If you fella's don't mind, here's a more recent photo of the above p-30a and a friend:
OK, thanks for allowing me to post updated photos... now back to Grampy's request.
That's an interesting conversion. A flat car converted to TOFC, (trailer on flat car.)
Show me another conversion, please.
Is it a freight car? Is it a passenger car?
Here's a former PRR X-31 box car converted to a P-30a troop sleeper. Many were later returned to freight service after the War.
I'll have to update the photo with one that has the lettering applied
Show me a freight car that has been modified or converted in some way.
"One difference between pessimists and optimists is that while pessimists are more often right, optimists have far more fun."
Thanks for starting September. Bob. I was afraid I was going to have to start for 2 months in a row.
George In Midcoast Maine, 'bout halfway up the Rockland branch
Well, we can't let this thread die now can we?
I'm concerned about the originator of this thread, jacon 12 otherwise known as Jarrell. His last post was several months ago and I'm afraid we have lost another excellent modler. I hope and pray not!
Pictured below is a vinegar car labeled National Fruit Products. It is also used for pickles. N F P sells apple products under the brand "White House". Maybe you have seen them on store shelves
Please show us another specialty car.
Don't Ever Give Up