I do appologize if i missed the story, but what is the Gern company? Seams to be everywhere here
A pessimist sees a dark tunnel
An optimist sees the light at the end of the tunnel
A realist sees a frieght train
An engineer sees three idiots standing on the tracks stairing blankly in space
It is a popular industry. I'll leave the complete Gern story to it's founder, and creator, the esteemed Dr. Wayne.
My You Tube
If I am not wrong, GERN is the NASDAQ code for the Geron Corporation, a late-stage clinical biopharmaceutical company.
Happy times!
Ulrich (aka The Tin Man)
"You´re never too old for a happy childhood!"
Shane, GERN (always all caps, as it's an acronym, created after the fact, for Gibson's Extraordinary Remedial Naturalized)...plus Flux, which is the basis for all GERN products. Here's one of the older adds...
It's a bit of a goofy product dating from the mid-'50s when my brother and I played table hockey. We each had several teams, with all players assigned names. We also kept scoring and goaltending records, held play-offs, etc., etc.
One of his star players was named Cookie Gibson (later known as Charles "Cookie" Gibson, who, according to my younger and more inventive brother, was a "flux magnate".As we grew-up (sorta) the table hockey was forgotten. However, when I began to build my current layout, I decided that a GERN factory of some sort would be a good traffic generator, and it's certainly lived up to that requirement...
He responded with ads for various GERN products, and continues to crank them out as they come to his fertile (or perhaps fertilised) mind. There are currently over fifty GERN modellers/modelers world-wide, and I send out the new ads to them as my brother creates them.
Tinplate ToddlerIf I am not wrong, GERN is the NASDAQ code for the Geron Corporation, a late-stage clinical biopharmaceutical company.
Yes, Mr. Gibson is having a lawsuit prepared to address that situation, and another for the Gilman Paper Company, re: freight car reporting marks.
Mr. Gibson has extremely deep pockets (his assets, in comparison to those of his close friend, Mr. Bezos, would relegate the latter to the poorhouse).
I can't wait for this documantary to be covered on Frontline.
Last night they had 2 hrs. each on Mr. Bezos and Mark Zuckerburg.
I'm a little surprised we haven't seen some protests in Washington, DC, against GERN, as it is a part of big pharma.
Where's Jane Fonda been on this topic?
York1 John
I do not know if Wayne counted me as one of the GERN modelers, but my GERN fleet is growing.
Living the dream.
SeeYou190I do not know if Wayne counted me as one of the GERN modelers, but my GERN fleet is growing.
Hmmmm..we haven't talked about GERN modelers yet, but I assume you have received orders and the proper documentation to be building hoppers for GERN?
There IS another layout in here that has a large GERN facilities, I just tried to find, with no luck, as of yet!.
I don't consider myself a "whistle blower", but I'm sure Dr. Wayne is unaware of this, and I only hope that Mr. Gibson has given authority for this expansion.
I will keep looking. I posted in his thread a few days ago, shocked that he had a GERN facility.
Well, I guess this GERN ARG is no more harmful than trading those model railroad layout passes that used to be popular up till the '70s or so...
I found the thread, scroll all most to the bottom until you get to my post, open up the picture link in the post above mine.
Dr. Wayne, I'm only trying to help, and make you aware of this unprecidented expansion.
No problem, Mike, as he is on the list of GERNies.
OK, Thank God, I thought maybe Rich had instigated a hostile tackover in an attempt to gain control of Bertrams.
mbinsewi OK, Thank God, I thought maybe Rich had instigated a hostile tackover in an attempt to gain control of Bertrams. Mike.
You gotta' watch those Lawyer's.............especially, who they golf with.......LOL,LOL.
Take Care!
At least it isn't spelled "Gurn"
Alton Junction
It doesn't have a modern day counter part does it?
my first thought when i read the ad was late 1800's snake oil company.
NVSRRIt doesn't have a modern day counter part does it?
"One difference between pessimists and optimists is that while pessimists are more often right, optimists have far more fun."
the reporting numbers having been allocated by DrWayne.
I need to get with Wayne and get reporting numbers for my two covered hoppers so they can be finished.
AH, something to do with those foobie covered hoppers I have lettered for Reading with 50's dates. Totally wrong car that they had none of in the 1950's. I can strip the lettering and make them GERN cars.
Just wondering - which model train company did GERN take over in the 70's when all the big conglomerates were being formed? Like General Mills and Lionel, or Consolidated Foods and Tyco. Heck, I watched a video of 70's commercials on YouTube and there was ITT selling BREAD!
Modeling the Reading Railroad in the 1950's
Visit my web site at www.readingeastpenn.com for construction updates, DCC Info, and more.
rrinker Heck, I watched a video of 70's commercials on YouTube and there was ITT selling BREAD!
Heck, I watched a video of 70's commercials on YouTube and there was ITT selling BREAD!
Does Gern have any plant switchers?
NVSRR Does Gern have any plant switchers?
I'd thought about using this Tyco/Mantua switcher, but it was never a good runner...
The home road usually has a locomotive on-hand for in-plant switching...
...and often leases locomotives from interchange partners like the CNR...
...as GERN Industries is the road's largest shipper by-far.
GERN modellers are free to model GERN in a manner which suits their layout best, but hopefully keeping the whimsical nature of the concept in mind, too.A friend in Texas, has, as far as I know, the largest GERN factory around and also the largest single roster of GERN cars, too, at 31 with GILX reporting marks and another 6 leased covered hoppers in flux service.
My model of the GERN instsallation represents about 1/3 of the supposed facility, and is only a bit over 6' long, while the flux mine, unseen and unmodelled, is under Lake Erie, extending out several miles - based on the salt mine at Goderich, Ontario.
Of course, if you don't have enough room for a GERN factory, simply have it located "elsewhere".
doctorwayneOf course, if you don't have enough room for a GERN factory, simply have it located "elsewhere".
chutton01What were the late 1990s GERN advertising slogans again...
Well, this one has been universal since GERN's creation....
...but depending on the particular product offered, can be something totally different. Here are a couple examples...
DoctorWayne, thanks for the fun stuff!
chutton01 ...until the late 1990s when it is acquired by a large, well known corporation...Enron....Oops.After the Enron bankruptcy in 2001, GERN facilities around the land were shuttered in a similar fashion as the (real-world former) Garden State Paper plant in Garfield NJ....
My Friday was greeted by this temporarily unsettling news. Only then did my wits kick in (they generally are rather delayed in the morning). GERN certainly must remain as a viable and thriving concern.
I understand that the supposed purchase of GERN by Enron, and its attendant corporate collapse, will be found to have been an elaborate but unsurprising contrivance. My late Uncle George informed me of this colossal ruse by a letter found in his desk after his untimely passing in 2017 under suspicious circumstances. The entire enterprise appears to have arisen as a result of the excavation near Hell, Michigan of a sample of what was purported to be an extensive deposit of flux that was superior in all respects that that found under Lake Erie. A hurried investment scheme was launched that captured hundreds of millions of "lazy" American and Canadian dollars and yielded the shuffling of the ownership of a number of ill-managed and unsuspecting corporations. That newly-discovered material turned out to be an inferior grade of kevonite that did not phosphoresce under black light. This largely unknown sham resulted not only in the shuttering of counterfeit GERN facilities, but initially tipped the feds into their Enron investigation. The rest is, as my Army buddies say, histoire.
Sadly, I have lost Uncle George's letter. But I have been to Hell on a number of occasions since childhood - and have pictures (somewhere) to prove it.
Thanks for your input, John.
GERN modellers can tailor GERN to their own needs, but I leave the rest to my brother, the creator of the concept (and also holder of the copyright for all GERN advertising material).
Use and enjoy it to suit your own preferences.
AttuvianI understand that the supposed purchase of GERN by Enron, and its attendant corporate collapse, will be found to have been an elaborate but unsurprising contrivance. My late Uncle George informed me of this colossal ruse by a letter found in his desk after his untimely passing in 2017 under suspicious circumstances. The entire enterprise appears to have arisen as a result of the excavation near Hell, Michigan of a sample of what was purported to be an extensive deposit of flux that was superior in all respects that that found under Lake Erie. A hurried investment scheme was launched that captured hundreds of millions of "lazy" American and Canadian dollars and yielded the shuffling of the ownership of a number of ill-managed and unsuspecting corporations. That newly-discovered material turned out to be an inferior grade of kevonite that did not phosphoresce under black light. This largely unknown sham resulted not only in the shuttering of counterfeit GERN facilities, but initially tipped the feds into their Enron investigation. The rest is, as my Army buddies say, histoire.
chutton01 We Await Silent Tristero's Empire...
We Await Silent Tristero's Empire...
Indeed. Pynchon lives!