APRIL, 2017
Welcome to the April "Show Me Something" thread! This is a place where forum members can post their photos containing a view of the "requested" scene or object.
No "real-life" photos but models only. After 24 hours, if the requested scene is not posted anyone is welcome to make their own submission and make their own request. It's all about having fun!
The Last request for the March "Show Me" was for a crossing.
Here is the NYC "Doodlebug" M-10 at a crossing...
Show me another Doodlebug, RDC or other self-propelled rail car.
gmpullman Show me another Doodlebug, RDC or other self-propelled rail car.
Here is a RDC Budd Car at a grade crossing.
Please show me a B&W photo of anything on your layout.
Modeling CNR in the 50's
Guy PapillonPlease show me a B&W photo of anything on your layout.
I hope a B&W photo taken on a club layout is OK, Guy.
More B&W photos, please.
Cheers, the Bear.
"One difference between pessimists and optimists is that while pessimists are more often right, optimists have far more fun."
More private railroads please.
SouthPennMore private railroads please.
Here's an NW-2 switcher from the Middlefield Central & Terminal, a railroad club I once belonged to:
More free-lance or private lines, please.
Here's a C44-9w, painted for my freelance road, the Great Lakes Central.
When I first came up with the name, I was, at first happy with it, and the concept and story of my freelance bridge line, then while searching around, I found a real Great Lakes Central, in Michigan! It used to be called the Tuscola Saginaw Bay Railway, after buy-outs, and reorganization, now the Great Lakes Central. Oh well, at least the prototype is shades of blue, maybe I can merge, and be the Western division, and bring back the ferry boats.
More freelance and private roads please!
My You Tube
Pictured is a Winchester & Western Alco RS 3 with a string of hoppers. The W & W is a short line owned by the Unimin Corporation for the purpose of hauling sand from its mine in Gore, VA. It connects with CSX.
Please show freelance, private roads or short lines
Don't Ever Give Up
USN Buoy boat on a Lachlan River RR Flat car.
Any more boats or free lanced railroads?
Free Lanced Railroads? Ok, that I can do.
More free lanced railroads please.
Roger Hensley= ECI Railroad - == Railroads of Madison County - =
I always loved cars, trucks, and trains so my favorite model railroad thing is trucks on trains. Here is a pair of UPS trailers on a intermodal flatcat.
Please show me more piggybacks or some double stacks.
Here's some loaded TOFCs.
More piggybacks, please.
Grampys TrainsMore piggybacks, please.
Well, almost piggybacks. How about Flexi-Vans? The only "Double Stacks" on my layout are at the pancake house!
More piggyback, TOFC, containers OR any flat car load, please.
Here is TOFC Piggyback and Private Roadname. Sorry it is not on a layout. Picture taking in a hurry.
Stratton and Gillette TOFC service circa 1954:
The flat car is a Tichy GSC car with scratchbuilt rub rails and Details West hitch and end ramps. The brake wheel is from Utah Pacific. The trailer is from Custom Metal Works. Decals were printed by Rail Graphics. Of course the trucks and couplers are from Kadee.
Show me another specialized duty freight car with some custom modelwork.
Living the dream.
Custom model work on an HOn30 SRRL flatcar with a tractor and 4 row seed drill load. The seed drill was too wide for the narrow gauge flat, so the 2 outer drills were removed and shipped on a framework the shop cobbled together
SHow me another different or interesting load
George In Midcoast Maine, 'bout halfway up the Rockland branch
Here are a few loads!
This is a DUHA Plate Steel load for flatcars.
A pair of Red Caboose Flats with AMB lumber loads.
More different loads please!
Rick Jesionowski
Rule 1: This is my railroad.
Rule 2: I make the rules.
Rule 3: Illuminating discussion of prototype history, equipment and operating practices is always welcome, but in the event of visitor-perceived anacronisms, detail descrepancies or operating errors, consult RULE 1!
Here's a 50' Heavy Duty flatcar with 6-wheel Buckeye trucks. The load is two M40 155mm self-propelled guns (recycled M-4 Sherman carriages). Both the flatcar and the guns are by Roco/Minitanks.
"Shovel all the coal in, gotta keep 'em rolling...." John.
Oh...Show me more Military material or any other loaded flatcars.
Running trains and railfanning. Picture taken from the roof of Tinners Ale.
More favorite layout things please.
To get things moving I'm showing a Spring scene.
Please show your Spring scene.
superbePlease show your Spring scene.
Red and yellow flowers = Spring!
More hints of Spring, please!
Spring along Hammer Creek.
More Spring scenes, please.
Spring in Maine is when folks with motorcycles finaly get back on the road; a scene on the Boothbay Railway Village layout
Show me a spring or summer scene
It's summer year around in my basement.
I like summer. Lets keep summer going.
Arizona Summer has the creek beds dry.....monsoon incoming....
somthing "green"
SWFX wrote, "something "green""
What is better and more "green" than a summer picnic in the park?
More green please.
Remember its your railroad
Track to the BRVRR Website:
It's not summer yet. Here are some evergreens.
Please show me something else green.
Lone Wolf and Santa FePlease show me something else green.
A green transfer caboose. Near a green building, too.
Show me another caboose...
An old MILW caboose, now in MOW service.
Might as well stay with the caboose!