QUOTE: Originally posted by selector I have already made several of 'your' trees, and they truly are first class. They are virtually foolproof.
QUOTE: Originally posted by pavariangoo P.S -Aggro , Do you do weathering? The picture in all your posts looks like it's been weathered well. Pavariangoo
"Being misunderstood is the fate of all true geniuses"
Brought to you by the letters C.P.R. as well as D&H!
K1a - all the way
QUOTE: Originally posted by JPM335 Ive gotta try this. I already have my own technique for deciduos <(oh my go***he spelling![xx(]) trees. but a few conifers would look good on my new layout. Thanks for the tip.
JPM335 wrote:Ive gotta try this. I already have my own technique for deciduos <(oh my go***he spelling!) trees. but a few conifers would look good on my new layout. Thanks for the tip.
Excellent work Aggro, but Joe, feel free to join in. What's your technique for deciduous trees ? Would like to see and an 'Aggrotutorial' would be great !
Heres a bunch of them in the background.
Hang on while I get some photos of my 'hairnet trees'.
VulcanCCIT wrote:when you say airbrush them, would that just be spray paint? Can you use actual treek twigs instead of skewers?
Airbrush paints or spray cans, either way. The point is to make the skeletons & trunk a natural shade, not blue.
AggroJones wrote: Heres a bunch of them in the background.Hang on while I get some photos of my 'hairnet trees'.
What's that big handsome brute on the rails?!!!
Great photo, Aggro. Trees,...well, what needs saying?
Heres a few hairnet trees. Some are built from flowers (species unknown) and a little wadded polly fiber added to give it some body, the covered with random sized cut up pieces of hairnet. These are cheap hairnets too. The disposable kind used in fast food resturaunts. Hit with much hairspray, flocked, then hit some more.
You make a mean lookin' tree there Aggro!
Thanks for the great thread!
Trees, Glorious Trees! (like the kid singing from "Oliver")
Best thread ever!
Dan Stokes
My other car is a tunnel motor