superbe Show me more favorite, or special, freight cars...
Show me more favorite, or special, freight cars...
Those are special to me because they are P2K kits I assembled, painted and decaled after striping the original paint.
Show me more favorite or special freight cars please.
Modeling CNR in the 50's
The Old German Beer Car is one of my favorites for two reasons. First I like the paint scheme and secondly Old German was the first beer I ever drank. Since that first beer I may have emptied the car but I lost count.
Don't Ever Give Up
G PaineShow me your favorite freight car or cars
Not so easy to pick out a favorite... but here's a few of my most colorful!
Just to move things along...
GP38s MEC 251 and 263 are about as big as diesels get on my layuot
Show me your favorite freight car or cars
George In Midcoast Maine, 'bout halfway up the Rockland branch
Baldwin Centipedes, about as big as they get!
More Large Diesels Please!
Rick Jesionowski
Rule 1: This is my railroad.
Rule 2: I make the rules.
Rule 3: Illuminating discussion of prototype history, equipment and operating practices is always welcome, but in the event of visitor-perceived anacronisms, detail descrepancies or operating errors, consult RULE 1!
An SW7 moving cabin cars.
Show me a large diesel, please.
BRVRR Show me more small diesels.
Show me more small diesels.
Amtrak America, 1971-Present.
Middleman wrote: "Show me your smallest diesel power."
This ALCO S3 is as small as diesels get on the BRVRR.
Remember its your railroad
Track to the BRVRR Website:
A train of empties winds upgrade along side the yet-to-be-finished river:
Show me your smallest diesel power.
tbdannyPlease show me more geared and/or narrow gauge steam.
Looks like bucket is back up at last!
An HOn30 critter I kitbashed from an HO Athearn Hustler shell and a Bachmann N scale 70 tonner for Bootbay Railway Village
Show me more narrow gauge
11:30PM EDT Bucket still off, still saying "Be back shortly"
G Paine Looks like Photobucket is down for maintence again!
Looks like Photobucket is down for maintence again!
Looks like it. They were down about 9 hours ago too, when I tried to upload that last photo of mine. I ended up putting it on my DeviantArt and linking it out of there.
The Location: Forests of the Pacific Northwest, OregonThe Year: 1948The Scale: On30The Blog:
Scenery in progress:
This is what will become a creek scene, with BVLC Shay #2 on top of the trestle to give an idea of size.
Please show me more geared and/or narrow gauge steam.
The waterless waterfall on the Bootbay Railway Village layout, taken last spring before the museum opened for the season. Now that the season has ended, we can start work on finishing the scene
Show me more in progress scenery
A just finished shot of my Elevator scene.
Please continue with scenery...
Roger Hensley= ECI Railroad - == Railroads of Madison County - =
Well, here's my backdrop in progress. To be precise, this is the first coat of the underlying colour:
(I'll be tidying up the edges with a paintbrush)
Could you please show me more backdrops in progress?
Scenery in Progress....
An area between the tracks and what will be a small town. This will now be a dairy farm summer pasture.
Looked like this a few weeks back:
Show me more scenery in progress or before and after photos.
Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO
We'll get there sooner or later!
RR_MelMore scenery under construction please.
I have been staring at this bare-plywood in an "orphaned" corner of my layout: This was taken just last week.
Part of the problem was trying to hide the helix and still have access.
Here's an updated view taken last night:
I removed and paneled-over the (inaccessable) shelf and slopped a bit of plaster down! I'm waiting for another rock mould to arrive to continue the blasted face between and over the portals. To be continued...
Show me more scenery-in-progress or some before & after photos.
Well, some one has got to do it so here we go.
Not many if any new topics left, but lets start with scenery in progress.
Please show scenery you are working on.