I'm going to install subject injectors on both sides of a locomotive. As far as I can determine so far, Cal Scale only makes these with the mounting pin positioned for right-side installation. For left-side mounting I'll have to remove the pin and, if salvageable, solder or glue it to the other side of the injector. Removal of the pin, however, could cause some disfigurement of the injector.
Does anybody know if Cal Scale makes a Nathan-design injector for left-side mounting, i.e. with the pin on the appropriate side for such mounting?
Here's a LINK to Bowser's Cal-Scale catalogue.
...and also a LINK for ways to contact them.
If they come as only suitable for one side, simply file off the mounting pin of the second one, then drill the other side to accept a suitably-sized piece of brass or phosphor-bronze wire to create a new mounting pin for the other side. You can then solder or cement it in place.
Thanks for the links, Wayne. I spoke with Bowser a minute ago. They confirmed Cal Scale doesn't make an injector for the left side, so I guess I'll hope for a steady hand when I file off the pin!
I've got Sellers-design Cal Scale injectors on another engine that don't have mounting pins. The partial piping on them is glued/soldered to piping leading to the turret and check valves and that serves to hold the injectors in place.
Have you looked at Precision Scale?
Precision-Scale_Injectors by Edmund, on Flickr
31313 might be your friend?
Good Luck, Ed
Ahhh....didn't think about Precision Scale....
When I checked just now, though, I found that Cal Scale's injector is a better choice economically because of shipping charges. My local hobby shop doesn't order from Precision Scale. It only orders from Walther's, but Walther's apparently doesn't stock #31313. It DOES, however, stock Cal Scale's injector and the hobby shop doesn't pass on Walther's shipping charges to its customers. If I ordered Precision Scale's injector pair (left and right) directly from Precision Scale, or via eBay, the shipping charges would be more than two of the right-hand Cal Scale injectors from Walther's via my hobby shop.
Of course, there IS my labor of filing off the mounting pin to consider....hmmm....maybe next time I need a part I'll take a look at Precision Scale. Thanks for the suggestion, Ed!