Currently I'm building a NS slug number 804. Dunno if this slug is still lugging for NS or not. Liked it from the start.
I started the build using an old Athearn SD-9 dummy. Cut the hood off of the SD-9 sill. Used a old Atlas RS-11 shell for the Alco hood ends. That's as far as I've gotten.
Kinda scary cutting the shells for the first time. You get one chance NOT to screw it up. So far so good.
Let's see your custom built Slug units !
Fear an Ignorant Man more than a Lion- Turkish proverb
Modeling an ficticious HO scale intergrated Scrap Yard & Steel Mill Melt Shop.
Southland Industrial Railway or S.I.R for short. Enterchanging with Norfolk Southern.
This is B&M slug 100. I started with an Athearn BB dummy GP-7. (B&M used an old GP-9, a scrapper bought from SP) I removed the cab, fuel tank and dynamic brake parts. Then I cut down the hoods to the proper height. I filled the cab, dyno brake and other openings with styrene, sanded the details off, covered the sides with thin styrene and filled with body putty. I added headlight and number board detail parts with MV Product lenses.
BM 100 was a road slug, so I completed the "Slug Set" (as the railfans called it) with a pair of Athearn BB non dynamic GP-40-2s, BM 300 and 301
The slug set lasted well into the Guilford years, and was eventually painted black with the orange strype.
George In Midcoast Maine, 'bout halfway up the Rockland branch
I am not sure this is whta you were looking for...
I am building a three unit transfer locomotive. Two "N/SW-5" locomotive slugs will make up the ends. I have not decided what to place in the middle as a control unit. My original plan was to use an Athearn EMC model 60 "Critter", but I think I might use an electric freight motor. Time will tell.
For now, this project is on the back burner.
>> EDIT << I just realized these are not slugs, but cabless booster units. Sorry.
Living the dream.
SeeYou190I just realized these are not slugs, but cabless booster units. Sorry. . -Kevin
Kevin,If you wished you could turn those calves into slugs by removing the stacks.
Summerset Ry.
"Stay Alert, Don't get hurt Safety First!"
I just realized these are not slugs, but cabless booster units. _______ If you wished you could turn those calves into slugs by removing the stacks.
If you wished you could turn those calves into slugs by removing the stacks.
What makes a booster not a slug besides a stack?
COB Potomac & Northern
Shenandoah Valley
Slugs do not have an engine or generator, thus no need for an exhaust stack. They get their power from the mother unit through heavy electrical cables.
Mark Vinski
For slug BM100, B&M basically stripped out everything above the walkways from that GP-9 leaving the traction motors and some basic controls. I have heard (not confirmed) that the hood area was filled with concrete blocks to add weight that was lost with the removal of the diesel, generator, and other stuff.
Calves or boosters are similar to the B units that you would see with the EMD E and F diesels, basically a complete diesel loco without engineers controls and workstation.
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G PaineI have heard (not confirmed) that the hood area was filled with concrete blocks to add weight that was lost with the removal of the diesel, generator, and other stuff.
That is correct, 100 (and just about every other slug) was filled with concrete as ballast. This is one of the blocks from the 100, which is still in the E. Deerfield yard.
Modeling whatever I can make out of that stash of kits that takes up half my apartment's spare bedroom.
Thanks Bundy74, I had envisioned dozens of solid concrete blocks the size of cinder block - that block is huge!
Very nice work on those CP units Mark! I don't have any slugs or calfs, but I really like the modeling concept. There doesn't seem to be much that is commercially available on claf and/or slug units, I always like to see what others do when you can't buy what you want.
I also like the B&M unit, very nicely done George!. But, tell me, are those units motorized or are they dummies?
The GP40-2s are powered, the slug is a dummy
Thanks for the info of slugs vs calves
Nice work, fellows, especially Mark R!
This is my slug, one of the hazards of night railroading. Fortunately, I saw it in the dim light and it then slithered (slimed?) off the track...
Mike Lehman
Urbana, IL
Bundy74 G Paine I have heard (not confirmed) that the hood area was filled with concrete blocks to add weight that was lost with the removal of the diesel, generator, and other stuff. That is correct, 100 (and just about every other slug) was filled with concrete as ballast. This is one of the blocks from the 100, which is still in the E. Deerfield yard.
G Paine I have heard (not confirmed) that the hood area was filled with concrete blocks to add weight that was lost with the removal of the diesel, generator, and other stuff.
Alton Junction
dragonriversteel Currently I'm building a NS slug number 804. Dunno if this slug is still lugging for NS or not. Liked it from the start. I started the build using an old Athearn SD-9 dummy. Cut the hood off of the SD-9 sill. Used a old Atlas RS-11 shell for the Alco hood ends. That's as far as I've gotten. Kinda scary cutting the shells for the first time. You get one chance NOT to screw it up. So far so good. Let's see your custom built Slug units !
richhotrain dragonriversteel Currently I'm building a NS slug number 804. Dunno if this slug is still lugging for NS or not. Liked it from the start. I started the build using an old Athearn SD-9 dummy. Cut the hood off of the SD-9 sill. Used a old Atlas RS-11 shell for the Alco hood ends. That's as far as I've gotten. Kinda scary cutting the shells for the first time. You get one chance NOT to screw it up. So far so good. Let's see your custom built Slug units ! Just out of curiosity, what type of tool are you using to cut the shell? Rich
Just out of curiosity, what type of tool are you using to cut the shell?
I used a Dremel EZ Lock cutting kit. These come with different cutting wheels thicknesses. Outstandingly well at cutting with precision,like cutting shells. Use to use Dremel cutting disk but they're a bit dangerous. Ez-lock is bullet proof.
I highly recommend picking this Dremel kit up next time your at Wal-Mart or Lowe's. Great tool !
I can only dream of obtaining HO art like you guys have done with your slugs. Wow ! Mine turned out good enough for me. Six make-believe axles of EMD fury sandwiched between two Alco C-628's.
Thank you all for sharing your wonderful models.