Jason's correct. Unfortunately it's no longer worth it for scale model locomotive manufacturers to produce non-powered units.
Ironcically this subject has come up in DCC discussions before. A number of DCC-Sound modelers have performed excellent work in utilizing unmotored locomotives as "sound only" units. With the generous amount of space inside of a dummy unit, there's room for larger or multiple speakers. If the DCC-Sound system is properly installed and baffled, the resulting sound is amazingly crisp and clear, especially at low volume. I was amazed when I heard a modeler's sound only F-7B in an MU lashup. It was like listening to a G Scale unit!
Check ebay regularly and you'll still find dummy units from Life Like Proto 2000 and Athearn (old Blue Box).
Below is my dummy P2K E6B in the ACL scheme. Plan is the installation of a LokSound V4 decoder with QSI Hi-Bass speakers.
"I like my Pullman Standards & Budds in Stainless Steel flavors, thank you!"
Correct, Jason Shron did say that recently too. The difference in his costs between a powered unit and one without the motor and gear train isn't a lot, so the final retail price will not change much.
Since there won't be a dramatic difference in price between a dummy unit and a powered one, most customers would opt for a powered unit anyway. So why bother stocking two units?
Broadway Limited offered dummy B units with their A-B sets of recently released Baldwin Sharks. I would have much prefered a powered unit.
I believe Jason Shron of Rapido once commented that the motor and drive components add only a fraction to the production cost but trying to inventory the additional SKUs for dummys was not worth the effort.
Regards, Ed
Why do you want a dummy locomotive?
Just make one by removing the motor drive.
Amtrak America, 1971-Present.
Well, the short answer is "they didn't sell or they'd still be out there." I wonder if the more detailed models mean that more of the manufacturing costs goes to the body rather than the drive these days.
Disclaimer: This post may contain humor, sarcasm, and/or flatulence.
Michael Mornard
Bringing the North Woods to South Dakota!
Any idea why?