even when I lived in Scottsbluff, Nebraska (look that up on your map--I'll bet you didn't even know there were people way out there!)we had a local (Gering, NE) hobby shop that had stuff for other hobbies, but a KILLER train department because the owner is/was a model railroader. I haven't lived in that area for almost 13 years and I still stay in touch with Larry and order stuff from him from time to time. I'm sorry some of you in other parts of the country have so little access to good shops. Earlier in this thread someone mentioned Caboose Hobbies in Denver. That is the largest and best stocked train store I have ever seen, but it's twelve hours drive from Kansas City; and these local guys take good care of us.
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, May 9, 2005 5:43 PM
There is a train shop that I go most of the time, The Model Railroad Shop and it has been around since 1933. This shop is located in Piscataway, NJ. This usually has what I want and if not gives me an excuse to come back. There are other model railroad shops that I have gone to but I seem to the Model Railroad Shop. I have been to full line hobby shops and they carry alittle bit of this and that and so so on train stuff. I f and I travel, I like to visit other trsin shops and hobby shops, never know may find some I need, etc.
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Posted by caboose63 on Monday, May 9, 2005 5:47 PM
In old town section of Saginaw, Michigan is Brasseurs Electric Trains on Court Street between Hamilton Street and Michigan Avenue. In operation since April 1992 on Court Street, Brasseurs is exclusively all model trains and nothing else but that. they sell N to G scales, Athearn blue box, genesis, MDC, Walthers including cornerstone kits, Atlas, Woodland Scenics, Bachmann Spectrum, Bowser and many more. They are such a popular customer oriented business that famous local celebs like saginaw radio talk show host Art Lewis of WSGW 790AM is a loyal customer, that is time and work schedule permitting. Bob Brasseur the owner a former GM executive even has had tourist customers from far away as Austria buy at his store. And for anyone that has had any trouble ordering Athearn or MDC stuff from hobby shops that won't deal with Horizon Hobbies, well Brasseurs Electric Trains orders from Horizon Hobbies. Brasseurs will also take your order even if you are in another state and have it sent to you. When i was recovering from near terminal stage 2 colon cancer in summer 2003 in my parents crossville tennessee home I had Brasseurs ship me about 6 of Athearn's gonolas including two decorated for Florida East Coast and South Shore. The shop itself is located in a former 1920's hardward store with the tinfoiled fancy ceiling that is about 15 feet high. Anyone that goes in you may feel like homer simpson feels when he discovers a new donut. HHHmmmmmmm trains lol. They also do excellent repair on locomotives and will not rip you off like some hobby stores might
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Posted by espeefoamer on Monday, May 9, 2005 5:54 PM
The Whistle Stop and Allied,are both very complete train shops,but both sell at MSRP.For good discounts,go to Arnies Trains in Westminster,R Hobbies in La Mirada,and Milepost 38,in Anaheim Hills.This train shop is located on the BNSF main line at,you guessed it,MP38[:)].
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Posted by Don Gibson on Monday, May 9, 2005 5:59 PM
'Mouse That Roar's'

Gettysberg PA had one of the BEST hobby shop's I have ever visited, I even bought a couple of Brass Engine's there. Originally it was called 'Gilbert's'. As a couple of years ago it was still in business, run by his nephew's..

It's not 'next door' but It's in your part of the Continental US. A phone call or consulting the Dealer listing in MR will confirm..It 's worth the trip - in case Pickett's charge isn't..

Nothing is forever, however Gilbert's is still there - and currently listed in MR.
Don Gibson .............. ________ _______ I I__()____||__| ||||| I / I ((|__|----------| | |||||||||| I ______ I // o--O O O O-----o o OO-------OO ###########################
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Posted by Jetrock on Monday, May 9, 2005 7:19 PM
I think about the only railroad hobby shop in Humboldt County is the Hobby House (2911 F Street) but the last time I was there was probably 1993 and I can't vouch for what they stock these days. However, I would recommend checking out the Timber Heritage Museum association:

They don't actually have a museum yet, but they do have a collection of Neat Stuff and a store--if you get in touch with them I think it is possible to arrange a visit to the collection.
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, May 9, 2005 10:44 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by jdavid93225

Chip, I will Ditto CARRfan's mention of "The Original Whistle Stop" in Pasadena, CA and Allied Model Trains in Culver City, CA. Both have a huge selection of nearly anything train related. There is also the Train Shack in Burbank, CA and The Roundhouse in North Hollywood, CA which both sell only items related to model railroading.
The sad part about all this is that there used to be a lot of other shops around that have since closed their doors over the last 20 to 25 years: the ones I miss are the Train Station in Burbank, the California Train Depot in Van Nuys, and a couple of other hobby shops that basically just don't carry trains anymore due to a shift in people's interests.
If you ever do make it to Southern California, at least there are still quite a few shops to visit around the Los Angeles basin, many of which I have not yet been to.

Ah Yes, I forgot to mention the Roundhouse in North Hollywood. I probably visited that shop more than any other as a kid. You gotta love mom. She'd give me like 45 minutes or something to go hang out in there whenever I had 20 bucks to blow. Good times!!!

I visited the Train Shack in Burbank once. Good store too.

By far the best are the "trains only" type stores.

There was a small store in Santa Barbara for years that was extremely small, but that guy knew everything, and had everything crammed in there. It was quite impressive. Unfortunately, now it's just part of the liquor store next door that grew into the model railroad shop :(

Luckily, a local hobby store bought him out when the owner retired, so there's still a decent place to get stuff. In Ventura there's a pretty good place that's an all-around hobby shop, but still has a wealth of train stuff.
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, May 10, 2005 2:25 PM
There's a whistle stop in san diego.
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Posted by StillGrande on Tuesday, May 10, 2005 2:46 PM
Grandad's would probably be the best in the Northern VA, DC area. Hobby Works is a chain that does mainly RC stuff. They have the Athearn stuff I suspect because of the Horizon sale, but not much. Grandad's HO selection has been declining since that same period. I end up shopping the consignment section for stuff I can use. M.B. Klein is supposed to be good in Baltimore (if what they bring to the train show in Timonium is a clue, they are REALLY good).

I miss Bobbye Halls in Dallas (bought my first non train set locomotive from Mrs. Hall). There is still a great train store in Addison near the Addison Airport. They have lots of stuff. Rows and rows of kits.

The train stores in Strausburg PA is good too (great setting, just down the street from the PA railroad museum and the Strausburg Railroad). They are one on top of the other. One is more new stuff. The other books and some used stuff. There is also a Thomas the Train store in the same building.
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Posted by DigitalGriffin on Tuesday, May 10, 2005 2:50 PM

Try these two: (Laurel) (Baltimore)

They should be on your way and have everything you are looking for. I know for a fact peachcreek has a full line of kadee couplers.


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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, May 10, 2005 4:58 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by SpaceMouse

I had to go to the DC area on business this morning so I decided I was for once and for all going to a REAL hobby shop. Mine LHS is a slot car mail order business and has a few EZ track components and Woodland Scenics.

Welll I borrowed a Nothern Virginia yellow pages and found one that led their ad with Train supplies for all guages. There were some others that looked better, but they were all 30-45 minutes in the wrong direction.

Well I got there and was excited that they had three rows of train stuff. My goal was to find some Kadee uncoupling magnets, some couplers, some Proto metal wheels, an NMRA guage, and a wheel tool. I thought that was a reasonable list.

I asked the guy where the NMRA guage was and he had never head of one. I had to explain it to him and then tell him what it was for. I took this as a very bad sign. In fact, the store did not have a single thing on my list. They did have about 15 different Bachman train sets and a few Bachman Plus engines--and about 10 Althern engines. The only Spectrum (and I think the only DCC ready engine) was a Critter.

They did have ballast--which my local store doesn't-- so instead of spending every cent on me, I walked out with some ballast, some old west figures and some cows and horses.

I'm beginning to think that the hobby stores I've heard you guys speak of only exist in the Alderon System.

If you are ever in the Duluth, Minnesota area, check out Carr's Hobby. Great Place, and the owner knows just about everything there is to know about trains. I know Duluth is a long way from PA, but Carr's is such a great shop![;)][;)]
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Posted by simon1966 on Wednesday, May 11, 2005 6:32 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by simon1966

QUOTE: Originally posted by Adelie

Which one did you go to, Chip?

Towards Baltimore (in Laurel) is Peach Creek Shops, and in Baltimore is MB Klein. Peach Creek is good, and I have not yet been to MB Klein (but will be).

Well by chance I am hopping on a plane to DC tomorrow for a meeting in the afternoon and then heading up to Columbia, MD for a meeting Tuesday morning. Hotel booked in Jessup and pleased to see that I am only going to be a few miles from Peach Creek, so hopefully can find an hour after my meeting on the way back to DC. Thanks for posting Adelie

Well I found the hour [:D] and had a great time visting with the old timers in the store. Peachcreek is not the largest or the best stocked store I have been to, but it has a good varied selection and is obviously run by folks that know and love trains. Thanks again for the suggestions.

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Posted by jaybird1 on Wednesday, May 11, 2005 7:26 AM
You metioned MB Kleins, thats one of the best going, nothing but trains.
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Posted by Bikerdad on Wednesday, May 11, 2005 5:21 PM
Mainline Hobby Supply, in Blue Ridge Summit, PA, population about 500, is fantastic. Tommy Gilbert's in Gettysburg, PA is also a stone cold winner!

Visited both last summer, wish I had a spare 5 figures in my bank account for the brass at Tommy Gilbert's!

However, of all the shops I visited, the best selection by far was Caboose Hobbies in Denver. Prices weren't anything to write home about though...
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Posted by RedGrey62 on Thursday, May 12, 2005 9:41 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by nfmisso


Head west young man! :) to Denver, Colorado, Caboose Hobbies. You will enter, will not come out for days. Fortunately, they do have a rest room and pepsi machine :)

He ain't kidding, I try to get there once a year from Omaha. They have it all including a sitting/play area for the wife and kids!

As someone else posted, when I travel to a new city, I'll call ahead to see what they carry.
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Posted by ARTHILL on Friday, May 13, 2005 9:48 AM
BECKERS - St Paul, New Brighton actually. All, HO and the owner knows what he's doing. Helped me get started and helped all my family pick good toys for my 70th Bday party.
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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, May 14, 2005 5:39 AM
Once again, I must submit Tampa Bay as a good area for LHS. The Happy Hobo, Frank's Trains, H&R Trains are among the best. I rarely get to Miami, Lauderdale, Palm Springs or anything on the East Coast, so I dunno? Well, the reason for the interest is that so many Seniors come here to retire (me included) and they have the time and money to finally build that dream layout. From live steam to z gauge, you will find what you are after some where in the area. For tinplate people, there is the Lionel Museum in Sarasota about 20 miles south of Tampa off of I-75. You will find what you want but WOW, is it out-of-the-way for most folks. Your biggest expense will be the gas getting here. Hey, its a lot cheaper "off season" (May thru Sept.). Happy rails.
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Posted by Don Gibson on Sunday, May 15, 2005 3:02 PM
Chip Mouse

I concur with your effort's to find a "good Hobby shop" in which most answer's were disparingly divurgent.- LA, SF, Denver, etc. I noticed TWO recommendation's each for Gilbert's in Gettysberg, and MB Kein's in Baltimore. I do not know where 'Indiana, PA is (or is it Pennsylvania, IN?), but' it's got to to be closer than LA.

I like to SEE what I am buying, so 'Saddle up' ol' paint and strap on your 6 shooter's, and play Jeb Suart or John Brown. You may find an engine with a Distlefink on it.
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Posted by Piedsou on Sunday, May 15, 2005 4:31 PM
You were in a great area, but you made the worst choice. Hobbyworks is a chain hobby store. I have only been in one (not the one you refure to, but another) and I will never go back as model railroading is not their priority.

Grandad's is about 95% trains, but at full retail, so I hardly ever go there.
Peach Creek in Laurel, MD. is 100% trains and at a discount. So, is M.B. Klein's in Baltimore. A 2 hour drive will take you to one of the best hobby shops on the east coast, Mainline Hobbies in Blue Ridge Summit, PA, just over the border from Maryland. Again, 100% trains at a slight discount and they have just about everything. In Gettysburg is Tommy Gilbert's and in January, April, June and October the Great Scale Train Show in Timonium, Md. as well as 3 or more Greenberg shows a year around the D.C. area.
There is usually one in Chantilly, VA and in Timonium and Upper Marlboro, MD.

The local Potomac Div. of the NMRA is one of the most active in the nation and the area is home to some of the finest layouts and modellers too. Just a few weeks ago, I was lucky enough to be operating Paul Dolkus' Boston and Maine. He is a frequent contributor to MR and his layout modelled in a November setting is outstanding.
It's best to not trust the yellow pages but to inquire on the net about the best if you can.
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Posted by knewsom on Sunday, May 15, 2005 5:03 PM
If you ever go to the Pittsburgh area, I highly recommend AB Charles & Sons. I always stop by when I visit my wife's family and the owner is one of the nicest and most helpful owners I have met. They always get some of my business when I am there.

Thanks, Kevin
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Posted by timthechef on Sunday, May 15, 2005 7:14 PM
If your in southern Penneslyvania or near Hagerstown MD go to Mainline in Waynesboro PA. It's the entire Walthers catalog in one shop!
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, May 15, 2005 7:25 PM
A big flying "YES" to Gilberts of Gettysburg, Pa. I would drive all the way from Glen Burnie, Md (Baltimore) to Gilbert's on a week end just to see what new brass he had added to his already awesome inventory of Imports. There was a shop (downtown Baltimore) Loyd's Hobbies which was well stocked in component parts i.e., castings, scratch builder's supplies, etc.. That was long ago, so check first. Laurel, Md. is a new one on me but if I can get back to my "old stomping grounds," I'll check it out Don. "Trains, Trains, nothing but Trains" once was a good shop in San Mateo, Ca. I found some vintage Varney, Mantua, Hobbytown and fair stock of brass. Again, that was a long time ago, probably history by now? Aren't the importers of Asian market hobby supplies on the Coast? If so, seems like someone should be "connected."

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