PaulJL... and fed into JMRI Operations Pro.
This itself brings up a potential issue, as Java itself has been appreciably deprecated, and if it is to continue to be supported in the MR community (and I think it clearly should be) it would make sense to 'fork' it or even develop a Linux-style open-source clone or interpreter and standardize further platform development around that.
In this age of high-speed, ultra-low-power electronics it is very easy both to code new functionality and provide essentially perfect emulation if any tired old DCC-style standard for wireless implementation. Likewise providing polyspectral radio access would have been an expensive thing to provide if it had to be designed and fabbed only for the model-railroad market -- when you have not only other forms of RC models but popular 'entertainment and communication' devices subsidizing the cost of appropriate cores, we can start asking 'why not the best?' without having too many hard sectional battles about whether there has to be a hard One True Meaning of 'best' in the hobby.