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So, how has this virus affected you. Locked

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Posted by SeeYou190 on Tuesday, April 21, 2020 7:42 PM

Still haven't received my order I placed with MBKlein nearly two weeks ago, but it says that it has been shipped. Not worried, I placed another order today.

It took a long time to receive the order I placed with MB Klein 4-5 weeks ago.

What bothered me about the whole thing was I paid an extra $50.00 for two day delivery, and they did not ship it for over a week. Then it was just USPS Priority Service that they would have done for free.

Oh well, all's well that ends well in these days.


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Posted by rrebell on Tuesday, April 21, 2020 10:59 PM

Well evening folks.  I will try and comment on all the things I read since my last post. One mentioned eathquakes, personally I love them but then I live in the bay area. When a big one hits a whole lot of people leave the state making opertunitys for those that stay. I an a contraian investor so I thrive when the apple cart gets upset. Just heard from my broker and only down 7% and the dividends are still there. I spend alot less than before, ussially my monthly cc bill is $1400 or so and is down more than half (would have been even lower but I had to get building materials for railroad). All I am allowed to say here about the virus is we will see who was right or wrong when it is all over. Had a major mistake show up on my railroad project today. I forgot to lay track on one leg under a mountain, just a small section but still it was harder to install partially covered over. As far as food storage, I ussually have a full pantry as I stock up on items when they are on sale (wish I could do that with perisables). People out here are really starting to get on each others nerves. 

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Posted by SeeYou190 on Tuesday, April 21, 2020 11:08 PM

Florida Covid Effects:

Here in Florida we have a severe Python problem. Hunters are now paid by the state to hunt and kill pythons year round.

Now, one of these hunters is making Coronavirus facemasks made of genuine Florida Python hide for $20.00!

And also...

A septogenarian man in Florida got into an argument with his son about the Coronavirus, and he admits it involved a few beers, and shot him in the leg.

[News link removed]


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Posted by "JaBear" on Tuesday, April 21, 2020 11:09 PM

It took a long time to receive the order I placed with MB Klein 4-5 weeks ago.

Geee!! Unless it’s an essential item, ie medicine, there have been no parcel deliveries here, for the past month.
Lock down means lock down, not living in Disneyland!

"One difference between pessimists and optimists is that while pessimists are more often right, optimists have far more fun."

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Posted by SeeYou190 on Tuesday, April 21, 2020 11:13 PM

Geee!! Unless it’s an essential item, ie medicine, there have been no parcel deliveries here, for the past month.

I can have anything delivered. My new shower head and tub drain valve assembly showed up today. My thin-set hammer bits will be here tomorrow. Brass signals, craft beer, flex track, anything.


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Posted by hon30critter on Tuesday, April 21, 2020 11:40 PM

Unless it’s an essential item, ie medicine, there have been no parcel deliveries here, for the past month.

Hi JaBear,

We are still getting deliveries to the house. Everything has to be prepaid so there is no direct interaction with the delivery person. They just ring the doorbell and by the time we get to the door the delivery person is already back in their van. We had a pizza delivered a few days ago and they did the same thing, but they also put the pizza box on a small cardboard support so it wasn't sitting directly on the ground. I thought that was a nice touch.

We also have curbside pickup at our hardware and building supply stores, and in some cases people are still allowed to go into the stores to shop, albeit in very limited numbers.

Ontario's Covid-19 numbers are starting to flatten out in the general population. The actual numbers of cases and deaths is actually below the best case scenarios that were predicted a month ago so the prevention measures seem to be working. I'm sure that if the delivery people and retailers were being infected in disproportionate numbers then things would be tightened up.

Unfortunately the losses in our long term care facilities are far exceeding the projections. The numbers are horrific. I'm so glad that Dianne has retired from the business.

The unfortunate news from our local Health Dept. is that we can probably expect to have to adhere to various levels of social distancing for the next 2 1/2 years.Grumpy


I'm just a dude with a bad back having a lot of fun with model trains, and finally building a layout!

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Posted by BATMAN on Wednesday, April 22, 2020 1:01 AM

We are in good shape in B.C. Hospitals are at 68% capacity and I.C.U.s are at 43% capacity and they are ready for what may come. We know many that work in the medical system and it is a nervous waiting game, like waiting for an enemy attack and not knowing when or if it will come.

The hockey equipment manufacturers have been pumping out P.P.E. at a high rate for the medical staff and the cupboards appear to have been topped up for the most part. When this thing landed all the old ventilators that were put in the basement of the hospitals for a situation just like this were brought out and serviced and are ready to go. Things are calm enough right now that we have been able to talk to friends and family that work in the hospitals. Two of them we see on the news on a regular basis. They still won't go home to their kids as they say it is a horrible disease and they won't go anywhere near them just incase. They say it is like watching a person drowning for a week, fortunately they can induce them into a coma when ventilator time comes.

And on that happy note, where is my glue, a water tower awaits.

The wife has been making mask out of all her old scrubs, they all have little animals on them. She has even sewed in a small metal band to pinch around the nose, they are awesome.

Stay home and stay safe.


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Posted by Tinplate Toddler on Wednesday, April 22, 2020 1:36 AM

Aside from the fact, that, with the borders closed, we cannot go house hunting in the country of our choice and thus have already missed quite a few opportunities, our life has not changed much since the outbreak of the pandemic. We have never been the people who go out a lot. Actually, since the supply of toilet paper seems to have stabilized, life is nearly like it was previously. There are still some shortages, mainly concerning seasonal vegetables, due to the lack of people available for the harvest. Deliveries are normal. Since today, we will have to wear masks when we go shopping. The drawback is, however, there are no masks available, as the ones on stock are reserved for people working in the medical field.

Happy times!

Ulrich (aka The Tin Man)

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Posted by Doughless on Wednesday, April 22, 2020 6:55 AM


We are in good shape in B.C. Hospitals are at 68% capacity and I.C.U.s are at 43% capacity and they are ready for what may come. We know many that work in the medical system and it is a nervous waiting game, like waiting for an enemy attack and not knowing when or if it will come.


Hospital vacancy is one of the reasons our Georgia governor gave for substantially reopening.  A lot of prep went into expecting a NYC style problem that never came (at least not yet).  Due to the high vacancy rates and a lot more empty beds than normal, hospitals are beginning to fail.

We never had a true lockdown.  GA was one of the later states to announce one despite having some of the earliest hot-spots (read about SW GA, Albany), but the lockdown never had a ghost-town type of look.  Our two main intersections that have autos backed up, normally takes two stop light cycles to get through, cars are now able to get through in one cycle.  But there is still a line of cars.

Despite starting late and always having some mobility, our curve is flattening just like everybody else's.

I see people practicing common sense social distancing in all shops.  Businesses have learned how be more sanitary.  Handiwipes are used.  Doors that normally have to be grabbed to be opened are being propped open (of course its springtime here in GA, warm).  

I think what has been most impactful are the teleworking policies companies have implemented.  Teleworking vs crowded cubicles.  We can have a lifting here in GA, but the Governor doesn't make those types of private company policy decisions.  They can continue to use teleworking or not open at all if they don't want to.

- Douglas

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Posted by rrinker on Wednesday, April 22, 2020 7:46 AM

 As the last of my upgrade stuff is supposed to be delivered today, hopefully I can make it all shipshape and be ready to get back to the basement this weekend instead of messing around on the computer.

 First I have to completely clear my desk - I figured if I was replacing an old computer, I might as well do my eyes a favor and upgrade to larger displays as well. Those are out for delivery today so I should be able to get the whole rig set up today.

 We just got another week of stay at home, moved out to May 8 now, so I'll just have to keep on with the brackets and arms for now and save the backdrop for later.



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Posted by mbinsewi on Wednesday, April 22, 2020 8:18 AM

In WI., it was extended to May 26.  Sigh


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Posted by CapnCrunch on Wednesday, April 22, 2020 9:48 AM

Bizarre Covid impact in my neighborhood.  The local nursery has remained open but imposed Social Distancing restrictions.  They monitor the entrance to the parking lot  and only permit so many cars in at one time.  The lot has a capacity for about 25 cars but now only about 10 at a time are allowed.  The result is that people are lined up in the left turn lane and painted median waiting to get in.  With the advent of spring and a lot of cooped up people wanting something to do, the WEEKDAY line to get into the parking lot will sometimes have 12-15 cars stacked up waiting to get into the lot.  The line extends past the end of the painted median into the lane of traffic at a blind curve and is actually rather dangerous.  Who would've thunk it.



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Posted by Doughless on Wednesday, April 22, 2020 10:14 AM


Bizarre Covid impact in my neighborhood.  The local nursery has remained open but imposed Social Distancing restrictions.  They monitor the entrance to the parking lot  and only permit so many cars in at one time.  The lot has a capacity for about 25 cars but now only about 10 at a time are allowed.  The result is that people are lined up in the left turn lane and painted median waiting to get in.  With the advent of spring and a lot of cooped up people wanting something to do, the WEEKDAY line to get into the parking lot will sometimes have 12-15 cars stacked up waiting to get into the lot.  The line extends past the end of the painted median into the lane of traffic at a blind curve and is actually rather dangerous.  Who would've thunk it.



Yeah, you're in CA and I'm in GA, but we seem to have the same ideas of what is "essential".  Around here during our so called lock down except for essentials, the local landscaping nursery is open.

Like yours, no indoor customers.  All orders are placed on line and then the workers come out to load the vehicle.  I'm sure they lose walk up sales but the parking lot remains busy, albeit not nearly as crowded as what you report.

I'll probably call and secure 25 pieces of sod for a side yard project, then pick it up at the outdoor sod area.  Something that I would have done the same way pandemic or not. 

- Douglas

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Posted by rrebell on Wednesday, April 22, 2020 10:49 AM

Mandatory face  masks here. Hardware stores like Home Depot and Lowes are open, always have been. Still a TP shortage here but that didn't affect me except having to store more than ussual but that has come in handy as my extended family live within walking distance and so we all share when people run out of stuff and we have all been together from the start too so no social distancing required there. I tested my track that I forgot with rooling stock only and it is fine, will proubly test power later.


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Posted by SeeYou190 on Wednesday, April 22, 2020 11:56 AM

Sorry about posting the news story link, I did not know that was a violation of rules.

Tomorrow I can go to the beach again, but I cannot drive there because while they re-opened the beaches, the beach parking lots and public bathrooms will remained closed.

We would need to park in a shopping center about a mile from the beach, and ride a trolley shuttle over the bridge to the beach.

All while maintaining social distancing on the trolley shuttle.



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Posted by Doughless on Wednesday, April 22, 2020 12:14 PM



Still haven't received my order I placed with MBKlein nearly two weeks ago, but it says that it has been shipped. Not worried, I placed another order today.


It took a long time to receive the order I placed with MB Klein 4-5 weeks ago.

What bothered me about the whole thing was I paid an extra $50.00 for two day delivery, and they did not ship it for over a week. Then it was just USPS Priority Service that they would have done for free.

Oh well, all's well that ends well in these days.



Just received my MB Klein order.  So it was actually 12 days from when I ordered.  Seems reasonable to me under the conditions.  I've got the time.

- Douglas

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Posted by SeeYou190 on Wednesday, April 22, 2020 12:16 PM

Just received my MB Klein order. So it was actually 12 days from when I ordered. Seems reasonable to me under the conditions. I've got the time.

I think that is how long my order took.

On the plus side, the picking was accurate, the order was 100% complete, and everything was packed well for shipment.


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Posted by kbaker329 on Wednesday, April 22, 2020 12:48 PM

I received an order from M.B. Klein a week ago.  It took 8 days from order placement to arrive.  I didn't think that was bad at all!  Train wise, the M.B. Klein order restocked my depleted supply of Intermountain wheelsets and air hoses and an order from Accurail allowed me to put several cars on the rails.  My personal goal is for each car to have the Kadee air hose snipped, add a better looking air hose, cut levers and brake detail when it will be noticeable.  It really bothered me to run my 50 year old BB cars with my Intermountain/Red Caboose/etc. more detailed kits.  I also weather each car to some degree.  I draw the line on replacing each grab iron, stirrup, walkway, etc.  To each their own!

I'm in Missouri (St. Louis area).  My work has been considered essential due to being in the energy business so I have been going to work like normal with zero interruptions.  My wife stays home with the family so our only changes have been a spring break that never ended for my son and no shopping/family visits/going out to eat.  The family visits are definitely the hardest to deal with but video chat helps.  

Stay safe out there!


HO scale modeling N&W and Union Pacific, somewhere in Missouri between 1940 & 1990!
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Posted by riogrande5761 on Wednesday, April 22, 2020 2:02 PM


I received an order from M.B. Klein a week ago.  It took 8 days from order placement to arrive.  I didn't think that was bad at all!

Maybe five days ago, MBK was reporting shipments going out 7 days after order.

Yesterday I noticed it was updated to 8 days from order to shipping.

Today, April 22: "We are shipping orders placed on April 14th" so still 8 days turn-around.

My most recent order was placed on the 16th, so should ship on the 24th at this rate.

My previous order was placed on March 18 and shipped on the 21st, so only a 5 day delay - not much more time than normal.  I don't recall if the COVID-19 status has kicked in yet.

I'm getting close to laying track and forgot I needed some Peco insulated joiners and at this point due to wait time, it made more sense to order a few packs off Ebay as turn around is much quicker.  Shipping was only $3.50 as well so possibly cheaper for a small order like that

  Train wise, the M.B. Klein order restocked my depleted supply of Intermountain wheelsets and air hoses and an order from Accurail allowed me to put several cars on the rails.  My personal goal is for each car to have the Kadee air hose snipped, add a better looking air hose, cut levers and brake detail when it will be noticeable.  It really bothered me to run my 50 year old BB cars with my Intermountain/Red Caboose/etc. more detailed kits.  I also weather each car to some degree.  I draw the line on replacing each grab iron, stirrup, walkway, etc.  To each their own!

Yes, for sure.  I leave on the Kadee glad hands so I can have the option to use them if I wish.  If I cut off hundreds of glad hands and changed my mind, yeah, that would be an expensive and time consuming project to reverse.

Anyway, since Kadee has shut down production for who knows how long, so I went ahead and ordered a couple of 50 pair bulk packs, which I need anyway, that way if they get short in supply at shops, and it takes Kadee a while to fill a back log of orders (including Chinese factory orders to complete RTR cars), I'll have them on hand.  You know, like toilet paper, there might be a rush on Kadee's!

I'm in Missouri (St. Louis area).  My work has been considered essential due to being in the energy business so I have been going to work like normal with zero interruptions.  My wife stays home with the family so our only changes have been a spring break that never ended for my son and no shopping/family visits/going out to eat.  The family visits are definitely the hardest to deal with but video chat helps.

My work is also considered mission critical so I am working 40 hours/week as before, but some of that time is in-office and some telework.  My wife is a nanny but is still being paid even though she is at home now for several weeks and may be for another few weeks.  She is working on all kinds of house projects and talking to me a lot so it's a challenge to do my work often.  I've heard tensions are on the rise with some folks who are stuck at home together when normally they are at work.  It it is a challenge at times.

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Posted by SeeYou190 on Wednesday, April 22, 2020 3:17 PM

've heard tensions are on the rise with some folks who are stuck at home together when normally they are at work.

I have 100% enjoyed all this alone time with my wife. 32 years together and she is still my best friend.

I am so jealous of the people with little kids at home too. If my first two were 12 and 2 when this happened, or the last two were 12 and 5, I would be so happy.

I watch Jimmy Fallon at night, and he seems lucky with two little girls and a wife all to himself. I must admit that I am jealous.

Being at home with a teenager that really needed to get out with their friends would be much more difficult.


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Posted by rrebell on Thursday, April 23, 2020 9:54 AM

Morning all. Power tested the track in the tunnel and did  better work than normal, all went well. Working on tunnel liners now. Did a few experiments, didn't like the foam but using caulk worked well (didn't want to break out the plaster stuff for this as for the most part it won't be seen). Tested paint samples too, fiqued I would not go total black, maybe add some grey and brown.

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Posted by mbinsewi on Thursday, April 23, 2020 11:00 AM

Directly related to the pandemic:  Amtrak has shut down all Hiawatha route (Milwaukee to Chicago) trains, and now runs 2 buses, that stop at all stations, except for one in IL.


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Posted by BATMAN on Thursday, April 23, 2020 11:31 AM

We would need to park in a shopping center about a mile from the beach, and ride a trolley shuttle over the bridge to the beach. All while maintaining social distancing on the trolley shuttle.

Can you park at the shopping centre and walk to the beach or take your bikes and ride from there. Bicycle use has gone through the roof here as no body wants to get on a bus. 


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Posted by richhotrain on Thursday, April 23, 2020 11:33 AM

I have decided to test all of the people on my layout for COVID-19.

Anyone know where I can acquire the tests?   Huh?


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Posted by maxman on Thursday, April 23, 2020 11:39 AM


I have decided to test all of the people on my layout for COVID-19.

Anyone know where I can acquire the tests?   Huh?


All the self test kits were shipped out and should have gone to your layout residents directly.  Have they checked their mailboxes?

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Posted by tstage on Thursday, April 23, 2020 11:47 AM

I think that was contingent on whether they completed the 2020 census.  You may have to go door-to-door, Rich...

Time...It marches on...without ever turning around to see if anyone is even keeping in step.

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Posted by BATMAN on Thursday, April 23, 2020 11:53 AM

And don't forget the swabs that work on your tugboat, no one nose who they have been stickin around with.Pirate


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Posted by richhotrain on Thursday, April 23, 2020 11:57 AM

Duuno, even if I can come by the test kits, where am I going to send the tests for analysis. Are they any HO scale labs around?



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Posted by kbaker329 on Thursday, April 23, 2020 12:23 PM

Yes, for sure.  I leave on the Kadee glad hands so I can have the option to use them if I wish.  If I cut off hundreds of glad hands and changed my mind, yeah, that would be an expensive and time consuming project to reverse.

It was definitely something that I thought about before doing!  My layout is small enough that I use a shish-kabob stick for uncoupling rather than magnets so I decided to move forward!

My work is also considered mission critical so I am working 40 hours/week as before, but some of that time is in-office and some telework.  My wife is a nanny but is still being paid even though she is at home now for several weeks and may be for another few weeks.  She is working on all kinds of house projects and talking to me a lot so it's a challenge to do my work often.  I've heard tensions are on the rise with some folks who are stuck at home together when normally they are at work.  It it is a challenge at times.

I've found that I have to isolate from the family if I truly want to get a lot done in a short amount of time when I've worked from home in the past, not that I've done a lot of it.  My biggest problem is being gone all day for work and then trying to sneak off to the train room at room without having the family getting upset!

HO scale modeling N&W and Union Pacific, somewhere in Missouri between 1940 & 1990!
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Posted by BATMAN on Thursday, April 23, 2020 12:26 PM

Are they any HO scale labs around?

I don't have an HO scale Lab, just this mutt that hangs around the station peeing on everything.Smile, Wink & Grin


"All of the world's problems are the result of the difference between how we think and how the world works."

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