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Jeffreys Track Side Diner for February, 2022 Locked

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Posted by Water Level Route on Friday, February 25, 2022 12:56 PM

Good(?) afternoon diners.  Flo, a grilled ham & cheese, a pepsi, and a side of aspirin please.  I can't wait for quitting time today. Sigh

My big plans this weekend are to take my daughter to her indoor soccer games and get my taxes done.  Around that, who knows.  Would like to think I would get some train time in, but who knows.  I promise nothing! Laugh

I hope everyone has a good, fun, safe, and healthy weekend.  Talk to you guys later.


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Posted by howmus on Friday, February 25, 2022 9:53 AM

Mornin' from the snowey Finger Lakes Region of NYS.  Yep!  Lots of little white "stuff" coming down today.  Partly cloudy we like to call it here.  Will be heading out to remove about 4/5 inches that have accumulated so far in my drive way soon.

"Dave, BMI has too much importance placed on it on the internet, and bathroom scales cannot possibly give an accurate reading. It needs to be done by a human with calipers. However, a quick and dirty way to check to see if one is obese is to measure height and waist. If waist measurement is not less than half one's height then one is obese."

Even that is off for me.  According to the BMI index At 5'6" I should not weigh in over 160 lbs.  I told my former Doc that and he forcefully told me NO!!!! Said that would be very unhealthy for me.  We settled on 170 or a little more. (195lbs. at the moment) I have very little fat around my waist now (can't even "pinch an inch" anymore).  I am short and stocky build.  I am all of 5'6" now (down from 5'8.5" way back when) with a 38" waist.  I look at my heart rate after I sprint the last 1/3 lap of the 5k I do and now it is about 140 bpm and within a minute falls to under 90.  I'm told that is excellent, so I am satisfied with that.  Will not be getting the 5k in today as I need to remove the "white stuff" in the driveway......

Catch you all later!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by NorthBrit on Friday, February 25, 2022 9:05 AM

Good afternoon Diners.   A coffee on the go please,  Brunhilda.  Just popping in and out again letting everyone know I am still around.

Played a little indoor cricket,  then had coffee and sandwiches after.  A little social event.



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Posted by BroadwayLion on Friday, February 25, 2022 5:34 AM


We got Chimbley


Only our coal boiler is connected to it these days, and at the moment gas is cheaper, so we are using our gas boiler. About half the size of the 100 year old coal gobbler, but twice the BTU

Upon a time once, we ran three of those big coal boilers and provided elektricity to the whole town. When the utility company came to town people abandoned us for that new fangled AC power.

If burning the coal we are, we gotta send one of the kids into the chimbley to clean out the fly ask that falls to the chimbley floor. The chimbley is repaired about every ten years or so.

I was talking to our maintenence monk and refered to the chimbley as the "flue" and he tried to correct me. I had to correct him back. The chimbley is the pile of bricks, the flue is the hole in the middle of the pile of bricks.

The flue begins at the air intake of the boiler and ends where it exits the chimbley.

A flee and a fly in a flue

were imprisoned so what could they do

the flee said lets fly

the fly said lets flee

so they flew through a flaw in the flue

Each fireplace must have its own flue. You can see some old chimnies, especially in Europe with several flue pipes rising from each chimney.

Keep em clean and maintained.

The Route of the Broadway Lion The Largest Subway Layout in North Dakota.

Here there be cats.                                LIONS with CAMERAS

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Posted by hon30critter on Thursday, February 24, 2022 11:51 PM

a quick and dirty way to check to see if one is obese is to measure height and waist. If waist measurement is not less than half one's height then one is obese.

Well, according to that I should be 8 ft. tall!Smile, Wink & GrinLaughLaugh I'm not denying that I need to lose weight. I do what I can and I don't particularly worry about it. All my other medical stats are well within the normal range.


I'm just a dude with a bad back having a lot of fun with model trains, and finally building a layout!

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Posted by BroadwayLion on Thursday, February 24, 2022 8:43 PM

Lapped turnouts? WHO makesa those in HO?

Guessyou gotta custom build them.


The Route of the Broadway Lion The Largest Subway Layout in North Dakota.

Here there be cats.                                LIONS with CAMERAS

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Posted by BATMAN on Thursday, February 24, 2022 7:51 PM

Good afternoon from the sunny West Coast.

I'm kinda pooped but have a glass of Glen Livet 12 so that ill help the old man aches and pains.

The wife said she wanted a bathroom with no ugly closet in the corner, my job here is done, back to trains.Laugh

I think we should go to Tahiti next month and if they don't have a railroad there we can build one just so we can stay. Tahiti is the most beautiful place on Earth IMO.

Dave, BMI has too much importance placed on it on the internet, and bathroom scales cannot possibly give an accurate reading. It needs to be done by a human with calipers. However, a quick and dirty way to check to see if one is obese is to measure height and waist. If waist measurement is not less than half one's height then one is obese. I get ridiculous BMI measurements on our bathroom scale, especially when I put on muscle. The scale tells me I am getting fat.Laugh It should look at the six-pack under my shirt. Laugh It's not jaw-dropping but it is there and Meryl likes it.Whistling

I went through an eight-year stint while my spine was fusing and was living on Oxycocet and tylonal. Once the spine was fused up the pain was tolerable but still left me not wanting to do anything that required moving. I really started to look into diet and stopped eating carbs (sugar) and I was pain-free in a week. I rarely take any pain pills now and only eat real food as the video says and feel great. I had a giant piece of cheesecake last weekend and woke up in pain. Stupid is as stupid does. 

The daughter is on her way home for a few days from University, she has been doing some interesting work for the Government on the ET file and will likely go to Ottawa for the summer.

Canucks are on tonight, wife is cooking a gourmet dinner as she always does. Life is good for now. Told the kids to get cash in case of a cyber attack. Real money still works at the grocery store.

All the best to all.

Lapped turnout yard




"All of the world's problems are the result of the difference between how we think and how the world works."

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Posted by York1 on Thursday, February 24, 2022 5:05 PM

I had suggested a while ago that we might consider going back to our old practice of choosing a location instead of a theme, and more specifically, that we choose a warm location! Us northerners are all getting a bit tired of the cold, at least I am anyhow. When was the last time we were in Florida?


Florida sounds good to me, Dave.  They even have the new Brightline RR being built.  Thanks for doing this.

York1 John       

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Posted by MisterBeasley on Thursday, February 24, 2022 4:32 PM

For a new diner location, I would not recommend this state, Delaware.  We used to have a lot of railroads, but now the few that remain are packed in the northern few square miles of the state.  There are only a couple of lines here in the south, now, and they just serve the chicken business.

One side of our community is bordered by Railroad Avenue.  I biked along the entire road.  It's straight and flat, an I expected to find remains of old roadbed, broken ties and perhaps old spikes.  Nothing.  Internet searches show no railroads here, not now or in the past.

It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

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Posted by hon30critter on Thursday, February 24, 2022 3:51 PM

Hi folks,

Where do you want to go with the Diner in March? (It's hard to believe that February is almost over!). I had suggested a while ago that we might consider going back to our old practice of choosing a location instead of a theme, and more specifically, that we choose a warm location! Us northerners are all getting a bit tired of the cold, at least I am anyhow. When was the last time we were in Florida?

So, any ideas? Please don't be limited by my suggestion. Let us hear all of your thoughts.

I will move the Diner unless someone else would like to do it. It takes all of 10 minutes or less. All that is needed is a bit of image copying and some minor editing.




I'm just a dude with a bad back having a lot of fun with model trains, and finally building a layout!

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Posted by hon30critter on Thursday, February 24, 2022 3:15 PM

Show this video to your wife. Eating real food usually means not having a weight problem as the body tends to be able to regulate itself better. 

Hi Brent,

I watched the video but I won't bother Dianne with it. She already has an excellent understanding of what healthy food is. Oddly enough the diet that she is following (the Gina Livy diet) allows her to eat carbs and unhealthy foods, but only in moderation, and it explains very clearly that the more you eat of that stuff, the longer it will take to lose weight. As a result, she rarely indulges in baked goods, pasta, potatoes or sweets, and we don't eat a lot of the heavily processed foods that were talked about in the video. If she wants a tuna salad sandwich she will use a lettuce wrap instead of bread. She had a burger at our local diner today, but without the bun. I can count on two hands the number of times we have dessert in a year and still have fingers left over.

Her diet is influencing me. Last night we had bolognese sauce but, instead of noodles, we used julienned zucchini and I enjoyed it thoroughly. I bought a julienne slicer a while ago. It was inexpensive and it does a great job. Much easier and safer than a mandolin.

I would like to clarify my 300 lb. weight a bit. I am not a butterball turkey. Yes I have a belly, but my arms and legs are positively skinny. My weight is partially a factor of my bone size and density. When I had my back surgery in 2009, the surgeon said that I had the densest bones that she had ever seen in her 25 years of practice. Her assistant surgeon couldn't drive the screws for the fusion into my spine without having to straddle my back. Yes, he climbed right up on top of me on the operating table! Even then he couldn't get the screws driven in all the way.  This guy was the size of a football linesman. The surgeon said afterward that they had used the largest screws available but they still weren't big enough to match my bone structure. I'm not making excuses. I could lose another 50 lbs., but even then my BMI would still declare me to be obese. I'd have to get down to 160 lbs. to be in the 'healthy' BMI range. That is just not realistic.

Enough anatomy lessons.



I'm just a dude with a bad back having a lot of fun with model trains, and finally building a layout!

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Posted by Tin Can II on Thursday, February 24, 2022 2:50 PM

John:  Glad your daughter had her fireplace checked out.  We will eventually get the insert and the chimney liner; just another extra expense that we hadn't budgeted for.  Always something.


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Posted by York1 on Thursday, February 24, 2022 2:37 PM

Tin Can II
The chimney for the wood fireplace has a broken section near the roof; which during use, would vent hot gases into the attic.  Lots of mortar has deteriorated and is missing.


The timing for your comment!

My daughter called just last week.  She said they had their fireplace going and her husband went to the attic for something and could smell the fireplace.

She called me the next day and told me.  I said no more fires!  She called the guys with the camera, and they found the same thing you describe.  Missing mortor and a broken liner tile.


At my house, we have a wood burning insert with a metal pipe going through the chimney.  It looks and works just like a regular fireplace.  It is very nice and we like it.

York1 John       

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Posted by Tin Can II on Thursday, February 24, 2022 9:38 AM

John:  That is an impressive sculpture.  Thanks for posting the picture.

We have two fireplaces in the new house, a gas one in the big dining/living room, and a wood burning fireplace in the den.  As it has probably been years since either were used, we wanted to have them inspected/swept before they were used.  The chimney sweep came yesterday, and we are really glad we had them inspected.  The gas fireplace vents through a 3" outlet (code is 8") and then tees into the chimney of the wood fireplace.  Not a good thing; not to code, and a definite carbon monoxide producer.  The chimney for the wood fireplace has a broken section near the roof; which during use, would vent hot gases into the attic.  Lots of mortar has deteriorated and is missing.  To top it off, there is a huge nest of brown recluse spiders in the broken tile.  The good news is that they are all currently dead.  The bad news is there are sure to be viable eggs up there.  

Bottom line, we will probably pull the gas fireplace and replace it with an electric insert.  We can put a wood burning insert into the existing fireplace, and put a new liner up the chimney, so we can get a functioning wood fireplace.  The good news is that the wood fireplace inserts can heat a room, and the cost can be offset by a partial tax credit.


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Posted by Water Level Route on Thursday, February 24, 2022 9:01 AM

Good morning all.  Flo, how about a big glass of chocolate milk.

We've been getting more and more views of the sun here lately.  A sure sign spring is on the way, even if it doesn't feel like it.  West Michigan is notoriously cloudy, especially during the winter, due to Lake Michigan.  I like winter, but I'm ready for spring.


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Posted by York1 on Thursday, February 24, 2022 8:18 AM

Good morning, everyone.  Bacon, eggs, and black coffee, please.

It's warmed up here to 3°F, but I still didn't feel like walking outside, so I took to the elevated track at field house.  The college women's softball team was practicing, so at least the walk was not as boring as normal.

The team had music blaring in the field house.  At least, I think it was music.  There wasn't any kind of tune you could hum.  Another sign I'm old.

It's a good day to stay inside and work on the layout.  We will get some more snow today, but just a small amount.

If you drive south from us through Concordia, Kansas, you will pass this on the side of a building.  They claim its the largest brick sculpture in the U.S.  It's pretty neat, but we don't ever slow down to look at it.



I hope everyone is doing well.  I will try to check in later today if I can tear myself away from working on the railroad.

York1 John       

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Posted by moelarrycurly4 on Thursday, February 24, 2022 7:12 AM

Good morning from ice covered W KY. This is our third ice storm of the season. 

not too bad I made it in to work as the roads had cleared over night. 


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Posted by BroadwayLion on Thursday, February 24, 2022 6:33 AM

Well, the Olympics are over and we're back to a normal routine.

Oilympics... LION never watched the oilympics. LION does not watch TV. Why watch TV when you can watch this!


Interesting it is. LIRR NYP to Ronkonkoma takes the same amount of time as the (A) train takes to get to Far Rockaway from its terminal at 207th Street.



The Route of the Broadway Lion The Largest Subway Layout in North Dakota.

Here there be cats.                                LIONS with CAMERAS

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Posted by gmpullman on Thursday, February 24, 2022 5:10 AM


We all pull together:

 Dehavilland_Canada by Edmund, on Flickr

Thanks Pal...


Mrs. Pullman's aunt called again last night, one more kitty! This one's jet black and, has a belly full of babies!

So, our total population at home here is twelve, plus two of our own strays hanging around outside! We didn't ask for this but we're doing everything possible to keep the little critters warm, fed and safe.

This latest one, Ebony, is sure friendly and thankful to have a place near the stove to keep her warm. Plus plenty of nutrition to help the young ones along. We'll call the vet tomorrow to get the new mom checked out and maybe get an idea when the kittens may hatch.

Life sure gets interesting in a hurry!


Not snow but sure a neat photo just the same:

 BnA_610_J2b by Edmund, on Flickr

New at Lima, Ohio, April 13, 1931.

Cheers, Ed

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Posted by NorthBrit on Thursday, February 24, 2022 4:20 AM

Good morning Diners.  Tea and toast please,  Chloe.

Younger randdaughter's birthday today, so a little birthday party for her this afternoon.

John.  I hope you are feeling much better.

A few members are missing.  I hope they are well.  If not,  they are on the road to recovery.


Japanese train in heavy snow




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Posted by "JaBear" on Thursday, February 24, 2022 3:51 AM
Gidday Attuvian John, white sponge cake is the basis of lamingtons, so feel free to scrape of the outer coating, if it’s not to your taste.
My Grandma was a young woman at the time of the Great Depression, she worked in a chocolate factory, and boarded with a couple with a large young family and her board money was the only steady income for that family, so she had a very dim view if you didn’t eat what was put in front of you, no excuses!! I guess I’m pretty lucky as I like most things, though before ffolkes get the idea that she was a hard old lady, she did excuse me from having to eat tripe and onions!Ick!
My Grandma was also the only one in the family who also appreciated Monty Python. It was on TV, late on Sunday night, and she and I would stay up and laugh!! The rest of the family thought we were weird.
Dave, I don’t recollect seeing the Ed Sullivan Show, but do remember the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson, though my TV viewing was limited to my Grandmas as my parents never owned a TV.  This tune certainly takes me back…
I deal with a lot of ffolkes who don’t understand why my day job is not my hobby, which is not to say that I don’t retain an interest in the subject, and am frequently on the computer looking for parts etc. So, as a result of my searches which also includes old rail travel posters, the search pixies came up with this, from the 1930s…
IAir by Bear, on Flickr
Also from the thirties…
Night Scot by Bear, on Flickr
Lehigh by Bear, on Flickr
Now to be fair, it was only thirty years prior that the Wright Brothers got airborne at Kittyhawk, and that rail had a 60+ year head start, though travelling over large stretches of water is a limiting factor, but to me the juxtaposition is rather great, and somewhat amusing!!
Thoughts and Best Wishes to All that need them. Kia Kaha.
Cheers, the Bear.Smile

"One difference between pessimists and optimists is that while pessimists are more often right, optimists have far more fun."

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Posted by BATMAN on Wednesday, February 23, 2022 5:03 PM

Good morning from the sunny West Coast where the Daffodils are up a good 6 inches. Went to Costco and the mountains were lookin good on the drive in.

No description available.

Started up again on the master bathroom, my life is H...E... double hockey sticks. This is the last one of four in the house and I have done the powder room twice!

I told the wife I was going to hire someone to do it as I hate doing renos. We got a few quotes all in the $40,000.00 range.Tongue Tied I decided to do it myself as I don't like other people working on my house anyway. I figure it will be $15000.00 for the bits at most and the rest is labour. The three I did were rated stunning and beautiful by all those that have seen them including a couple of real estate agents, so here we go again. I had taken the shower out a while back but stopped because of supply chain issues, but things are becoming available again. It is long overdue as you can see. I am on hold today as I need help to carry that huge mirror out. I may just take a hammer to it.

It is going to be a slow process with all the other stuff I have going on.

I shouldn't complain because I am losing weight too. My belt is at its last hole and my pants are still loose, and I am enjoying salads more than I have in the past. I am now down to less than 300 lbs. I have been well above that for more than 30 years.

Cheering for you Dave, I have seen lots of people change their lives around. Joints are not built to carry a lot of extra weight, hopefully, your back will see some relief. Show this video to your wife. Eating real food usually means not having a weight problem as the body tends to be able to regulate itself better. 

Had a good trip down to Washougal to breed the dog. This lady lived up on top of the mountains some 30 miles East of Washougal in the middle of nowhere, Her place was stunning, you could see forever and it was so quiet.  It was the first long trip in the Toyota I set the speed to 124kmh and let it do the rest. It steered and maintained spacing, took away the fatigue factor big time.

Had a great dinner at a Mexican joint in Camas that was highly recommended. We stayed at a Best Western that had a buffet breakfast included. Watching so many people eating a week's worth of calories in one meal was a little disturbing, especially seeing the young kids being told to go get more because it was free. Many of them were not ten years old and already obese.

Had a good chat with the border guys on the way back. One of them was telling us how so many people crossing the border were incapable of doing the covid test and having the documents to show they took it, ready. He goes how hard can it be? And they let these people vote.Laugh

Here is an old plow built by the Helca Torch Lake mining company.


One for Dave.


Might have to go to Vancouver tomorrow, the mountains are covered with a fresh coat so may need to enjoy lunch while we enjoy the few.

All the best to all.





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Posted by up831 on Wednesday, February 23, 2022 2:29 PM

Hi Everyone,

Brunhilda, coffee with cream, please.

Just stopping in to say hello.

im really enjoying all of the rail travel posters everyone is posting.  I think it started with Ed, but several others picked up the ball and ran with it.  What we have then is a truly international perspective on travel posters.  
A person can learn a lot from these forums.  I am grateful to our host that we are able to have them.  Yes, the promotion doesn't hurt their business and I'm fine with that.

Well, the Olympics are over and we're back to a normal routine.  I know I would be in a fringe minority, but personally, I think they should scale back the games.  They've finally added surfing as an Olympic sport.  Why?!  Let's say the games are in someplace completely landlocked. Where would the surfing events be?  Probably a couple a thousand miles away.  Most of the major team sports have their own international championships, with major compensation involved.  What do they need the Olympics for other than an ego stroke.  Sorry, I'll get off the soapbox now.  SoapBox

Less is more,...more or less!

Jim (with a nod to Mies Van Der Rohe)

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Posted by NorthBrit on Wednesday, February 23, 2022 1:55 PM

Good evening Diners.   A bottle of Samuel Adams please, Janie.

Grandchildren visiting and staying over all this week. They'll keep me busy.  Big Smile


A John Deere working as a snowblower.

Stay Safe Everyone.


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Posted by MisterBeasley on Wednesday, February 23, 2022 12:51 PM


That's just because I'm too lazy to make an omelet!Big Smile

The difference is the time spent slicing some mushrooms and onions, for me.  The bacon is the same, and I've still got to break some eggs and toast some English muffins.

And before that I'm out on the prairie rounding up and herding those cats.  (Not really.  They're right at my heels whenever I go into the kitchen.  I don't need an alarm clock when I've got an alarm cat.)

It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

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Posted by York1 on Wednesday, February 23, 2022 11:45 AM

Water Level Route
How about my favorite breakfast:  An omelet with sausage and bacon.

 Thanks, but you can't fool me John.  You always order bacon and eggs.


That's just because I'm too lazy to make an omelet!Big Smile

York1 John       

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Posted by Water Level Route on Wednesday, February 23, 2022 11:30 AM

How about my favorite breakfast:  An omelet with sausage and bacon.

Thanks, but you can't fool me John.  You always order bacon and eggs.


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Posted by York1 on Wednesday, February 23, 2022 8:53 AM

Good morning, diners.

I didn't check back last night, but saw this morning that I was top of the page.

How about my favorite breakfast:  An omelet with sausage and bacon.


I love all the old travel posters encouraging people to travel by train.  Two years ago I hiked in the Grand Canyon, and found this poster on the wall of the Grand Canyon Lodge on the north rim.  The UP built lodges at Bryce Canyon and Bryce Canyon to encourage train travel to the parks:


Then I found this online:


Hope everyone has a great day today.

York1 John       

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Posted by gmpullman on Wednesday, February 23, 2022 6:05 AM

We've had a few of those, too, where a backhoe operator was merrily digging away and chomped big bundles of fiber optic cable. Fortunately there's some redundancy built in but it may take a while to get back up to speed.

 Duck and Cover by Don Kalkman, on Flickr

Back to cold and snowy here in NE Ohio. So it goes in February. Yesterday it was 56°F, today 27.

 Outbound by Don Kalkman, on Flickr

 Kowabunga!!!!! by Robby Gragg, on Flickr

Cheers, Ed

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Posted by York1 on Tuesday, February 22, 2022 7:34 PM

Mister Beasley, that's a little scary, isn't it?

A year ago, someone dug through some fiber cables here, and our town went back to the 1980s.  It's kind of worrisome that we are so dependent on something like that.

York1 John       

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