Yes, we should post pictures of progress for sure.
This sounds like a lot of fun, and I hope this thread gets updated a lot.
I will not be joining in, but I will be following along. Model Railroading is not happening for me right now.
Living the dream.
Welcome on board Simon and John.
It is just a bit of lite-hearted fun. No prizes. Just the satisfaction of getting that niggling little 'job' done that has been put off and put off.
My 'little job' is a small section between Clarence Dock and the rest of the layout. I have ordered some backscene pictures. I thought they would have arrived today, but like everything here in the UK thinga are running behind.
To the world you are someone. To someone you are the world
I cannot afford the luxury of a negative thought
I have a layout that is only a little over two years old, with many sections that are planned to be finished, and I have a good idea what I will do for them. However, one section I really don't know what I want there.
This may challenge me to come up with something.
This is a good thread on the forum for me. Thanks, NorthBrit.
York1 John
Ok, sign me up. I'm more of a turtle than a hare in these things, but hey, it's just for fun and a great excuse to show the results. I just started a coaling tower, so the timing is good.
Welcome on board Ed and Randy. Interesting work to be done by both of you.
For anyone else thinking of joining in, please do. it is just to get the things done that you have put off and put off again.
Well, since I actually got some stuff done yesterday on the benchwork (all verticals in place now on the yard side of the wall, and enough support blocks that I hung the next section of backdrop on the lower level), I am goign to challenge myself to get all of the wall mounted parts, including the backdrops, finished (including painting) by the end of next Sunday. That's pushing it - they need to be sanded, screw holes and seams spackled, sanded again, then 2 coats of primer and a coat of my sky blue. But I am itching to start putting down some track. I made a list of what I need to get to run the main down the outside of the yard, around the turnback, and up past what will be the city area. But after the backdrops are done, I need to make my arms by cutting up a couple of sheets of plywood, before the subroadbed can be cut out and placed on top of that.
Modeling the Reading Railroad in the 1950's
Visit my web site at for construction updates, DCC Info, and more.
NorthBritA freshen up of the layout.
OK, I'll jump in
I began my present layout in 1995. Just the other night I looked at 'no-man's land' here between the back shop and main line coal tower. It has been bare plywood for twenty-five years
Ready-track-east by Edmund, on Flickr
Why do I procrastinate like this? Hummm?
The photos show cork sheet being filled in to level the surrounding ground and I reduced the base on the Tichy water tower. The box car will be "weathered" and used as a tool shed. The horizontal tank will be for chemical treatment of the water. I need to build a pump house, some various tool sheds, oil house and maybe a crew shanty in there. Lights for the inspection pit. Details for the ash dump, walkways and workers.
The list goes on
Ready-track by Edmund, on Flickr
Here we go!
Cheers, Ed
Take a look at 'the to do list' and do it.
The kit that hasn't been built.
The partly finished model.
A freshen up of the layout.
etc etc etc.
It has been mentioned people are becoming deflated. It is because of Covid 19.
As a pick-me-up a mini-competition is arranged.
The idea is to make something for or do something to the layout.
No matter how small or large, it is up to you.
To start --
My entry will be the backscene for Clarence Dock
Post your entry on here for all to see.
A little bit of 'fun' to get us back on track.
Closing date 14th November.
Happy modeling.