If you are like most model railroaders you are probably looking for a small industry with large quantities of train cars. I found an aerial photograph of one in Cerritos, CA. TerraServer Satellite Photograph
Live Maps Bird's Eye View (Added 02/22/09)
"No soup for you!" - Yev Kassem (from Seinfeld)
QUOTE: Originally posted by HighIron2003ar I used the map's Functions to shift the view several "Panes" over and decided that I am looking at a Dealership for Mobile Homes. You can see the extensions on the sides of some of these vehicles where people use them to gain extra interior space by "pushing" out when parked. The facility is totally fenced in with every vehicle onhand stored inside the fence line. I would imagine that there is no obvious way for the siloes that the hoppers are next to to transport material into the building. Therefore I decided that this is probably a Import, Export or COOP elevator where Grains or light products are bought and sold. There appears to be much plant growth near the one car being loaded at the base of the silos but no obvious Truck Wiegh Scales or even Hydralic End Dump Ramps. The type of vehicles (Cars) gathered at the office of the silos are farmer, pickups and other hard working type vehicles while you can observe that the cars parked at the dealership on it's property are sports cars and not commonly found in industry. These I think are customers or sales people who hav e made a nice living and can afford these nicer sport's cars. I dont see any kind of piping, conveyors or underground transits between the silos or the dealership. Therefore I decided that we are looking at two seperate businesses. The Silos certainly have access for big trucks as a semi driver I can visualize in my head that I can pull into one drive to the silo load or unload and pull out the other driveway without too much trouble. This is reinforced by large clear areas that are kept clear by employees parking vehicles AWAY from the drive way and particulary with the valubale moble homes being tucked far far away as possible from the silo operation while they await space to be freed up on the fenced and secure dealership property. I may come back to this picture later on and expand it to look for the sea. If this place is near a coast then it is export/import if this place is near a alot of FARMS then we are dealing with crops inbound and outbound. The trackage shows a straight several track storage yard next to the silo. There are no apparent spots along the back wall of the dealership ( for boxcars of parts etc) so that rules out a factory.
QUOTE: Originally posted by aardvarknav The place is probably El Monte RV 12818 Firestone Blvd
QUOTE: Originally posted by Muddy Creek ...I think it serves redi-mix plants in the area with cement. There is a large plant a few blocks away with no rail siding. Wayne
QUOTE: Originally posted by KenLarsen QUOTE: Originally posted by Muddy Creek ...I think it serves redi-mix plants in the area with cement. There is a large plant a few blocks away with no rail siding. Wayne Perhaps...but I thought cement was carried in shorter hopper cars because of its density?
I think I may have found out what this place is. It must be a Corn Products International/Corn Products US "Break Station". http://www.cornproductsus.com/companies.html (scroll to bottom of page). http://www.cornproducts.com/In an early post, I wrote that is seems like the silos had CPC on them when I drove by on Interstate 5. This company is a spin off of CPC. Corn Products International 10K (scroll down to "Item 3 Legal Proceedings") Corn Products International 10K
QUOTE: Originally posted by HighIron2003ar "Breakstations?" We call those "Break Bulk" in the east. That means someone gonna be lifting boxes or bags. Are we looking at the same type of operation?
I believe this is California Portland Cement (CPC)
California Portland Cement's map does not show any transfer stations in the area. Also, some of those hoppers are too large for cement. It is also way too short of a haul from the Colton plant for to make rail shipment likely.
The larger hoppers look like Pd-3000s and Pressure flows to me and I bet this plant might get flyash in regular cov. hoppers also. But I don't know what else gets shipped in hoppers like this.
The guys at west coast rail forums refer to it as CalPortland cement also so that's where I was taking my info from(see image #4 down on the page)
However Metrobot refers to this address as PACIFIC EXPANDED METALS INC
Here is a different view of that plant.
After looking at the birds eye views looks like we have a cement unloading plant. If you look at the semi trailer to the far left side of then the photo thats the kind of trailer they use to haul dry cement. Theres also a tandem truck and trailer pulling up under the silos to load. Then to the right of those two nice palm trees, there are two or three whale belly hoppers these look like tank cars but are almost always used for hauling cement. It look like there many be a couple of WC hoppers. These carry a super high grade of silca sand thats loaded on their line (the old Greenbay and Western ) in Talyor Wis, this sand is used alot as a additive in cement.
The silo's do have the CPC lettering on them.
Interesting shot as it shows a motorhome in the parking lot appearntly using the exit. I see an opening in the fence between the two lots.
"Holy Crap Batman! Thats alot of Covered Hoppers in one place!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Kevin
trolleyboyJust a hunch but the mix of hoppers would sugest to me an aggregate dealer of some sort. I have a plant in my city which ships kitty litter they ship in just about any size shape of covered hopper known to man 40/50 loads a day in and out.This could be a similar facility,the silos look about the same. Just a thought. Rob
I know it sounds kinda gross but I just got an idea of using fresh unused, uncolored although scented may not be a bad thing, cat poop gravel used as like blast aggregate or larger aggregate in a hopper/gondola for some use. Course I realize scaled up the sizes of rock pieces would range from motorcycle to a small end table.